Greasy Fork is available in English.

Sortable JS

Adds sortable js to greasyfork

بۇ قوليازمىنى بىۋاسىتە قاچىلاشقا بولمايدۇ. بۇ باشقا قوليازمىلارنىڭ ئىشلىتىشى ئۈچۈن تەمىنلەنگەن ئامبار بولۇپ، ئىشلىتىش ئۈچۈن مېتا كۆرسەتمىسىگە قىستۇرىدىغان كود: // @require

 * Sortable 1.15.1
 * @author	RubaXa   <>
 * @author	owenm    <>
 * @license MIT
(function (global, factory) {
  typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() :
  typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) :
  (global = global || self, global.Sortable = factory());
}(this, (function () { 'use strict';

  function ownKeys(object, enumerableOnly) {
    var keys = Object.keys(object);
    if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
      var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object);
      if (enumerableOnly) {
        symbols = symbols.filter(function (sym) {
          return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, sym).enumerable;
      keys.push.apply(keys, symbols);
    return keys;
  function _objectSpread2(target) {
    for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
      var source = arguments[i] != null ? arguments[i] : {};
      if (i % 2) {
        ownKeys(Object(source), true).forEach(function (key) {
          _defineProperty(target, key, source[key]);
      } else if (Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors) {
        Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source));
      } else {
        ownKeys(Object(source)).forEach(function (key) {
          Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key));
    return target;
  function _typeof(obj) {
    "@babel/helpers - typeof";

    if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") {
      _typeof = function (obj) {
        return typeof obj;
    } else {
      _typeof = function (obj) {
        return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj;
    return _typeof(obj);
  function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) {
    if (key in obj) {
      Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {
        value: value,
        enumerable: true,
        configurable: true,
        writable: true
    } else {
      obj[key] = value;
    return obj;
  function _extends() {
    _extends = Object.assign || function (target) {
      for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
        var source = arguments[i];
        for (var key in source) {
          if (, key)) {
            target[key] = source[key];
      return target;
    return _extends.apply(this, arguments);
  function _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(source, excluded) {
    if (source == null) return {};
    var target = {};
    var sourceKeys = Object.keys(source);
    var key, i;
    for (i = 0; i < sourceKeys.length; i++) {
      key = sourceKeys[i];
      if (excluded.indexOf(key) >= 0) continue;
      target[key] = source[key];
    return target;
  function _objectWithoutProperties(source, excluded) {
    if (source == null) return {};
    var target = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(source, excluded);
    var key, i;
    if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
      var sourceSymbolKeys = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(source);
      for (i = 0; i < sourceSymbolKeys.length; i++) {
        key = sourceSymbolKeys[i];
        if (excluded.indexOf(key) >= 0) continue;
        if (!, key)) continue;
        target[key] = source[key];
    return target;
  function _toConsumableArray(arr) {
    return _arrayWithoutHoles(arr) || _iterableToArray(arr) || _unsupportedIterableToArray(arr) || _nonIterableSpread();
  function _arrayWithoutHoles(arr) {
    if (Array.isArray(arr)) return _arrayLikeToArray(arr);
  function _iterableToArray(iter) {
    if (typeof Symbol !== "undefined" && iter[Symbol.iterator] != null || iter["@@iterator"] != null) return Array.from(iter);
  function _unsupportedIterableToArray(o, minLen) {
    if (!o) return;
    if (typeof o === "string") return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen);
    var n =, -1);
    if (n === "Object" && o.constructor) n =;
    if (n === "Map" || n === "Set") return Array.from(o);
    if (n === "Arguments" || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)) return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen);
  function _arrayLikeToArray(arr, len) {
    if (len == null || len > arr.length) len = arr.length;
    for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(len); i < len; i++) arr2[i] = arr[i];
    return arr2;
  function _nonIterableSpread() {
    throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.");

  var version = "1.15.1";

  function userAgent(pattern) {
    if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.navigator) {
      return !! /*@__PURE__*/navigator.userAgent.match(pattern);
  var IE11OrLess = userAgent(/(?:Trident.*rv[ :]?11\.|msie|iemobile|Windows Phone)/i);
  var Edge = userAgent(/Edge/i);
  var FireFox = userAgent(/firefox/i);
  var Safari = userAgent(/safari/i) && !userAgent(/chrome/i) && !userAgent(/android/i);
  var IOS = userAgent(/iP(ad|od|hone)/i);
  var ChromeForAndroid = userAgent(/chrome/i) && userAgent(/android/i);

  var captureMode = {
    capture: false,
    passive: false
  function on(el, event, fn) {
    el.addEventListener(event, fn, !IE11OrLess && captureMode);
  function off(el, event, fn) {
    el.removeEventListener(event, fn, !IE11OrLess && captureMode);
  function matches( /**HTMLElement*/el, /**String*/selector) {
    if (!selector) return;
    selector[0] === '>' && (selector = selector.substring(1));
    if (el) {
      try {
        if (el.matches) {
          return el.matches(selector);
        } else if (el.msMatchesSelector) {
          return el.msMatchesSelector(selector);
        } else if (el.webkitMatchesSelector) {
          return el.webkitMatchesSelector(selector);
      } catch (_) {
        return false;
    return false;
  function getParentOrHost(el) {
    return && el !== document && ? : el.parentNode;
  function closest( /**HTMLElement*/el, /**String*/selector, /**HTMLElement*/ctx, includeCTX) {
    if (el) {
      ctx = ctx || document;
      do {
        if (selector != null && (selector[0] === '>' ? el.parentNode === ctx && matches(el, selector) : matches(el, selector)) || includeCTX && el === ctx) {
          return el;
        if (el === ctx) break;
        /* jshint boss:true */
      } while (el = getParentOrHost(el));
    return null;
  var R_SPACE = /\s+/g;
  function toggleClass(el, name, state) {
    if (el && name) {
      if (el.classList) {
        el.classList[state ? 'add' : 'remove'](name);
      } else {
        var className = (' ' + el.className + ' ').replace(R_SPACE, ' ').replace(' ' + name + ' ', ' ');
        el.className = (className + (state ? ' ' + name : '')).replace(R_SPACE, ' ');
  function css(el, prop, val) {
    var style = el &&;
    if (style) {
      if (val === void 0) {
        if (document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle) {
          val = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(el, '');
        } else if (el.currentStyle) {
          val = el.currentStyle;
        return prop === void 0 ? val : val[prop];
      } else {
        if (!(prop in style) && prop.indexOf('webkit') === -1) {
          prop = '-webkit-' + prop;
        style[prop] = val + (typeof val === 'string' ? '' : 'px');
  function matrix(el, selfOnly) {
    var appliedTransforms = '';
    if (typeof el === 'string') {
      appliedTransforms = el;
    } else {
      do {
        var transform = css(el, 'transform');
        if (transform && transform !== 'none') {
          appliedTransforms = transform + ' ' + appliedTransforms;
        /* jshint boss:true */
      } while (!selfOnly && (el = el.parentNode));
    var matrixFn = window.DOMMatrix || window.WebKitCSSMatrix || window.CSSMatrix || window.MSCSSMatrix;
    /*jshint -W056 */
    return matrixFn && new matrixFn(appliedTransforms);
  function find(ctx, tagName, iterator) {
    if (ctx) {
      var list = ctx.getElementsByTagName(tagName),
        i = 0,
        n = list.length;
      if (iterator) {
        for (; i < n; i++) {
          iterator(list[i], i);
      return list;
    return [];
  function getWindowScrollingElement() {
    var scrollingElement = document.scrollingElement;
    if (scrollingElement) {
      return scrollingElement;
    } else {
      return document.documentElement;

   * Returns the "bounding client rect" of given element
   * @param  {HTMLElement} el                       The element whose boundingClientRect is wanted
   * @param  {[Boolean]} relativeToContainingBlock  Whether the rect should be relative to the containing block of (including) the container
   * @param  {[Boolean]} relativeToNonStaticParent  Whether the rect should be relative to the relative parent of (including) the contaienr
   * @param  {[Boolean]} undoScale                  Whether the container's scale() should be undone
   * @param  {[HTMLElement]} container              The parent the element will be placed in
   * @return {Object}                               The boundingClientRect of el, with specified adjustments
  function getRect(el, relativeToContainingBlock, relativeToNonStaticParent, undoScale, container) {
    if (!el.getBoundingClientRect && el !== window) return;
    var elRect, top, left, bottom, right, height, width;
    if (el !== window && el.parentNode && el !== getWindowScrollingElement()) {
      elRect = el.getBoundingClientRect();
      top =;
      left = elRect.left;
      bottom = elRect.bottom;
      right = elRect.right;
      height = elRect.height;
      width = elRect.width;
    } else {
      top = 0;
      left = 0;
      bottom = window.innerHeight;
      right = window.innerWidth;
      height = window.innerHeight;
      width = window.innerWidth;
    if ((relativeToContainingBlock || relativeToNonStaticParent) && el !== window) {
      // Adjust for translate()
      container = container || el.parentNode;

      // solves #1123 (see:
      // Not needed on <= IE11
      if (!IE11OrLess) {
        do {
          if (container && container.getBoundingClientRect && (css(container, 'transform') !== 'none' || relativeToNonStaticParent && css(container, 'position') !== 'static')) {
            var containerRect = container.getBoundingClientRect();

            // Set relative to edges of padding box of container
            top -= + parseInt(css(container, 'border-top-width'));
            left -= containerRect.left + parseInt(css(container, 'border-left-width'));
            bottom = top + elRect.height;
            right = left + elRect.width;
          /* jshint boss:true */
        } while (container = container.parentNode);
    if (undoScale && el !== window) {
      // Adjust for scale()
      var elMatrix = matrix(container || el),
        scaleX = elMatrix && elMatrix.a,
        scaleY = elMatrix && elMatrix.d;
      if (elMatrix) {
        top /= scaleY;
        left /= scaleX;
        width /= scaleX;
        height /= scaleY;
        bottom = top + height;
        right = left + width;
    return {
      top: top,
      left: left,
      bottom: bottom,
      right: right,
      width: width,
      height: height

   * Returns the content rect of the element (bounding rect minus border and padding)
   * @param {HTMLElement} el 
  function getContentRect(el) {
    var rect = getRect(el);
    var paddingLeft = parseInt(css(el, 'padding-left')),
      paddingTop = parseInt(css(el, 'padding-top')),
      paddingRight = parseInt(css(el, 'padding-right')),
      paddingBottom = parseInt(css(el, 'padding-bottom')); += paddingTop + parseInt(css(el, 'border-top-width'));
    rect.left += paddingLeft + parseInt(css(el, 'border-left-width'));
    // Client Width/Height includes padding only
    rect.width = el.clientWidth - paddingLeft - paddingRight;
    rect.height = el.clientHeight - paddingTop - paddingBottom;
    rect.bottom = + rect.height;
    rect.right = rect.left + rect.width;
    return rect;

   * Checks if a side of an element is scrolled past a side of its parents
   * @param  {HTMLElement}  el           The element who's side being scrolled out of view is in question
   * @param  {String}       elSide       Side of the element in question ('top', 'left', 'right', 'bottom')
   * @param  {String}       parentSide   Side of the parent in question ('top', 'left', 'right', 'bottom')
   * @return {HTMLElement}               The parent scroll element that the el's side is scrolled past, or null if there is no such element
  function isScrolledPast(el, elSide, parentSide) {
    var parent = getParentAutoScrollElement(el, true),
      elSideVal = getRect(el)[elSide];

    /* jshint boss:true */
    while (parent) {
      var parentSideVal = getRect(parent)[parentSide],
        visible = void 0;
      if (parentSide === 'top' || parentSide === 'left') {
        visible = elSideVal >= parentSideVal;
      } else {
        visible = elSideVal <= parentSideVal;
      if (!visible) return parent;
      if (parent === getWindowScrollingElement()) break;
      parent = getParentAutoScrollElement(parent, false);
    return false;

   * Gets nth child of el, ignoring hidden children, sortable's elements (does not ignore clone if it's visible)
   * and non-draggable elements
   * @param  {HTMLElement} el       The parent element
   * @param  {Number} childNum      The index of the child
   * @param  {Object} options       Parent Sortable's options
   * @return {HTMLElement}          The child at index childNum, or null if not found
  function getChild(el, childNum, options, includeDragEl) {
    var currentChild = 0,
      i = 0,
      children = el.children;
    while (i < children.length) {
      if (children[i].style.display !== 'none' && children[i] !== Sortable.ghost && (includeDragEl || children[i] !== Sortable.dragged) && closest(children[i], options.draggable, el, false)) {
        if (currentChild === childNum) {
          return children[i];
    return null;

   * Gets the last child in the el, ignoring ghostEl or invisible elements (clones)
   * @param  {HTMLElement} el       Parent element
   * @param  {selector} selector    Any other elements that should be ignored
   * @return {HTMLElement}          The last child, ignoring ghostEl
  function lastChild(el, selector) {
    var last = el.lastElementChild;
    while (last && (last === Sortable.ghost || css(last, 'display') === 'none' || selector && !matches(last, selector))) {
      last = last.previousElementSibling;
    return last || null;

