Bookmarklets to User Scripts (Everywhere)

Any page that has a bookmarklet will show a monkey icon

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Bookmarklets to User Scripts (Everywhere)
// @version      0.1.1
// @description  Any page that has a bookmarklet will show a monkey icon
// @description  next to it, click that icon and it will create a UserScript
// @description  for you to use in Tampermonkey
// @author
// @include       *://*/*
// @grant        none
// @license MIT
// @namespace
// ==/UserScript==

 * This UserScript was originally created by
 * [Jesse Ruderman]( it would only create
 * userscripts from his website at
 * [Jesse's Bookmarklets Site](
 * but it seemed to be
 * broken and did not create a UserScript. I changed the code so that it
 * would take the javascript from a bookmarklet (on any website) and
 * create a UserScript and open it in a new tab. I continue to use his
 * icon and the general idea of his. Much appreciated! With my new
 * version, you can open any webpage, and if you see the monkey icon
 * there you can click on it and a new window will open with the
 * UserScript mostly created for you. Copy the contents and then paste
 * it into a new UserScript in Tampermonkey or your preferred manager.

// Define the regex pattern to check if a link is a bookmarklet.
const bookmarkletPattern = /javascript:\(function\(\).*\{.*\}\)\(\)/;

// Iterate through all the links present on the webpage.
for (let i = 0; i < document.links.length; i++) {
  let bookmarklet = document.links[i];

  // Check if the link matches the bookmarklet pattern using the regex test.
  if (bookmarkletPattern.test(bookmarklet.href)) {
    // Extract the name of the bookmarklet. If not present, default to 'Unnamed Bookmarklet'.
    let bookmarkletName = bookmarklet.textContent.trim() || "Unnamed Bookmarklet";

    // Decode the content of the bookmarklet and remove typical wrappers.
    let bookmarkletContent = decodeURIComponent(bookmarklet.href);
    let contentWithoutJS = bookmarkletContent
      .replace(/^\(function\(\)\{|\}\)\(\);?$/g, "");

    // Create an image element and set its properties.
    let img = document.createElement("img");
    img.src =
    img.alt = `View ${bookmarkletName} as a user script.`;
    img.title = img.alt; = "none"; = "inline"; = "relative"; = "1000";

    // Construct the content for the user script.
    let scriptContent = `
// ==UserScript==
// @name ${bookmarkletName}
// @description Runs the ${bookmarkletName} bookmarklet from ${location.href}
// ==/UserScript==

    // Create a new anchor