   * Returns the index of an element within its parent for a selected set of
   * elements
   * @param  {HTMLElement} el
   * @param  {selector} selector
   * @return {number}
  function index(el, selector) {
    var index = 0;
    if (!el || !el.parentNode) {
      return -1;

    /* jshint boss:true */
    while (el = el.previousElementSibling) {
      if (el.nodeName.toUpperCase() !== 'TEMPLATE' && el !== Sortable.clone && (!selector || matches(el, selector))) {
    return index;

   * Returns the scroll offset of the given element, added with all the scroll offsets of parent elements.
   * The value is returned in real pixels.
   * @param  {HTMLElement} el
   * @return {Array}             Offsets in the format of [left, top]
  function getRelativeScrollOffset(el) {
    var offsetLeft = 0,
      offsetTop = 0,
      winScroller = getWindowScrollingElement();
    if (el) {
      do {
        var elMatrix = matrix(el),
          scaleX = elMatrix.a,
          scaleY = elMatrix.d;
        offsetLeft += el.scrollLeft * scaleX;
        offsetTop += el.scrollTop * scaleY;
      } while (el !== winScroller && (el = el.parentNode));
    return [offsetLeft, offsetTop];

   * Returns the index of the object within the given array
   * @param  {Array} arr   Array that may or may not hold the object
   * @param  {Object} obj  An object that has a key-value pair unique to and identical to a key-value pair in the object you want to find
   * @return {Number}      The index of the object in the array, or -1
  function indexOfObject(arr, obj) {
    for (var i in arr) {
      if (!arr.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue;
      for (var key in obj) {
        if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key) && obj[key] === arr[i][key]) return Number(i);
    return -1;
  function getParentAutoScrollElement(el, includeSelf) {
    // skip to window
    if (!el || !el.getBoundingClientRect) return getWindowScrollingElement();
    var elem = el;
    var gotSelf = false;
    do {
      // we don't need to get elem css if it isn't even overflowing in the first place (performance)
      if (elem.clientWidth < elem.scrollWidth || elem.clientHeight < elem.scrollHeight) {
        var elemCSS = css(elem);
        if (elem.clientWidth < elem.scrollWidth && (elemCSS.overflowX == 'auto' || elemCSS.overflowX == 'scroll') || elem.clientHeight < elem.scrollHeight && (elemCSS.overflowY == 'auto' || elemCSS.overflowY == 'scroll')) {
          if (!elem.getBoundingClientRect || elem === document.body) return getWindowScrollingElement();
          if (gotSelf || includeSelf) return elem;
          gotSelf = true;
      /* jshint boss:true */
    } while (elem = elem.parentNode);
    return getWindowScrollingElement();
  function extend(dst, src) {
    if (dst && src) {
      for (var key in src) {
        if (src.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
          dst[key] = src[key];
    return dst;
  function isRectEqual(rect1, rect2) {
    return Math.round( === Math.round( && Math.round(rect1.left) === Math.round(rect2.left) && Math.round(rect1.height) === Math.round(rect2.height) && Math.round(rect1.width) === Math.round(rect2.width);
  var _throttleTimeout;
  function throttle(callback, ms) {
    return function () {
      if (!_throttleTimeout) {
        var args = arguments,
          _this = this;
        if (args.length === 1) {
, args[0]);
        } else {
          callback.apply(_this, args);
        _throttleTimeout = setTimeout(function () {
          _throttleTimeout = void 0;
        }, ms);
  function cancelThrottle() {
    _throttleTimeout = void 0;
  function scrollBy(el, x, y) {
    el.scrollLeft += x;
    el.scrollTop += y;
  function clone(el) {
    var Polymer = window.Polymer;
    var $ = window.jQuery || window.Zepto;
    if (Polymer && Polymer.dom) {
      return Polymer.dom(el).cloneNode(true);
    } else if ($) {
      return $(el).clone(true)[0];
    } else {
      return el.cloneNode(true);
  function setRect(el, rect) {
    css(el, 'position', 'absolute');
    css(el, 'top',;
    css(el, 'left', rect.left);
    css(el, 'width', rect.width);
    css(el, 'height', rect.height);
  function unsetRect(el) {
    css(el, 'position', '');
    css(el, 'top', '');
    css(el, 'left', '');
    css(el, 'width', '');
    css(el, 'height', '');
  var expando = 'Sortable' + new Date().getTime();

  function AnimationStateManager() {
    var animationStates = [],
    return {
      captureAnimationState: function captureAnimationState() {
        animationStates = [];
        if (!this.options.animation) return;
        var children = [];
        children.forEach(function (child) {
          if (css(child, 'display') === 'none' || child === Sortable.ghost) return;
            target: child,
            rect: getRect(child)
          var fromRect = _objectSpread2({}, animationStates[animationStates.length - 1].rect);

          // If animating: compensate for current animation
          if (child.thisAnimationDuration) {
            var childMatrix = matrix(child, true);
            if (childMatrix) {
     -= childMatrix.f;
              fromRect.left -= childMatrix.e;
          child.fromRect = fromRect;
      addAnimationState: function addAnimationState(state) {
      removeAnimationState: function removeAnimationState(target) {
        animationStates.splice(indexOfObject(animationStates, {
          target: target
        }), 1);
      animateAll: function animateAll(callback) {
        var _this = this;
        if (!this.options.animation) {
          if (typeof callback === 'function') callback();
        var animating = false,
          animationTime = 0;
        animationStates.forEach(function (state) {
          var time = 0,
            target =,
            fromRect = target.fromRect,
            toRect = getRect(target),
            prevFromRect = target.prevFromRect,
            prevToRect = target.prevToRect,
            animatingRect = state.rect,
            targetMatrix = matrix(target, true);
          if (targetMatrix) {
            // Compensate for current animation
   -= targetMatrix.f;
            toRect.left -= targetMatrix.e;
          target.toRect = toRect;
          if (target.thisAnimationDuration) {
            // Could also check if animatingRect is between fromRect and toRect
            if (isRectEqual(prevFromRect, toRect) && !isRectEqual(fromRect, toRect) &&
            // Make sure animatingRect is on line between toRect & fromRect
            ( - / (animatingRect.left - toRect.left) === ( - / (fromRect.left - toRect.left)) {
              // If returning to same place as started from animation and on same axis
              time = calculateRealTime(animatingRect, prevFromRect, prevToRect, _this.options);

          // if fromRect != toRect: animate
          if (!isRectEqual(toRect, fromRect)) {
            target.prevFromRect = fromRect;
            target.prevToRect = toRect;
            if (!time) {
              time = _this.options.animation;
            _this.animate(target, animatingRect, toRect, time);
          if (time) {
            animating = true;
            animationTime = Math.max(animationTime, time);
            target.animationResetTimer = setTimeout(function () {
              target.animationTime = 0;
              target.prevFromRect = null;
              target.fromRect = null;
              target.prevToRect = null;
              target.thisAnimationDuration = null;
            }, time);
            target.thisAnimationDuration = time;
        if (!animating) {
          if (typeof callback === 'function') callback();
        } else {
          animationCallbackId = setTimeout(function () {
            if (typeof callback === 'function') callback();
          }, animationTime);
        animationStates = [];
      animate: function animate(target, currentRect, toRect, duration) {
        if (duration) {
          css(target, 'transition', '');
          css(target, 'transform', '');
          var elMatrix = matrix(this.el),
            scaleX = elMatrix && elMatrix.a,
            scaleY = elMatrix && elMatrix.d,
            translateX = (currentRect.left - toRect.left) / (scaleX || 1),
            translateY = ( - / (scaleY || 1);
          target.animatingX = !!translateX;
          target.animatingY = !!translateY;
          css(target, 'transform', 'translate3d(' + translateX + 'px,' + translateY + 'px,0)');
          this.forRepaintDummy = repaint(target); // repaint

          css(target, 'transition', 'transform ' + duration + 'ms' + (this.options.easing ? ' ' + this.options.easing : ''));
          css(target, 'transform', 'translate3d(0,0,0)');
          typeof target.animated === 'number' && clearTimeout(target.animated);
          target.animated = setTimeout(function () {
            css(target, 'transition', '');
            css(target, 'transform', '');
            target.animated = false;
            target.animatingX = false;
            target.animatingY = false;
          }, duration);
  function repaint(target) {
    return target.offsetWidth;
  function calculateRealTime(animatingRect, fromRect, toRect, options) {
    return Math.sqrt(Math.pow( -, 2) + Math.pow(fromRect.left - animatingRect.left, 2)) / Math.sqrt(Math.pow( -, 2) + Math.pow(fromRect.left - toRect.left, 2)) * options.animation;

  var plugins = [];
  var defaults = {
    initializeByDefault: true
  var PluginManager = {
    mount: function mount(plugin) {
      // Set default static properties
      for (var option in defaults) {
        if (defaults.hasOwnProperty(option) && !(option in plugin)) {
          plugin[option] = defaults[option];
      plugins.forEach(function (p) {
        if (p.pluginName === plugin.pluginName) {
          throw "Sortable: Cannot mount plugin ".concat(plugin.pluginName, " more than once");
    pluginEvent: function pluginEvent(eventName, sortable, evt) {
      var _this = this;
      this.eventCanceled = false;
      evt.cancel = function () {
        _this.eventCanceled = true;
      var eventNameGlobal = eventName + 'Global';
      plugins.forEach(function (plugin) {
        if (!sortable[plugin.pluginName]) return;
        // Fire global events if it exists in this sortable
        if (sortable[plugin.pluginName][eventNameGlobal]) {
            sortable: sortable
          }, evt));

        // Only fire plugin event if plugin is enabled in this sortable,
        // and plugin has event defined
        if (sortable.options[plugin.pluginName] && sortable[plugin.pluginName][eventName]) {
            sortable: sortable
          }, evt));
    initializePlugins: function initializePlugins(sortable, el, defaults, options) {
      plugins.forEach(function (plugin) {
        var pluginName = plugin.pluginName;
        if (!sortable.options[pluginName] && !plugin.initializeByDefault) return;
        var initialized = new plugin(sortable, el, sortable.options);
        initialized.sortable = sortable;
        initialized.options = sortable.options;
        sortable[pluginName] = initialized;

        // Add default options from plugin
        _extends(defaults, initialized.defaults);
      for (var option in sortable.options) {
        if (!sortable.options.hasOwnProperty(option)) continue;
        var modified = this.modifyOption(sortable, option, sortable.options[option]);
        if (typeof modified !== 'undefined') {
          sortable.options[option] = modified;
    getEventProperties: function getEventProperties(name, sortable) {
      var eventProperties = {};
      plugins.forEach(function (plugin) {
        if (typeof plugin.eventProperties !== 'function') return;
        _extends(eventProperties,[plugin.pluginName], name));
      return eventProperties;
    modifyOption: function modifyOption(sortable, name, value) {
      var modifiedValue;
      plugins.forEach(function (plugin) {
        // Plugin must exist on the Sortable
        if (!sortable[plugin.pluginName]) return;

        // If static option listener exists for this option, call in the context of the Sortable's instance of this plugin
        if (plugin.optionListeners && typeof plugin.optionListeners[name] === 'function') {
          modifiedValue = plugin.optionListeners[name].call(sortable[plugin.pluginName], value);
      return modifiedValue;

  function dispatchEvent(_ref) {
    var sortable = _ref.sortable,
      rootEl = _ref.rootEl,
      name =,
      targetEl = _ref.targetEl,
      cloneEl = _ref.cloneEl,
      toEl = _ref.toEl,
      fromEl = _ref.fromEl,
      oldIndex = _ref.oldIndex,
      newIndex = _ref.newIndex,
      oldDraggableIndex = _ref.oldDraggableIndex,
      newDraggableIndex = _ref.newDraggableIndex,
      originalEvent = _ref.originalEvent,
      putSortable = _ref.putSortable,
      extraEventProperties = _ref.extraEventProperties;
    sortable = sortable || rootEl && rootEl[expando];
    if (!sortable) return;
    var evt,
      options = sortable.options,
      onName = 'on' + name.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + name.substr(1);
    // Support for new CustomEvent feature
    if (window.CustomEvent && !IE11OrLess && !Edge) {
      evt = new CustomEvent(name, {
        bubbles: true,
        cancelable: true
    } else {
      evt = document.createEvent('Event');
      evt.initEvent(name, true, true);
    } = toEl || rootEl;
    evt.from = fromEl || rootEl;
    evt.item = targetEl || rootEl;
    evt.clone = cloneEl;
    evt.oldIndex = oldIndex;
    evt.newIndex = newIndex;
    evt.oldDraggableIndex = oldDraggableIndex;
    evt.newDraggableIndex = newDraggableIndex;
    evt.originalEvent = originalEvent;
    evt.pullMode = putSortable ? putSortable.lastPutMode : undefined;
    var allEventProperties = _objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({}, extraEventProperties), PluginManager.getEventProperties(name, sortable));
    for (var option in allEventProperties) {
      evt[option] = allEventProperties[option];
    if (rootEl) {
    if (options[onName]) {
      options[onName].call(sortable, evt);

  var _excluded = ["evt"];
  var pluginEvent = function pluginEvent(eventName, sortable) {
    var _ref = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {},
      originalEvent = _ref.evt,
      data = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref, _excluded);
    PluginManager.pluginEvent.bind(Sortable)(eventName, sortable, _objectSpread2({
      dragEl: dragEl,
      parentEl: parentEl,
      ghostEl: ghostEl,
      rootEl: rootEl,
      nextEl: nextEl,
      lastDownEl: lastDownEl,
      cloneEl: cloneEl,
      cloneHidden: cloneHidden,
      dragStarted: moved,
      putSortable: putSortable,
      originalEvent: originalEvent,
      oldIndex: oldIndex,
      oldDraggableIndex: oldDraggableIndex,
      newIndex: newIndex,
      newDraggableIndex: newDraggableIndex,
      hideGhostForTarget: _hideGhostForTarget,
      unhideGhostForTarget: _unhideGhostForTarget,
      cloneNowHidden: function cloneNowHidden() {
        cloneHidden = true;
      cloneNowShown: function cloneNowShown() {
        cloneHidden = false;
      dispatchSortableEvent: function dispatchSortableEvent(name) {
          sortable: sortable,
          name: name,
          originalEvent: originalEvent
    }, data));
  function _dispatchEvent(info) {
      putSortable: putSortable,
      cloneEl: cloneEl,
      targetEl: dragEl,
      rootEl: rootEl,
      oldIndex: oldIndex,
      oldDraggableIndex: oldDraggableIndex,
      newIndex: newIndex,
      newDraggableIndex: newDraggableIndex
    }, info));
  var dragEl,
    awaitingDragStarted = false,
    ignoreNextClick = false,
    sortables = [],
    pastFirstInvertThresh = false,
    isCircumstantialInvert = false,
    // For positioning ghost absolutely
    ghostRelativeParentInitialScroll = [],
    // (left, top)

    _silent = false,
    savedInputChecked = [];

  /** @const */
  var documentExists = typeof document !== 'undefined',
    PositionGhostAbsolutely = IOS,
    CSSFloatProperty = Edge || IE11OrLess ? 'cssFloat' : 'float',
    // This will not pass for IE9, because IE9 DnD only works on anchors
    supportDraggable = documentExists && !ChromeForAndroid && !IOS && 'draggable' in document.createElement('div'),
    supportCssPointerEvents = function () {
      if (!documentExists) return;
      // false when <= IE11
      if (IE11OrLess) {
        return false;
      var el = document.createElement('x'); = 'pointer-events:auto';
      return === 'auto';
    _detectDirection = function _detectDirection(el, options) {
      var elCSS = css(el),
        elWidth = parseInt(elCSS.width) - parseInt(elCSS.paddingLeft) - parseInt(elCSS.paddingRight) - parseInt(elCSS.borderLeftWidth) - parseInt(elCSS.borderRightWidth),
        child1 = getChild(el, 0, options),
        child2 = getChild(el, 1, options),
        firstChildCSS = child1 && css(child1),
        secondChildCSS = child2 && css(child2),
        firstChildWidth = firstChildCSS && parseInt(firstChildCSS.marginLeft) + parseInt(firstChildCSS.marginRight) + getRect(child1).width,
        secondChildWidth = secondChildCSS && parseInt(secondChildCSS.marginLeft) + parseInt(secondChildCSS.marginRight) + getRect(child2).width;
      if (elCSS.display === 'flex') {
        return elCSS.flexDirection === 'column' || elCSS.flexDirection === 'column-reverse' ? 'vertical' : 'horizontal';
      if (elCSS.display === 'grid') {
        return elCSS.gridTemplateColumns.split(' ').length <= 1 ? 'vertical' : 'horizontal';
      if (child1 && firstChildCSS["float"] && firstChildCSS["float"] !== 'none') {
        var touchingSideChild2 = firstChildCSS["float"] === 'left' ? 'left' : 'right';
        return child2 && (secondChildCSS.clear === 'both' || secondChildCSS.clear === touchingSideChild2) ? 'vertical' : 'horizontal';
      return child1 && (firstChildCSS.display === 'block' || firstChildCSS.display === 'flex' || firstChildCSS.display === 'table' || firstChildCSS.display === 'grid' || firstChildWidth >= elWidth && elCSS[CSSFloatProperty] === 'none' || child2 && elCSS[CSSFloatProperty] === 'none' && firstChildWidth + secondChildWidth > elWidth) ? 'vertical' : 'horizontal';
    _dragElInRowColumn = function _dragElInRowColumn(dragRect, targetRect, vertical) {
      var dragElS1Opp = vertical ? dragRect.left :,
        dragElS2Opp = vertical ? dragRect.right : dragRect.bottom,
        dragElOppLength = vertical ? dragRect.width : dragRect.height,
        targetS1Opp = vertical ? targetRect.left :,
        targetS2Opp = vertical ? targetRect.right : targetRect.bottom,
        targetOppLength = vertical ? targetRect.width : targetRect.height;
      return dragElS1Opp === targetS1Opp || dragElS2Opp === targetS2Opp || dragElS1Opp + dragElOppLength / 2 === targetS1Opp + targetOppLength / 2;
     * Detects first nearest empty sortable to X and Y position using emptyInsertThreshold.
     * @param  {Number} x      X position
     * @param  {Number} y      Y position
     * @return {HTMLElement}   Element of the first found nearest Sortable
    _detectNearestEmptySortable = function _detectNearestEmptySortable(x, y) {
      var ret;
      sortables.some(function (sortable) {
        var threshold = sortable[expando].options.emptyInsertThreshold;
        if (!threshold || lastChild(sortable)) return;
        var rect = getRect(sortable),
          insideHorizontally = x >= rect.left - threshold && x <= rect.right + threshold,
          insideVertically = y >= - threshold && y <= rect.bottom + threshold;
        if (insideHorizontally && insideVertically) {
          return ret = sortable;
      return ret;
    _prepareGroup = function _prepareGroup(options) {
      function toFn(value, pull) {
        return function (to, from, dragEl, evt) {
          var sameGroup = && && ===;
          if (value == null && (pull || sameGroup)) {
            // Default pull value
            // Default pull and put value if same group
            return true;
          } else if (value == null || value === false) {
            return false;
          } else if (pull && value === 'clone') {
            return value;
          } else if (typeof value === 'function') {
            return toFn(value(to, from, dragEl, evt), pull)(to, from, dragEl, evt);
          } else {
            var otherGroup = (pull ? to : from);
            return value === true || typeof value === 'string' && value === otherGroup || value.join && value.indexOf(otherGroup) > -1;
      var group = {};
      var originalGroup =;
      if (!originalGroup || _typeof(originalGroup) != 'object') {
        originalGroup = {
          name: originalGroup
      } =;
      group.checkPull = toFn(originalGroup.pull, true);
      group.checkPut = toFn(originalGroup.put);
      group.revertClone = originalGroup.revertClone; = group;
    _hideGhostForTarget = function _hideGhostForTarget() {
      if (!supportCssPointerEvents && ghostEl) {
        css(ghostEl, 'display', 'none');
    _unhideGhostForTarget = function _unhideGhostForTarget() {
      if (!supportCssPointerEvents && ghostEl) {
        css(ghostEl, 'display', '');

  // #1184 fix - Prevent click event on fallback if dragged but item not changed position
  if (documentExists && !ChromeForAndroid) {
    document.addEventListener('click', function (evt) {
      if (ignoreNextClick) {
        evt.stopPropagation && evt.stopPropagation();
        evt.stopImmediatePropagation && evt.stopImmediatePropagation();
        ignoreNextClick = false;
        return false;
    }, true);
  var nearestEmptyInsertDetectEvent = function nearestEmptyInsertDetectEvent(evt) {
    if (dragEl) {
      evt = evt.touches ? evt.touches[0] : evt;
      var nearest = _detectNearestEmptySortable(evt.clientX, evt.clientY);
      if (nearest) {
        // Create imitation event
        var event = {};
        for (var i in evt) {
          if (evt.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
            event[i] = evt[i];
        } = event.rootEl = nearest;
        event.preventDefault = void 0;
        event.stopPropagation = void 0;
  var _checkOutsideTargetEl = function _checkOutsideTargetEl(evt) {
    if (dragEl) {

   * @class  Sortable
   * @param  {HTMLElement}  el
   * @param  {Object}       [options]
  function Sortable(el, options) {
    if (!(el && el.nodeType && el.nodeType === 1)) {
      throw "Sortable: `el` must be an HTMLElement, not ".concat({};
    this.el = el; // root element
    this.options = options = _extends({}, options);

    // Export instance
    el[expando] = this;
    var defaults = {
      group: null,
      sort: true,
      disabled: false,
      store: null,
      handle: null,
      draggable: /^[uo]l$/i.test(el.nodeName) ? '>li' : '>*',
      swapThreshold: 1,
      // percentage; 0 <= x <= 1
      invertSwap: false,
      // invert always
      invertedSwapThreshold: null,
      // will be set to same as swapThreshold if default
      removeCloneOnHide: true,
      direction: function direction() {
        return _detectDirection(el, this.options);
      ghostClass: 'sortable-ghost',
      chosenClass: 'sortable-chosen',
      dragClass: 'sortable-drag',
      ignore: 'a, img',
      filter: null,
      preventOnFilter: true,
      animation: 0,
      easing: null,
      setData: function setData(dataTransfer, dragEl) {
        dataTransfer.setData('Text', dragEl.textContent);
      dropBubble: false,
      dragoverBubble: false,
      dataIdAttr: 'data-id',
      delay: 0,
      delayOnTouchOnly: false,
      touchStartThreshold: (Number.parseInt ? Number : window).parseInt(window.devicePixelRatio, 10) || 1,
      forceFallback: false,
      fallbackClass: 'sortable-fallback',
      fallbackOnBody: false,
      fallbackTolerance: 0,
      fallbackOffset: {
        x: 0,
        y: 0
      supportPointer: Sortable.supportPointer !== false && 'PointerEvent' in window && !Safari,
      emptyInsertThreshold: 5
    PluginManager.initializePlugins(this, el, defaults);

    // Set default options
    for (var name in defaults) {
      !(name in options) && (options[name] = defaults[name]);

    // Bind all private methods
    for (var fn in this) {
      if (fn.charAt(0) === '_' && typeof this[fn] === 'function') {
        this[fn] = this[fn].bind(this);

    // Setup drag mode
    this.nativeDraggable = options.forceFallback ? false : supportDraggable;
    if (this.nativeDraggable) {
      // Touch start threshold cannot be greater than the native dragstart threshold
      this.options.touchStartThreshold = 1;

    // Bind events
    if (options.supportPointer) {
      on(el, 'pointerdown', this._onTapStart);
    } else {
      on(el, 'mousedown', this._onTapStart);
      on(el, 'touchstart', this._onTapStart);
    if (this.nativeDraggable) {
      on(el, 'dragover', this);
      on(el, 'dragenter', this);

    // Restore sorting && && this.sort( || []);

    // Add animation state manager
    _extends(this, AnimationStateManager());
  Sortable.prototype = /** @lends Sortable.prototype */{
    constructor: Sortable,
    _isOutsideThisEl: function _isOutsideThisEl(target) {
      if (!this.el.contains(target) && target !== this.el) {
        lastTarget = null;
    _getDirection: function _getDirection(evt, target) {
      return typeof this.options.direction === 'function' ?, evt, target, dragEl) : this.options.direction;
    _onTapStart: function _onTapStart( /** Event|TouchEvent */evt) {
      if (!evt.cancelable) return;
      var _this = this,
        el = this.el,
        options = this.options,
        preventOnFilter = options.preventOnFilter,
        type = evt.type,
        touch = evt.touches && evt.touches[0] || evt.pointerType && evt.pointerType === 'touch' && evt,
        target = (touch || evt).target,
        originalTarget = && (evt.path && evt.path[0] || evt.composedPath && evt.composedPath()[0]) || target,
        filter = options.filter;

      // Don't trigger start event when an element is been dragged, otherwise the evt.oldindex always wrong when set
      if (dragEl) {
      if (/mousedown|pointerdown/.test(type) && evt.button !== 0 || options.disabled) {
        return; // only left button and enabled

      // cancel dnd if original target is content editable
      if (originalTarget.isContentEditable) {

      // Safari ignores further event handling after mousedown
      if (!this.nativeDraggable && Safari && target && target.tagName.toUpperCase() === 'SELECT') {
      target = closest(target, options.draggable, el, false);
      if (target && target.animated) {
      if (lastDownEl === target) {
        // Ignoring duplicate `down`

      // Get the index of the dragged element within its parent
      oldIndex = index(target);
      oldDraggableIndex = index(target, options.draggable);

      // Check filter
      if (typeof filter === 'function') {
        if (, evt, target, this)) {
            sortable: _this,
            rootEl: originalTarget,
            name: 'filter',
            targetEl: target,
            toEl: el,
            fromEl: el
          pluginEvent('filter', _this, {
            evt: evt
          preventOnFilter && evt.cancelable && evt.preventDefault();
          return; // cancel dnd
      } else if (filter) {
        filter = filter.split(',').some(function (criteria) {
          criteria = closest(originalTarget, criteria.trim(), el, false);
          if (criteria) {
              sortable: _this,
              rootEl: criteria,
              name: 'filter',
              targetEl: target,
              fromEl: el,
              toEl: el
            pluginEvent('filter', _this, {
              evt: evt
            return true;
        if (filter) {
          preventOnFilter && evt.cancelable && evt.preventDefault();
          return; // cancel dnd
      if (options.handle && !closest(originalTarget, options.handle, el, false)) {

      // Prepare `dragstart`
      this._prepareDragStart(evt, touch, target);
    _prepareDragStart: function _prepareDragStart( /** Event */evt, /** Touch */touch, /** HTMLElement */target) {
      var _this = this,
        el = _this.el,
        options = _this.options,
        ownerDocument = el.ownerDocument,
      if (target && !dragEl && target.parentNode === el) {
        var dragRect = getRect(target);
        rootEl = el;
        dragEl = target;
        parentEl = dragEl.parentNode;
        nextEl = dragEl.nextSibling;
        lastDownEl = target;
        activeGroup =;
        Sortable.dragged = dragEl;
        tapEvt = {
          target: dragEl,
          clientX: (touch || evt).clientX,
          clientY: (touch || evt).clientY
        tapDistanceLeft = tapEvt.clientX - dragRect.left;
        tapDistanceTop = tapEvt.clientY -;
        this._lastX = (touch || evt).clientX;
        this._lastY = (touch || evt).clientY;['will-change'] = 'all';
        dragStartFn = function dragStartFn() {
          pluginEvent('delayEnded', _this, {
            evt: evt
          if (Sortable.eventCanceled) {
          // Delayed drag has been triggered
          // we can re-enable the events: touchmove/mousemove
          if (!FireFox && _this.nativeDraggable) {
            dragEl.draggable = true;

          // Bind the events: dragstart/dragend
          _this._triggerDragStart(evt, touch);

          // Drag start event
            sortable: _this,
            name: 'choose',
            originalEvent: evt

          // Chosen item
          toggleClass(dragEl, options.chosenClass, true);

        // Disable "draggable"
        options.ignore.split(',').forEach(function (criteria) {
          find(dragEl, criteria.trim(), _disableDraggable);
        on(ownerDocument, 'dragover', nearestEmptyInsertDetectEvent);
        on(ownerDocument, 'mousemove', nearestEmptyInsertDetectEvent);
        on(ownerDocument, 'touchmove', nearestEmptyInsertDetectEvent);
        on(ownerDocument, 'mouseup', _this._onDrop);
        on(ownerDocument, 'touchend', _this._onDrop);
        on(ownerDocument, 'touchcancel', _this._onDrop);

        // Make dragEl draggable (must be before delay for FireFox)
        if (FireFox && this.nativeDraggable) {
          this.options.touchStartThreshold = 4;
          dragEl.draggable = true;
        pluginEvent('delayStart', this, {
          evt: evt

        // Delay is impossible for native DnD in Edge or IE
        if (options.delay && (!options.delayOnTouchOnly || touch) && (!this.nativeDraggable || !(Edge || IE11OrLess))) {
          if (Sortable.eventCanceled) {
          // If the user moves the pointer or let go the click or touch
          // before the delay has been reached:
          // disable the delayed drag
          on(ownerDocument, 'mouseup', _this._disableDelayedDrag);
          on(ownerDocument, 'touchend', _this._disableDelayedDrag);
          on(ownerDocument, 'touchcancel', _this._disableDelayedDrag);
          on(ownerDocument, 'mousemove', _this._delayedDragTouchMoveHandler);
          on(ownerDocument, 'touchmove', _this._delayedDragTouchMoveHandler);
          options.supportPointer && on(ownerDocument, 'pointermove', _this._delayedDragTouchMoveHandler);
          _this._dragStartTimer = setTimeout(dragStartFn, options.delay);
        } else {
    _delayedDragTouchMoveHandler: function _delayedDragTouchMoveHandler( /** TouchEvent|PointerEvent **/e) {
      var touch = e.touches ? e.touches[0] : e;
      if (Math.max(Math.abs(touch.clientX - this._lastX), Math.abs(touch.clientY - this._lastY)) >= Math.floor(this.options.touchStartThreshold / (this.nativeDraggable && window.devicePixelRatio || 1))) {
    _disableDelayedDrag: function _disableDelayedDrag() {
      dragEl && _disableDraggable(dragEl);
    _disableDelayedDragEvents: function _disableDelayedDragEvents() {
      var ownerDocument = this.el.ownerDocument;
      off(ownerDocument, 'mouseup', this._disableDelayedDrag);
      off(ownerDocument, 'touchend', this._disableDelayedDrag);
      off(ownerDocument, 'touchcancel', this._disableDelayedDrag);
      off(ownerDocument, 'mousemove', this._delayedDragTouchMoveHandler);
      off(ownerDocument, 'touchmove', this._delayedDragTouchMoveHandler);
      off(ownerDocument, 'pointermove', this._delayedDragTouchMoveHandler);
    _triggerDragStart: function _triggerDragStart( /** Event */evt, /** Touch */touch) {
      touch = touch || evt.pointerType == 'touch' && evt;
      if (!this.nativeDraggable || touch) {
        if (this.options.supportPointer) {
          on(document, 'pointermove', this._onTouchMove);
        } else if (touch) {
          on(document, 'touchmove', this._onTouchMove);
        } else {
          on(document, 'mousemove', this._onTouchMove);
      } else {
        on(dragEl, 'dragend', this);
        on(rootEl, 'dragstart', this._onDragStart);
      try {
        if (document.selection) {
          // Timeout neccessary for IE9
          _nextTick(function () {
        } else {
      } catch (err) {}
    _dragStarted: function _dragStarted(fallback, evt) {
      awaitingDragStarted = false;
      if (rootEl && dragEl) {
        pluginEvent('dragStarted', this, {
          evt: evt
        if (this.nativeDraggable) {
          on(document, 'dragover', _checkOutsideTargetEl);
        var options = this.options;

        // Apply effect
        !fallback && toggleClass(dragEl, options.dragClass, false);
        toggleClass(dragEl, options.ghostClass, true); = this;
        fallback && this._appendGhost();

        // Drag start event
          sortable: this,
          name: 'start',
          originalEvent: evt
      } else {
    _emulateDragOver: function _emulateDragOver() {
      if (touchEvt) {
        this._lastX = touchEvt.clientX;
        this._lastY = touchEvt.clientY;
        var target = document.elementFromPoint(touchEvt.clientX, touchEvt.clientY);
        var parent = target;
        while (target && target.shadowRoot) {
          target = target.shadowRoot.elementFromPoint(touchEvt.clientX, touchEvt.clientY);
          if (target === parent) break;
          parent = target;
        if (parent) {
          do {
            if (parent[expando]) {
              var inserted = void 0;
              inserted = parent[expando]._onDragOver({
                clientX: touchEvt.clientX,
                clientY: touchEvt.clientY,
                target: target,
                rootEl: parent
              if (inserted && !this.options.dragoverBubble) {
            target = parent; // store last element
          /* jshint boss:true */ while (parent = parent.parentNode);
    _onTouchMove: function _onTouchMove( /**TouchEvent*/evt) {
      if (tapEvt) {
        var options = this.options,
          fallbackTolerance = options.fallbackTolerance,
          fallbackOffset = options.fallbackOffset,
          touch = evt.touches ? evt.touches[0] : evt,
          ghostMatrix = ghostEl && matrix(ghostEl, true),
          scaleX = ghostEl && ghostMatrix && ghostMatrix.a,
          scaleY = ghostEl && ghostMatrix && ghostMatrix.d,
          relativeScrollOffset = PositionGhostAbsolutely && ghostRelativeParent && getRelativeScrollOffset(ghostRelativeParent),
          dx = (touch.clientX - tapEvt.clientX + fallbackOffset.x) / (scaleX || 1) + (relativeScrollOffset ? relativeScrollOffset[0] - ghostRelativeParentInitialScroll[0] : 0) / (scaleX || 1),
          dy = (touch.clientY - tapEvt.clientY + fallbackOffset.y) / (scaleY || 1) + (relativeScrollOffset ? relativeScrollOffset[1] - ghostRelativeParentInitialScroll[1] : 0) / (scaleY || 1);

        // only set the status to dragging, when we are actually dragging
        if (! && !awaitingDragStarted) {
          if (fallbackTolerance && Math.max(Math.abs(touch.clientX - this._lastX), Math.abs(touch.clientY - this._lastY)) < fallbackTolerance) {
          this._onDragStart(evt, true);
        if (ghostEl) {
          if (ghostMatrix) {
            ghostMatrix.e += dx - (lastDx || 0);
            ghostMatrix.f += dy - (lastDy || 0);
          } else {
            ghostMatrix = {
              a: 1,
              b: 0,
              c: 0,
              d: 1,
              e: dx,
              f: dy
          var cssMatrix = "matrix(".concat(ghostMatrix.a, ",").concat(ghostMatrix.b, ",").concat(ghostMatrix.c, ",").concat(ghostMatrix.d, ",").concat(ghostMatrix.e, ",").concat(ghostMatrix.f, ")");
          css(ghostEl, 'webkitTransform', cssMatrix);
          css(ghostEl, 'mozTransform', cssMatrix);
          css(ghostEl, 'msTransform', cssMatrix);
          css(ghostEl, 'transform', cssMatrix);
          lastDx = dx;
          lastDy = dy;
          touchEvt = touch;
        evt.cancelable && evt.preventDefault();
    _appendGhost: function _appendGhost() {
      // Bug if using scale():
      // Not being adjusted for
      if (!ghostEl) {
        var container = this.options.fallbackOnBody ? document.body : rootEl,
          rect = getRect(dragEl, true, PositionGhostAbsolutely, true, container),
          options = this.options;

        // Position absolutely
        if (PositionGhostAbsolutely) {
          // Get relatively positioned parent
          ghostRelativeParent = container;
          while (css(ghostRelativeParent, 'position') === 'static' && css(ghostRelativeParent, 'transform') === 'none' && ghostRelativeParent !== document) {
            ghostRelativeParent = ghostRelativeParent.parentNode;
          if (ghostRelativeParent !== document.body && ghostRelativeParent !== document.documentElement) {
            if (ghostRelativeParent === document) ghostRelativeParent = getWindowScrollingElement();
   += ghostRelativeParent.scrollTop;
            rect.left += ghostRelativeParent.scrollLeft;
          } else {
            ghostRelativeParent = getWindowScrollingElement();
          ghostRelativeParentInitialScroll = getRelativeScrollOffset(ghostRelativeParent);
        ghostEl = dragEl.cloneNode(true);
        toggleClass(ghostEl, options.ghostClass, false);
        toggleClass(ghostEl, options.fallbackClass, true);
        toggleClass(ghostEl, options.dragClass, true);
        css(ghostEl, 'transition', '');
        css(ghostEl, 'transform', '');
        css(ghostEl, 'box-sizing', 'border-box');
        css(ghostEl, 'margin', 0);
        css(ghostEl, 'top',;
        css(ghostEl, 'left', rect.left);
        css(ghostEl, 'width', rect.width);
        css(ghostEl, 'height', rect.height);
        css(ghostEl, 'opacity', '0.8');
        css(ghostEl, 'position', PositionGhostAbsolutely ? 'absolute' : 'fixed');
        css(ghostEl, 'zIndex', '100000');
        css(ghostEl, 'pointerEvents', 'none');
        Sortable.ghost = ghostEl;

        // Set transform-origin
        css(ghostEl, 'transform-origin', tapDistanceLeft / parseInt( * 100 + '% ' + tapDistanceTop / parseInt( * 100 + '%');
    _onDragStart: function _onDragStart( /**Event*/evt, /**boolean*/fallback) {
      var _this = this;
      var dataTransfer = evt.dataTransfer;
      var options = _this.options;
      pluginEvent('dragStart', this, {
        evt: evt
      if (Sortable.eventCanceled) {
      pluginEvent('setupClone', this);
      if (!Sortable.eventCanceled) {
        cloneEl = clone(dragEl);
        cloneEl.draggable = false;['will-change'] = '';
        toggleClass(cloneEl, this.options.chosenClass, false);
        Sortable.clone = cloneEl;

      // #1143: IFrame support workaround
      _this.cloneId = _nextTick(function () {
        pluginEvent('clone', _this);
        if (Sortable.eventCanceled) return;
        if (!_this.options.removeCloneOnHide) {
          rootEl.insertBefore(cloneEl, dragEl);
          sortable: _this,
          name: 'clone'
      !fallback && toggleClass(dragEl, options.dragClass, true);

      // Set proper drop events
      if (fallback) {
        ignoreNextClick = true;
        _this._loopId = setInterval(_this._emulateDragOver, 50);
      } else {
        // Undo what was set in _prepareDragStart before drag started
        off(document, 'mouseup', _this._onDrop);
        off(document, 'touchend', _this._onDrop);
        off(document, 'touchcancel', _this._onDrop);
        if (dataTransfer) {
          dataTransfer.effectAllowed = 'move';
          options.setData &&, dataTransfer, dragEl);
        on(document, 'drop', _this);

        // #1276 fix:
        css(dragEl, 'transform', 'translateZ(0)');
      awaitingDragStarted = true;
      _this._dragStartId = _nextTick(_this._dragStarted.bind(_this, fallback, evt));
      on(document, 'selectstart', _this);
      moved = true;
      if (Safari) {
        css(document.body, 'user-select', 'none');
    // Returns true - if no further action is needed (either inserted or another condition)
    _onDragOver: function _onDragOver( /**Event*/evt) {
      var el = this.el,
        target =,
        options = this.options,
        group =,
        activeSortable =,
        isOwner = activeGroup === group,
        canSort = options.sort,
        fromSortable = putSortable || activeSortable,
        _this = this,
        completedFired = false;
      if (_silent) return;
      function dragOverEvent(name, extra) {
        pluginEvent(name, _this, _objectSpread2({
          evt: evt,
          isOwner: isOwner,
          axis: vertical ? 'vertical' : 'horizontal',
          revert: revert,
          dragRect: dragRect,
          targetRect: targetRect,
          canSort: canSort,
          fromSortable: fromSortable,
          target: target,
          completed: completed,
          onMove: function onMove(target, after) {
            return _onMove(rootEl, el, dragEl, dragRect, target, getRect(target), evt, after);
          changed: changed
        }, extra));

      // Capture animation state
      function capture() {
        if (_this !== fromSortable) {

      // Return invocation when dragEl is inserted (or completed)
      function completed(insertion) {
        dragOverEvent('dragOverCompleted', {
          insertion: insertion
        if (insertion) {
          // Clones must be hidden before folding animation to capture dragRectAbsolute properly
          if (isOwner) {
          } else {
          if (_this !== fromSortable) {
            // Set ghost class to new sortable's ghost class
            toggleClass(dragEl, putSortable ? putSortable.options.ghostClass : activeSortable.options.ghostClass, false);
            toggleClass(dragEl, options.ghostClass, true);
          if (putSortable !== _this && _this !== {
            putSortable = _this;
          } else if (_this === && putSortable) {
            putSortable = null;

          // Animation
          if (fromSortable === _this) {
            _this._ignoreWhileAnimating = target;
          _this.animateAll(function () {
            _this._ignoreWhileAnimating = null;
          if (_this !== fromSortable) {
            fromSortable._ignoreWhileAnimating = null;

        // Null lastTarget if it is not inside a previously swapped element
        if (target === dragEl && !dragEl.animated || target === el && !target.animated) {
          lastTarget = null;

        // no bubbling and not fallback
        if (!options.dragoverBubble && !evt.rootEl && target !== document) {

          // Do not detect for empty insert if already inserted
          !insertion && nearestEmptyInsertDetectEvent(evt);
        !options.dragoverBubble && evt.stopPropagation && evt.stopPropagation();
        return completedFired = true;

      // Call when dragEl has been inserted
      function changed() {
        newIndex = index(dragEl);
        newDraggableIndex = index(dragEl, options.draggable);
          sortable: _this,
          name: 'change',
          toEl: el,
          newIndex: newIndex,
          newDraggableIndex: newDraggableIndex,
          originalEvent: evt
      if (evt.preventDefault !== void 0) {
        evt.cancelable && evt.preventDefault();
      target = closest(target, options.draggable, el, true);
      if (Sortable.eventCanceled) return completedFired;
      if (dragEl.contains( || target.animated && target.animatingX && target.animatingY || _this._ignoreWhileAnimating === target) {
        return completed(false);
      ignoreNextClick = false;
      if (activeSortable && !options.disabled && (isOwner ? canSort || (revert = parentEl !== rootEl) // Reverting item into the original list
      : putSortable === this || (this.lastPutMode = activeGroup.checkPull(this, activeSortable, dragEl, evt)) && group.checkPut(this, activeSortable, dragEl, evt))) {
        vertical = this._getDirection(evt, target) === 'vertical';
        dragRect = getRect(dragEl);
        if (Sortable.eventCanceled) return completedFired;
        if (revert) {
          parentEl = rootEl; // actualization
          if (!Sortable.eventCanceled) {
            if (nextEl) {
              rootEl.insertBefore(dragEl, nextEl);
            } else {
          return completed(true);
        var elLastChild = lastChild(el, options.draggable);
        if (!elLastChild || _ghostIsLast(evt, vertical, this) && !elLastChild.animated) {
          // Insert to end of list

          // If already at end of list: Do not insert
          if (elLastChild === dragEl) {
            return completed(false);

          // if there is a last element, it is the target
          if (elLastChild && el === {
            target = elLastChild;
          if (target) {
            targetRect = getRect(target);
          if (_onMove(rootEl, el, dragEl, dragRect, target, targetRect, evt, !!target) !== false) {
            if (elLastChild && elLastChild.nextSibling) {
              // the last draggable element is not the last node
              el.insertBefore(dragEl, elLastChild.nextSibling);
            } else {
            parentEl = el; // actualization

            return completed(true);
        } else if (elLastChild && _ghostIsFirst(evt, vertical, this)) {
          // Insert to start of list
          var firstChild = getChild(el, 0, options, true);
          if (firstChild === dragEl) {
            return completed(false);
          target = firstChild;
          targetRect = getRect(target);
          if (_onMove(rootEl, el, dragEl, dragRect, target, targetRect, evt, false) !== false) {
            el.insertBefore(dragEl, firstChild);
            parentEl = el; // actualization

            return completed(true);
        } else if (target.parentNode === el) {
          targetRect = getRect(target);
          var direction = 0,
            differentLevel = dragEl.parentNode !== el,
            differentRowCol = !_dragElInRowColumn(dragEl.animated && dragEl.toRect || dragRect, target.animated && target.toRect || targetRect, vertical),
            side1 = vertical ? 'top' : 'left',
            scrolledPastTop = isScrolledPast(target, 'top', 'top') || isScrolledPast(dragEl, 'top', 'top'),
            scrollBefore = scrolledPastTop ? scrolledPastTop.scrollTop : void 0;
          if (lastTarget !== target) {
            targetBeforeFirstSwap = targetRect[side1];
            pastFirstInvertThresh = false;
            isCircumstantialInvert = !differentRowCol && options.invertSwap || differentLevel;
          direction = _getSwapDirection(evt, target, targetRect, vertical, differentRowCol ? 1 : options.swapThreshold, options.invertedSwapThreshold == null ? options.swapThreshold : options.invertedSwapThreshold, isCircumstantialInvert, lastTarget === target);
          var sibling;
          if (direction !== 0) {
            // Check if target is beside dragEl in respective direction (ignoring hidden elements)
            var dragIndex = index(dragEl);
            do {
              dragIndex -= direction;
              sibling = parentEl.children[dragIndex];
            } while (sibling && (css(sibling, 'display') === 'none' || sibling === ghostEl));
          // If dragEl is already beside target: Do not insert
          if (direction === 0 || sibling === target) {
            return completed(false);
          lastTarget = target;
          lastDirection = direction;
          var nextSibling = target.nextElementSibling,
            after = false;
          after = direction === 1;
          var moveVector = _onMove(rootEl, el, dragEl, dragRect, target, targetRect, evt, after);
          if (moveVector !== false) {
            if (moveVector === 1 || moveVector === -1) {
              after = moveVector === 1;
            _silent = true;
            setTimeout(_unsilent, 30);
            if (after && !nextSibling) {
            } else {
              target.parentNode.insertBefore(dragEl, after ? nextSibling : target);

            // Undo chrome's scroll adjustment (has no effect on other browsers)
            if (scrolledPastTop) {
              scrollBy(scrolledPastTop, 0, scrollBefore - scrolledPastTop.scrollTop);
            parentEl = dragEl.parentNode; // actualization

            // must be done before animation
            if (targetBeforeFirstSwap !== undefined && !isCircumstantialInvert) {
              targetMoveDistance = Math.abs(targetBeforeFirstSwap - getRect(target)[side1]);
            return completed(true);
        if (el.contains(dragEl)) {
          return completed(false);
      return false;
    _ignoreWhileAnimating: null,
    _offMoveEvents: function _offMoveEvents() {
      off(document, 'mousemove', this._onTouchMove);
      off(document, 'touchmove', this._onTouchMove);
      off(document, 'pointermove', this._onTouchMove);
      off(document, 'dragover', nearestEmptyInsertDetectEvent);
      off(document, 'mousemove', nearestEmptyInsertDetectEvent);
      off(document, 'touchmove', nearestEmptyInsertDetectEvent);
    _offUpEvents: function _offUpEvents() {
      var ownerDocument = this.el.ownerDocument;
      off(ownerDocument, 'mouseup', this._onDrop);
      off(ownerDocument, 'touchend', this._onDrop);
      off(ownerDocument, 'pointerup', this._onDrop);
      off(ownerDocument, 'touchcancel', this._onDrop);
      off(document, 'selectstart', this);
    _onDrop: function _onDrop( /**Event*/evt) {
      var el = this.el,
        options = this.options;

      // Get the index of the dragged element within its parent
      newIndex = index(dragEl);
      newDraggableIndex = index(dragEl, options.draggable);
      pluginEvent('drop', this, {
        evt: evt
      parentEl = dragEl && dragEl.parentNode;

      // Get again after plugin event
      newIndex = index(dragEl);
      newDraggableIndex = index(dragEl, options.draggable);
      if (Sortable.eventCanceled) {
      awaitingDragStarted = false;
      isCircumstantialInvert = false;
      pastFirstInvertThresh = false;

      // Unbind events
      if (this.nativeDraggable) {
        off(document, 'drop', this);
        off(el, 'dragstart', this._onDragStart);
      if (Safari) {
        css(document.body, 'user-select', '');
      css(dragEl, 'transform', '');
      if (evt) {
        if (moved) {
          evt.cancelable && evt.preventDefault();
          !options.dropBubble && evt.stopPropagation();
        ghostEl && ghostEl.parentNode && ghostEl.parentNode.removeChild(ghostEl);
        if (rootEl === parentEl || putSortable && putSortable.lastPutMode !== 'clone') {
          // Remove clone(s)
          cloneEl && cloneEl.parentNode && cloneEl.parentNode.removeChild(cloneEl);
        if (dragEl) {
          if (this.nativeDraggable) {
            off(dragEl, 'dragend', this);
['will-change'] = '';

          // Remove classes
          // ghostClass is added in dragStarted
          if (moved && !awaitingDragStarted) {
            toggleClass(dragEl, putSortable ? putSortable.options.ghostClass : this.options.ghostClass, false);
          toggleClass(dragEl, this.options.chosenClass, false);

          // Drag stop event
            sortable: this,
            name: 'unchoose',
            toEl: parentEl,
            newIndex: null,
            newDraggableIndex: null,
            originalEvent: evt
          if (rootEl !== parentEl) {
            if (newIndex >= 0) {
              // Add event
                rootEl: parentEl,
                name: 'add',
                toEl: parentEl,
                fromEl: rootEl,
                originalEvent: evt

              // Remove event
                sortable: this,
                name: 'remove',
                toEl: parentEl,
                originalEvent: evt

              // drag from one list and drop into another
                rootEl: parentEl,
                name: 'sort',
                toEl: parentEl,
                fromEl: rootEl,
                originalEvent: evt
                sortable: this,
                name: 'sort',
                toEl: parentEl,
                originalEvent: evt
            putSortable &&;
          } else {
            if (newIndex !== oldIndex) {
              if (newIndex >= 0) {
                // drag & drop within the same list
                  sortable: this,
                  name: 'update',
                  toEl: parentEl,
                  originalEvent: evt
                  sortable: this,
                  name: 'sort',
                  toEl: parentEl,
                  originalEvent: evt
          if ( {
            /* jshint eqnull:true */
            if (newIndex == null || newIndex === -1) {
              newIndex = oldIndex;
              newDraggableIndex = oldDraggableIndex;
              sortable: this,
              name: 'end',
              toEl: parentEl,
              originalEvent: evt

            // Save sorting
    _nulling: function _nulling() {
      pluginEvent('nulling', this);
      rootEl = dragEl = parentEl = ghostEl = nextEl = cloneEl = lastDownEl = cloneHidden = tapEvt = touchEvt = moved = newIndex = newDraggableIndex = oldIndex = oldDraggableIndex = lastTarget = lastDirection = putSortable = activeGroup = Sortable.dragged = Sortable.ghost = Sortable.clone = = null;
      savedInputChecked.forEach(function (el) {
        el.checked = true;
      savedInputChecked.length = lastDx = lastDy = 0;
    handleEvent: function handleEvent( /**Event*/evt) {
      switch (evt.type) {
        case 'drop':
        case 'dragend':
        case 'dragenter':
        case 'dragover':
          if (dragEl) {
        case 'selectstart':
     * Serializes the item into an array of string.
     * @returns {String[]}
    toArray: function toArray() {
      var order = [],
        children = this.el.children,
        i = 0,
        n = children.length,
        options = this.options;
      for (; i < n; i++) {
        el = children[i];
        if (closest(el, options.draggable, this.el, false)) {
          order.push(el.getAttribute(options.dataIdAttr) || _generateId(el));
      return order;
     * Sorts the elements according to the array.
     * @param  {String[]}  order  order of the items
    sort: function sort(order, useAnimation) {
      var items = {},
        rootEl = this.el;
      this.toArray().forEach(function (id, i) {
        var el = rootEl.children[i];
        if (closest(el, this.options.draggable, rootEl, false)) {
          items[id] = el;
      }, this);
      useAnimation && this.captureAnimationState();
      order.forEach(function (id) {
        if (items[id]) {
      useAnimation && this.animateAll();
     * Save the current sorting
    save: function save() {
      var store =;
      store && store.set && store.set(this);
     * For each element in the set, get the first element that matches the selector by testing the element itself and traversing up through its ancestors in the DOM tree.
     * @param   {HTMLElement}  el
     * @param   {String}       [selector]  default: `options.draggable`
     * @returns {HTMLElement|null}
    closest: function closest$1(el, selector) {
      return closest(el, selector || this.options.draggable, this.el, false);
     * Set/get option
     * @param   {string} name
     * @param   {*}      [value]
     * @returns {*}
    option: function option(name, value) {
      var options = this.options;
      if (value === void 0) {
        return options[name];
      } else {
        var modifiedValue = PluginManager.modifyOption(this, name, value);
        if (typeof modifiedValue !== 'undefined') {
          options[name] = modifiedValue;
        } else {
          options[name] = value;
        if (name === 'group') {
     * Destroy
    destroy: function destroy() {
      pluginEvent('destroy', this);
      var el = this.el;
      el[expando] = null;
      off(el, 'mousedown', this._onTapStart);
      off(el, 'touchstart', this._onTapStart);
      off(el, 'pointerdown', this._onTapStart);
      if (this.nativeDraggable) {
        off(el, 'dragover', this);
        off(el, 'dragenter', this);
      // Remove draggable attributes'[draggable]'), function (el) {
      sortables.splice(sortables.indexOf(this.el), 1);
      this.el = el = null;
    _hideClone: function _hideClone() {
      if (!cloneHidden) {
        pluginEvent('hideClone', this);
        if (Sortable.eventCanceled) return;
        css(cloneEl, 'display', 'none');
        if (this.options.removeCloneOnHide && cloneEl.parentNode) {
        cloneHidden = true;
    _showClone: function _showClone(putSortable) {
      if (putSortable.lastPutMode !== 'clone') {
      if (cloneHidden) {
        pluginEvent('showClone', this);
        if (Sortable.eventCanceled) return;

        // show clone at dragEl or original position
        if (dragEl.parentNode == rootEl && ! {
          rootEl.insertBefore(cloneEl, dragEl);
        } else if (nextEl) {
          rootEl.insertBefore(cloneEl, nextEl);
        } else {
        if ( {
          this.animate(dragEl, cloneEl);
        css(cloneEl, 'display', '');
        cloneHidden = false;
  function _globalDragOver( /**Event*/evt) {
    if (evt.dataTransfer) {
      evt.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'move';
    evt.cancelable && evt.preventDefault();
  function _onMove(fromEl, toEl, dragEl, dragRect, targetEl, targetRect, originalEvent, willInsertAfter) {
    var evt,
      sortable = fromEl[expando],
      onMoveFn = sortable.options.onMove,
    // Support for new CustomEvent feature
    if (window.CustomEvent && !IE11OrLess && !Edge) {
      evt = new CustomEvent('move', {
        bubbles: true,
        cancelable: true
    } else {
      evt = document.createEvent('Event');
      evt.initEvent('move', true, true);
    } = toEl;
    evt.from = fromEl;
    evt.dragged = dragEl;
    evt.draggedRect = dragRect;
    evt.related = targetEl || toEl;
    evt.relatedRect = targetRect || getRect(toEl);
    evt.willInsertAfter = willInsertAfter;
    evt.originalEvent = originalEvent;
    if (onMoveFn) {
      retVal =, evt, originalEvent);
    return retVal;
  function _disableDraggable(el) {
    el.draggable = false;
  function _unsilent() {
    _silent = false;
  function _ghostIsFirst(evt, vertical, sortable) {
    var firstElRect = getRect(getChild(sortable.el, 0, sortable.options, true));
    var sortableContentRect = getContentRect(sortable.el);
    var spacer = 10;
    return vertical ? evt.clientX < sortableContentRect.left - spacer || evt.clientY < && evt.clientX < firstElRect.right : evt.clientY < - spacer || evt.clientY < firstElRect.bottom && evt.clientX < firstElRect.left;
  function _ghostIsLast(evt, vertical, sortable) {
    var lastElRect = getRect(lastChild(sortable.el, sortable.options.draggable));
    var sortableContentRect = getContentRect(sortable.el);
    var spacer = 10;
    return vertical ? evt.clientX > sortableContentRect.right + spacer || evt.clientY > lastElRect.bottom && evt.clientX > lastElRect.left : evt.clientY > sortableContentRect.bottom + spacer || evt.clientX > lastElRect.right && evt.clientY >;
  function _getSwapDirection(evt, target, targetRect, vertical, swapThreshold, invertedSwapThreshold, invertSwap, isLastTarget) {
    var mouseOnAxis = vertical ? evt.clientY : evt.clientX,
      targetLength = vertical ? targetRect.height : targetRect.width,
      targetS1 = vertical ? : targetRect.left,
      targetS2 = vertical ? targetRect.bottom : targetRect.right,
      invert = false;
    if (!invertSwap) {
      // Never invert or create dragEl shadow when target movemenet causes mouse to move past the end of regular swapThreshold
      if (isLastTarget && targetMoveDistance < targetLength * swapThreshold) {
        // multiplied only by swapThreshold because mouse will already be inside target by (1 - threshold) * targetLength / 2
        // check if past first invert threshold on side opposite of lastDirection
        if (!pastFirstInvertThresh && (lastDirection === 1 ? mouseOnAxis > targetS1 + targetLength * invertedSwapThreshold / 2 : mouseOnAxis < targetS2 - targetLength * invertedSwapThreshold / 2)) {
          // past first invert threshold, do not restrict inverted threshold to dragEl shadow
          pastFirstInvertThresh = true;
        if (!pastFirstInvertThresh) {
          // dragEl shadow (target move distance shadow)
          if (lastDirection === 1 ? mouseOnAxis < targetS1 + targetMoveDistance // over dragEl shadow
          : mouseOnAxis > targetS2 - targetMoveDistance) {
            return -lastDirection;
        } else {
          invert = true;
      } else {
        // Regular
        if (mouseOnAxis > targetS1 + targetLength * (1 - swapThreshold) / 2 && mouseOnAxis < targetS2 - targetLength * (1 - swapThreshold) / 2) {
          return _getInsertDirection(target);
    invert = invert || invertSwap;
    if (invert) {
      // Invert of regular
      if (mouseOnAxis < targetS1 + targetLength * invertedSwapThreshold / 2 || mouseOnAxis > targetS2 - targetLength * invertedSwapThreshold / 2) {
        return mouseOnAxis > targetS1 + targetLength / 2 ? 1 : -1;
    return 0;

   * Gets the direction dragEl must be swapped relative to target in order to make it
   * seem that dragEl has been "inserted" into that element's position
   * @param  {HTMLElement} target       The target whose position dragEl is being inserted at
   * @return {Number}                   Direction dragEl must be swapped
  function _getInsertDirection(target) {
    if (index(dragEl) < index(target)) {
      return 1;
    } else {
      return -1;

   * Generate id
   * @param   {HTMLElement} el
   * @returns {String}
   * @private
  function _generateId(el) {
    var str = el.tagName + el.className + el.src + el.href + el.textContent,
      i = str.length,
      sum = 0;
    while (i--) {
      sum += str.charCodeAt(i);
    return sum.toString(36);
  function _saveInputCheckedState(root) {
    savedInputChecked.length = 0;
    var inputs = root.getElementsByTagName('input');
    var idx = inputs.length;
    while (idx--) {
      var el = inputs[idx];
      el.checked && savedInputChecked.push(el);
  function _nextTick(fn) {
    return setTimeout(fn, 0);
  function _cancelNextTick(id) {
    return clearTimeout(id);

  // Fixed #973:
  if (documentExists) {
    on(document, 'touchmove', function (evt) {
      if (( || awaitingDragStarted) && evt.cancelable) {

  // Export utils
  Sortable.utils = {
    on: on,
    off: off,
    css: css,
    find: find,
    is: function is(el, selector) {
      return !!closest(el, selector, el, false);
    extend: extend,
    throttle: throttle,
    closest: closest,
    toggleClass: toggleClass,
    clone: clone,
    index: index,
    nextTick: _nextTick,
    cancelNextTick: _cancelNextTick,
    detectDirection: _detectDirection,
    getChild: getChild

   * Get the Sortable instance of an element
   * @param  {HTMLElement} element The element
   * @return {Sortable|undefined}         The instance of Sortable
  Sortable.get = function (element) {
    return element[expando];

   * Mount a plugin to Sortable
   * @param  {...SortablePlugin|SortablePlugin[]} plugins       Plugins being mounted
  Sortable.mount = function () {
    for (var _len = arguments.length, plugins = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
      plugins[_key] = arguments[_key];
    if (plugins[0].constructor === Array) plugins = plugins[0];
    plugins.forEach(function (plugin) {
      if (!plugin.prototype || !plugin.prototype.constructor) {
        throw "Sortable: Mounted plugin must be a constructor function, not ".concat({};
      if (plugin.utils) Sortable.utils = _objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({}, Sortable.utils), plugin.utils);

   * Create sortable instance
   * @param {HTMLElement}  el
   * @param {Object}      [options]
  Sortable.create = function (el, options) {
    return new Sortable(el, options);

  // Export
  Sortable.version = version;

  var autoScrolls = [],
    scrolling = false,
  function AutoScrollPlugin() {
    function AutoScroll() {
      this.defaults = {
        scroll: true,
        forceAutoScrollFallback: false,
        scrollSensitivity: 30,
        scrollSpeed: 10,
        bubbleScroll: true

      // Bind all private methods
      for (var fn in this) {
        if (fn.charAt(0) === '_' && typeof this[fn] === 'function') {
          this[fn] = this[fn].bind(this);
    AutoScroll.prototype = {
      dragStarted: function dragStarted(_ref) {
        var originalEvent = _ref.originalEvent;
        if (this.sortable.nativeDraggable) {
          on(document, 'dragover', this._handleAutoScroll);
        } else {
          if (this.options.supportPointer) {
            on(document, 'pointermove', this._handleFallbackAutoScroll);
          } else if (originalEvent.touches) {
            on(document, 'touchmove', this._handleFallbackAutoScroll);
          } else {
            on(document, 'mousemove', this._handleFallbackAutoScroll);
      dragOverCompleted: function dragOverCompleted(_ref2) {
        var originalEvent = _ref2.originalEvent;
        // For when bubbling is canceled and using fallback (fallback 'touchmove' always reached)
        if (!this.options.dragOverBubble && !originalEvent.rootEl) {
      drop: function drop() {
        if (this.sortable.nativeDraggable) {
          off(document, 'dragover', this._handleAutoScroll);
        } else {
          off(document, 'pointermove', this._handleFallbackAutoScroll);
          off(document, 'touchmove', this._handleFallbackAutoScroll);
          off(document, 'mousemove', this._handleFallbackAutoScroll);
      nulling: function nulling() {
        touchEvt$1 = scrollRootEl = scrollEl = scrolling = pointerElemChangedInterval = lastAutoScrollX = lastAutoScrollY = null;
        autoScrolls.length = 0;
      _handleFallbackAutoScroll: function _handleFallbackAutoScroll(evt) {
        this._handleAutoScroll(evt, true);
      _handleAutoScroll: function _handleAutoScroll(evt, fallback) {
        var _this = this;
        var x = (evt.touches ? evt.touches[0] : evt).clientX,
          y = (evt.touches ? evt.touches[0] : evt).clientY,
          elem = document.elementFromPoint(x, y);
        touchEvt$1 = evt;

        // IE does not seem to have native autoscroll,
        // Edge's autoscroll seems too conditional,
        // MACOS Safari does not have autoscroll,
        // Firefox and Chrome are good
        if (fallback || this.options.forceAutoScrollFallback || Edge || IE11OrLess || Safari) {
          autoScroll(evt, this.options, elem, fallback);

          // Listener for pointer element change
          var ogElemScroller = getParentAutoScrollElement(elem, true);
          if (scrolling && (!pointerElemChangedInterval || x !== lastAutoScrollX || y !== lastAutoScrollY)) {
            pointerElemChangedInterval && clearPointerElemChangedInterval();
            // Detect for pointer elem change, emulating native DnD behaviour
            pointerElemChangedInterval = setInterval(function () {
              var newElem = getParentAutoScrollElement(document.elementFromPoint(x, y), true);
              if (newElem !== ogElemScroller) {
                ogElemScroller = newElem;
              autoScroll(evt, _this.options, newElem, fallback);
            }, 10);
            lastAutoScrollX = x;
            lastAutoScrollY = y;
        } else {
          // if DnD is enabled (and browser has good autoscrolling), first autoscroll will already scroll, so get parent autoscroll of first autoscroll
          if (!this.options.bubbleScroll || getParentAutoScrollElement(elem, true) === getWindowScrollingElement()) {
          autoScroll(evt, this.options, getParentAutoScrollElement(elem, false), false);
    return _extends(AutoScroll, {
      pluginName: 'scroll',
      initializeByDefault: true
  function clearAutoScrolls() {
    autoScrolls.forEach(function (autoScroll) {
    autoScrolls = [];
  function clearPointerElemChangedInterval() {
  var autoScroll = throttle(function (evt, options, rootEl, isFallback) {
    // Bug:
    if (!options.scroll) return;
    var x = (evt.touches ? evt.touches[0] : evt).clientX,
      y = (evt.touches ? evt.touches[0] : evt).clientY,
      sens = options.scrollSensitivity,
      speed = options.scrollSpeed,
      winScroller = getWindowScrollingElement();
    var scrollThisInstance = false,

    // New scroll root, set scrollEl
    if (scrollRootEl !== rootEl) {
      scrollRootEl = rootEl;
      scrollEl = options.scroll;
      scrollCustomFn = options.scrollFn;
      if (scrollEl === true) {
        scrollEl = getParentAutoScrollElement(rootEl, true);
    var layersOut = 0;
    var currentParent = scrollEl;
    do {
      var el = currentParent,
        rect = getRect(el),
        top =,
        bottom = rect.bottom,
        left = rect.left,
        right = rect.right,
        width = rect.width,
        height = rect.height,
        canScrollX = void 0,
        canScrollY = void 0,
        scrollWidth = el.scrollWidth,
        scrollHeight = el.scrollHeight,
        elCSS = css(el),
        scrollPosX = el.scrollLeft,
        scrollPosY = el.scrollTop;
      if (el === winScroller) {
        canScrollX = width < scrollWidth && (elCSS.overflowX === 'auto' || elCSS.overflowX === 'scroll' || elCSS.overflowX === 'visible');
        canScrollY = height < scrollHeight && (elCSS.overflowY === 'auto' || elCSS.overflowY === 'scroll' || elCSS.overflowY === 'visible');
      } else {
        canScrollX = width < scrollWidth && (elCSS.overflowX === 'auto' || elCSS.overflowX === 'scroll');
        canScrollY = height < scrollHeight && (elCSS.overflowY === 'auto' || elCSS.overflowY === 'scroll');
      var vx = canScrollX && (Math.abs(right - x) <= sens && scrollPosX + width < scrollWidth) - (Math.abs(left - x) <= sens && !!scrollPosX);
      var vy = canScrollY && (Math.abs(bottom - y) <= sens && scrollPosY + height < scrollHeight) - (Math.abs(top - y) <= sens && !!scrollPosY);
      if (!autoScrolls[layersOut]) {
        for (var i = 0; i <= layersOut; i++) {
          if (!autoScrolls[i]) {
            autoScrolls[i] = {};
      if (autoScrolls[layersOut].vx != vx || autoScrolls[layersOut].vy != vy || autoScrolls[layersOut].el !== el) {
        autoScrolls[layersOut].el = el;
        autoScrolls[layersOut].vx = vx;
        autoScrolls[layersOut].vy = vy;
        if (vx != 0 || vy != 0) {
          scrollThisInstance = true;
          /* jshint loopfunc:true */
          autoScrolls[layersOut].pid = setInterval(function () {
            // emulate drag over during autoscroll (fallback), emulating native DnD behaviour
            if (isFallback && this.layer === 0) {
    $1); // To move ghost if it is positioned absolutely
            var scrollOffsetY = autoScrolls[this.layer].vy ? autoScrolls[this.layer].vy * speed : 0;
            var scrollOffsetX = autoScrolls[this.layer].vx ? autoScrolls[this.layer].vx * speed : 0;
            if (typeof scrollCustomFn === 'function') {
              if ([expando], scrollOffsetX, scrollOffsetY, evt, touchEvt$1, autoScrolls[this.layer].el) !== 'continue') {
            scrollBy(autoScrolls[this.layer].el, scrollOffsetX, scrollOffsetY);
            layer: layersOut
          }), 24);
    } while (options.bubbleScroll && currentParent !== winScroller && (currentParent = getParentAutoScrollElement(currentParent, false)));
    scrolling = scrollThisInstance; // in case another function catches scrolling as false in between when it is not
  }, 30);

  var drop = function drop(_ref) {
    var originalEvent = _ref.originalEvent,
      putSortable = _ref.putSortable,
      dragEl = _ref.dragEl,
      activeSortable = _ref.activeSortable,
      dispatchSortableEvent = _ref.dispatchSortableEvent,
      hideGhostForTarget = _ref.hideGhostForTarget,
      unhideGhostForTarget = _ref.unhideGhostForTarget;
    if (!originalEvent) return;
    var toSortable = putSortable || activeSortable;
    var touch = originalEvent.changedTouches && originalEvent.changedTouches.length ? originalEvent.changedTouches[0] : originalEvent;
    var target = document.elementFromPoint(touch.clientX, touch.clientY);
    if (toSortable && !toSortable.el.contains(target)) {
        dragEl: dragEl,
        putSortable: putSortable
  function Revert() {}
  Revert.prototype = {
    startIndex: null,
    dragStart: function dragStart(_ref2) {
      var oldDraggableIndex = _ref2.oldDraggableIndex;
      this.startIndex = oldDraggableIndex;
    onSpill: function onSpill(_ref3) {
      var dragEl = _ref3.dragEl,
        putSortable = _ref3.putSortable;
      if (putSortable) {
      var nextSibling = getChild(this.sortable.el, this.startIndex, this.options);
      if (nextSibling) {
        this.sortable.el.insertBefore(dragEl, nextSibling);
      } else {
      if (putSortable) {
    drop: drop
  _extends(Revert, {
    pluginName: 'revertOnSpill'
  function Remove() {}
  Remove.prototype = {
    onSpill: function onSpill(_ref4) {
      var dragEl = _ref4.dragEl,
        putSortable = _ref4.putSortable;
      var parentSortable = putSortable || this.sortable;
      dragEl.parentNode && dragEl.parentNode.removeChild(dragEl);
    drop: drop
  _extends(Remove, {
    pluginName: 'removeOnSpill'

  var lastSwapEl;
  function SwapPlugin() {
    function Swap() {
      this.defaults = {
        swapClass: 'sortable-swap-highlight'
    Swap.prototype = {
      dragStart: function dragStart(_ref) {
        var dragEl = _ref.dragEl;
        lastSwapEl = dragEl;
      dragOverValid: function dragOverValid(_ref2) {
        var completed = _ref2.completed,
          target =,
          onMove = _ref2.onMove,
          activeSortable = _ref2.activeSortable,
          changed = _ref2.changed,
          cancel = _ref2.cancel;
        if (!activeSortable.options.swap) return;
        var el = this.sortable.el,
          options = this.options;
        if (target && target !== el) {
          var prevSwapEl = lastSwapEl;
          if (onMove(target) !== false) {
            toggleClass(target, options.swapClass, true);
            lastSwapEl = target;
          } else {
            lastSwapEl = null;
          if (prevSwapEl && prevSwapEl !== lastSwapEl) {
            toggleClass(prevSwapEl, options.swapClass, false);
      drop: function drop(_ref3) {
        var activeSortable = _ref3.activeSortable,
          putSortable = _ref3.putSortable,
          dragEl = _ref3.dragEl;
        var toSortable = putSortable || this.sortable;
        var options = this.options;
        lastSwapEl && toggleClass(lastSwapEl, options.swapClass, false);
        if (lastSwapEl && (options.swap || putSortable && putSortable.options.swap)) {
          if (dragEl !== lastSwapEl) {
            if (toSortable !== activeSortable) activeSortable.captureAnimationState();
            swapNodes(dragEl, lastSwapEl);
            if (toSortable !== activeSortable) activeSortable.animateAll();
      nulling: function nulling() {
        lastSwapEl = null;
    return _extends(Swap, {
      pluginName: 'swap',
      eventProperties: function eventProperties() {
        return {
          swapItem: lastSwapEl
  function swapNodes(n1, n2) {
    var p1 = n1.parentNode,
      p2 = n2.parentNode,
    if (!p1 || !p2 || p1.isEqualNode(n2) || p2.isEqualNode(n1)) return;
    i1 = index(n1);
    i2 = index(n2);
    if (p1.isEqualNode(p2) && i1 < i2) {
    p1.insertBefore(n2, p1.children[i1]);
    p2.insertBefore(n1, p2.children[i2]);

  var multiDragElements = [],
    multiDragClones = [],
    // for selection with modifier key down (SHIFT)
    initialFolding = false,
    // Initial multi-drag fold when drag started
    folding = false,
    // Folding any other time
    dragStarted = false,
  function MultiDragPlugin() {
    function MultiDrag(sortable) {
      // Bind all private methods
      for (var fn in this) {
        if (fn.charAt(0) === '_' && typeof this[fn] === 'function') {
          this[fn] = this[fn].bind(this);
      if (!sortable.options.avoidImplicitDeselect) {
        if (sortable.options.supportPointer) {
          on(document, 'pointerup', this._deselectMultiDrag);
        } else {
          on(document, 'mouseup', this._deselectMultiDrag);
          on(document, 'touchend', this._deselectMultiDrag);
      on(document, 'keydown', this._checkKeyDown);
      on(document, 'keyup', this._checkKeyUp);
      this.defaults = {
        selectedClass: 'sortable-selected',
        multiDragKey: null,
        avoidImplicitDeselect: false,
        setData: function setData(dataTransfer, dragEl) {
          var data = '';
          if (multiDragElements.length && multiDragSortable === sortable) {
            multiDragElements.forEach(function (multiDragElement, i) {
              data += (!i ? '' : ', ') + multiDragElement.textContent;
          } else {
            data = dragEl.textContent;
          dataTransfer.setData('Text', data);
    MultiDrag.prototype = {
      multiDragKeyDown: false,
      isMultiDrag: false,
      delayStartGlobal: function delayStartGlobal(_ref) {
        var dragged = _ref.dragEl;
        dragEl$1 = dragged;
      delayEnded: function delayEnded() {
        this.isMultiDrag = ~multiDragElements.indexOf(dragEl$1);
      setupClone: function setupClone(_ref2) {
        var sortable = _ref2.sortable,
          cancel = _ref2.cancel;
        if (!this.isMultiDrag) return;
        for (var i = 0; i < multiDragElements.length; i++) {
          multiDragClones[i].sortableIndex = multiDragElements[i].sortableIndex;
          multiDragClones[i].draggable = false;
          multiDragClones[i].style['will-change'] = '';
          toggleClass(multiDragClones[i], this.options.selectedClass, false);
          multiDragElements[i] === dragEl$1 && toggleClass(multiDragClones[i], this.options.chosenClass, false);
      clone: function clone(_ref3) {
        var sortable = _ref3.sortable,
          rootEl = _ref3.rootEl,
          dispatchSortableEvent = _ref3.dispatchSortableEvent,
          cancel = _ref3.cancel;
        if (!this.isMultiDrag) return;
        if (!this.options.removeCloneOnHide) {
          if (multiDragElements.length && multiDragSortable === sortable) {
            insertMultiDragClones(true, rootEl);
      showClone: function showClone(_ref4) {
        var cloneNowShown = _ref4.cloneNowShown,
          rootEl = _ref4.rootEl,
          cancel = _ref4.cancel;
        if (!this.isMultiDrag) return;
        insertMultiDragClones(false, rootEl);
        multiDragClones.forEach(function (clone) {
          css(clone, 'display', '');
        clonesHidden = false;
      hideClone: function hideClone(_ref5) {
        var _this = this;
        var sortable = _ref5.sortable,
          cloneNowHidden = _ref5.cloneNowHidden,
          cancel = _ref5.cancel;
        if (!this.isMultiDrag) return;
        multiDragClones.forEach(function (clone) {
          css(clone, 'display', 'none');
          if (_this.options.removeCloneOnHide && clone.parentNode) {
        clonesHidden = true;
      dragStartGlobal: function dragStartGlobal(_ref6) {
        var sortable = _ref6.sortable;
        if (!this.isMultiDrag && multiDragSortable) {
        multiDragElements.forEach(function (multiDragElement) {
          multiDragElement.sortableIndex = index(multiDragElement);

        // Sort multi-drag elements
        multiDragElements = multiDragElements.sort(function (a, b) {
          return a.sortableIndex - b.sortableIndex;
        dragStarted = true;
      dragStarted: function dragStarted(_ref7) {
        var _this2 = this;
        var sortable = _ref7.sortable;
        if (!this.isMultiDrag) return;
        if (this.options.sort) {
          // Capture rects,
          // hide multi drag elements (by positioning them absolute),
          // set multi drag elements rects to dragRect,
          // show multi drag elements,
          // animate to rects,
          // unset rects & remove from DOM

          if (this.options.animation) {
            multiDragElements.forEach(function (multiDragElement) {
              if (multiDragElement === dragEl$1) return;
              css(multiDragElement, 'position', 'absolute');
            var dragRect = getRect(dragEl$1, false, true, true);
            multiDragElements.forEach(function (multiDragElement) {
              if (multiDragElement === dragEl$1) return;
              setRect(multiDragElement, dragRect);
            folding = true;
            initialFolding = true;
        sortable.animateAll(function () {
          folding = false;
          initialFolding = false;
          if (_this2.options.animation) {
            multiDragElements.forEach(function (multiDragElement) {

          // Remove all auxiliary multidrag items from el, if sorting enabled
          if (_this2.options.sort) {
      dragOver: function dragOver(_ref8) {
        var target =,
          completed = _ref8.completed,
          cancel = _ref8.cancel;
        if (folding && ~multiDragElements.indexOf(target)) {
      revert: function revert(_ref9) {
        var fromSortable = _ref9.fromSortable,
          rootEl = _ref9.rootEl,
          sortable = _ref9.sortable,
          dragRect = _ref9.dragRect;
        if (multiDragElements.length > 1) {
          // Setup unfold animation
          multiDragElements.forEach(function (multiDragElement) {
              target: multiDragElement,
              rect: folding ? getRect(multiDragElement) : dragRect
            multiDragElement.fromRect = dragRect;
          folding = false;
          insertMultiDragElements(!this.options.removeCloneOnHide, rootEl);
      dragOverCompleted: function dragOverCompleted(_ref10) {
        var sortable = _ref10.sortable,
          isOwner = _ref10.isOwner,
          insertion = _ref10.insertion,
          activeSortable = _ref10.activeSortable,
          parentEl = _ref10.parentEl,
          putSortable = _ref10.putSortable;
        var options = this.options;
        if (insertion) {
          // Clones must be hidden before folding animation to capture dragRectAbsolute properly
          if (isOwner) {
          initialFolding = false;
          // If leaving sort:false root, or already folding - Fold to new location
          if (options.animation && multiDragElements.length > 1 && (folding || !isOwner && !activeSortable.options.sort && !putSortable)) {
            // Fold: Set all multi drag elements's rects to dragEl's rect when multi-drag elements are invisible
            var dragRectAbsolute = getRect(dragEl$1, false, true, true);
            multiDragElements.forEach(function (multiDragElement) {
              if (multiDragElement === dragEl$1) return;
              setRect(multiDragElement, dragRectAbsolute);

              // Move element(s) to end of parentEl so that it does not interfere with multi-drag clones insertion if they are inserted
              // while folding, and so that we can capture them again because old sortable will no longer be fromSortable
            folding = true;

          // Clones must be shown (and check to remove multi drags) after folding when interfering multiDragElements are moved out
          if (!isOwner) {
            // Only remove if not folding (folding will remove them anyways)
            if (!folding) {
            if (multiDragElements.length > 1) {
              var clonesHiddenBefore = clonesHidden;

              // Unfold animation for clones if showing from hidden
              if (activeSortable.options.animation && !clonesHidden && clonesHiddenBefore) {
                multiDragClones.forEach(function (clone) {
                    target: clone,
                    rect: clonesFromRect
                  clone.fromRect = clonesFromRect;
                  clone.thisAnimationDuration = null;
            } else {
      dragOverAnimationCapture: function dragOverAnimationCapture(_ref11) {
        var dragRect = _ref11.dragRect,
          isOwner = _ref11.isOwner,
          activeSortable = _ref11.activeSortable;
        multiDragElements.forEach(function (multiDragElement) {
          multiDragElement.thisAnimationDuration = null;
        if (activeSortable.options.animation && !isOwner && activeSortable.multiDrag.isMultiDrag) {
          clonesFromRect = _extends({}, dragRect);
          var dragMatrix = matrix(dragEl$1, true);
 -= dragMatrix.f;
          clonesFromRect.left -= dragMatrix.e;
      dragOverAnimationComplete: function dragOverAnimationComplete() {
        if (folding) {
          folding = false;
      drop: function drop(_ref12) {
        var evt = _ref12.originalEvent,
          rootEl = _ref12.rootEl,
          parentEl = _ref12.parentEl,
          sortable = _ref12.sortable,
          dispatchSortableEvent = _ref12.dispatchSortableEvent,
          oldIndex = _ref12.oldIndex,
          putSortable = _ref12.putSortable;
        var toSortable = putSortable || this.sortable;
        if (!evt) return;
        var options = this.options,
          children = parentEl.children;

        // Multi-drag selection
        if (!dragStarted) {
          if (options.multiDragKey && !this.multiDragKeyDown) {
          toggleClass(dragEl$1, options.selectedClass, !~multiDragElements.indexOf(dragEl$1));
          if (!~multiDragElements.indexOf(dragEl$1)) {
              sortable: sortable,
              rootEl: rootEl,
              name: 'select',
              targetEl: dragEl$1,
              originalEvent: evt

            // Modifier activated, select from last to dragEl
            if (evt.shiftKey && lastMultiDragSelect && sortable.el.contains(lastMultiDragSelect)) {
              var lastIndex = index(lastMultiDragSelect),
                currentIndex = index(dragEl$1);
              if (~lastIndex && ~currentIndex && lastIndex !== currentIndex) {
                // Must include lastMultiDragSelect (select it), in case modified selection from no selection
                // (but previous selection existed)
                var n, i;
                if (currentIndex > lastIndex) {
                  i = lastIndex;
                  n = currentIndex;
                } else {
                  i = currentIndex;
                  n = lastIndex + 1;
                for (; i < n; i++) {
                  if (~multiDragElements.indexOf(children[i])) continue;
                  toggleClass(children[i], options.selectedClass, true);
                    sortable: sortable,
                    rootEl: rootEl,
                    name: 'select',
                    targetEl: children[i],
                    originalEvent: evt
            } else {
              lastMultiDragSelect = dragEl$1;
            multiDragSortable = toSortable;
          } else {
            multiDragElements.splice(multiDragElements.indexOf(dragEl$1), 1);
            lastMultiDragSelect = null;
              sortable: sortable,
              rootEl: rootEl,
              name: 'deselect',
              targetEl: dragEl$1,
              originalEvent: evt

        // Multi-drag drop
        if (dragStarted && this.isMultiDrag) {
          folding = false;
          // Do not "unfold" after around dragEl if reverted
          if ((parentEl[expando].options.sort || parentEl !== rootEl) && multiDragElements.length > 1) {
            var dragRect = getRect(dragEl$1),
              multiDragIndex = index(dragEl$1, ':not(.' + this.options.selectedClass + ')');
            if (!initialFolding && options.animation) dragEl$1.thisAnimationDuration = null;
            if (!initialFolding) {
              if (options.animation) {
                dragEl$1.fromRect = dragRect;
                multiDragElements.forEach(function (multiDragElement) {
                  multiDragElement.thisAnimationDuration = null;
                  if (multiDragElement !== dragEl$1) {
                    var rect = folding ? getRect(multiDragElement) : dragRect;
                    multiDragElement.fromRect = rect;

                    // Prepare unfold animation
                      target: multiDragElement,
                      rect: rect

              // Multi drag elements are not necessarily removed from the DOM on drop, so to reinsert
              // properly they must all be removed
              multiDragElements.forEach(function (multiDragElement) {
                if (children[multiDragIndex]) {
                  parentEl.insertBefore(multiDragElement, children[multiDragIndex]);
                } else {

              // If initial folding is done, the elements may have changed position because they are now
              // unfolding around dragEl, even though dragEl may not have his index changed, so update event
              // must be fired here as Sortable will not.
              if (oldIndex === index(dragEl$1)) {
                var update = false;
                multiDragElements.forEach(function (multiDragElement) {
                  if (multiDragElement.sortableIndex !== index(multiDragElement)) {
                    update = true;
                if (update) {

            // Must be done after capturing individual rects (scroll bar)
            multiDragElements.forEach(function (multiDragElement) {
          multiDragSortable = toSortable;

        // Remove clones if necessary
        if (rootEl === parentEl || putSortable && putSortable.lastPutMode !== 'clone') {
          multiDragClones.forEach(function (clone) {
            clone.parentNode && clone.parentNode.removeChild(clone);
      nullingGlobal: function nullingGlobal() {
        this.isMultiDrag = dragStarted = false;
        multiDragClones.length = 0;
      destroyGlobal: function destroyGlobal() {
        off(document, 'pointerup', this._deselectMultiDrag);
        off(document, 'mouseup', this._deselectMultiDrag);
        off(document, 'touchend', this._deselectMultiDrag);
        off(document, 'keydown', this._checkKeyDown);
        off(document, 'keyup', this._checkKeyUp);
      _deselectMultiDrag: function _deselectMultiDrag(evt) {
        if (typeof dragStarted !== "undefined" && dragStarted) return;

        // Only deselect if selection is in this sortable
        if (multiDragSortable !== this.sortable) return;

        // Only deselect if target is not item in this sortable
        if (evt && closest(, this.options.draggable, this.sortable.el, false)) return;

        // Only deselect if left click
        if (evt && evt.button !== 0) return;
        while (multiDragElements.length) {
          var el = multiDragElements[0];
          toggleClass(el, this.options.selectedClass, false);
            sortable: this.sortable,
            rootEl: this.sortable.el,
            name: 'deselect',
            targetEl: el,
            originalEvent: evt
      _checkKeyDown: function _checkKeyDown(evt) {
        if (evt.key === this.options.multiDragKey) {
          this.multiDragKeyDown = true;
      _checkKeyUp: function _checkKeyUp(evt) {
        if (evt.key === this.options.multiDragKey) {
          this.multiDragKeyDown = false;
    return _extends(MultiDrag, {
      // Static methods & properties
      pluginName: 'multiDrag',
      utils: {
         * Selects the provided multi-drag item
         * @param  {HTMLElement} el    The element to be selected
        select: function select(el) {
          var sortable = el.parentNode[expando];
          if (!sortable || !sortable.options.multiDrag || ~multiDragElements.indexOf(el)) return;
          if (multiDragSortable && multiDragSortable !== sortable) {
            multiDragSortable = sortable;
          toggleClass(el, sortable.options.selectedClass, true);
         * Deselects the provided multi-drag item
         * @param  {HTMLElement} el    The element to be deselected
        deselect: function deselect(el) {
          var sortable = el.parentNode[expando],
            index = multiDragElements.indexOf(el);
          if (!sortable || !sortable.options.multiDrag || !~index) return;
          toggleClass(el, sortable.options.selectedClass, false);
          multiDragElements.splice(index, 1);
      eventProperties: function eventProperties() {
        var _this3 = this;
        var oldIndicies = [],
          newIndicies = [];
        multiDragElements.forEach(function (multiDragElement) {
            multiDragElement: multiDragElement,
            index: multiDragElement.sortableIndex

          // multiDragElements will already be sorted if folding
          var newIndex;
          if (folding && multiDragElement !== dragEl$1) {
            newIndex = -1;
          } else if (folding) {
            newIndex = index(multiDragElement, ':not(.' + _this3.options.selectedClass + ')');
          } else {
            newIndex = index(multiDragElement);
            multiDragElement: multiDragElement,
            index: newIndex
        return {
          items: _toConsumableArray(multiDragElements),
          clones: [].concat(multiDragClones),
          oldIndicies: oldIndicies,
          newIndicies: newIndicies
      optionListeners: {
        multiDragKey: function multiDragKey(key) {
          key = key.toLowerCase();
          if (key === 'ctrl') {
            key = 'Control';
          } else if (key.length > 1) {
            key = key.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + key.substr(1);
          return key;
  function insertMultiDragElements(clonesInserted, rootEl) {
    multiDragElements.forEach(function (multiDragElement, i) {
      var target = rootEl.children[multiDragElement.sortableIndex + (clonesInserted ? Number(i) : 0)];
      if (target) {
        rootEl.insertBefore(multiDragElement, target);
      } else {

   * Insert multi-drag clones
   * @param  {[Boolean]} elementsInserted  Whether the multi-drag elements are inserted
   * @param  {HTMLElement} rootEl
  function insertMultiDragClones(elementsInserted, rootEl) {
    multiDragClones.forEach(function (clone, i) {
      var target = rootEl.children[clone.sortableIndex + (elementsInserted ? Number(i) : 0)];
      if (target) {
        rootEl.insertBefore(clone, target);
      } else {
  function removeMultiDragElements() {
    multiDragElements.forEach(function (multiDragElement) {
      if (multiDragElement === dragEl$1) return;
      multiDragElement.parentNode && multiDragElement.parentNode.removeChild(multiDragElement);

  Sortable.mount(new AutoScrollPlugin());
  Sortable.mount(Remove, Revert);

  Sortable.mount(new SwapPlugin());
  Sortable.mount(new MultiDragPlugin());

  return Sortable;
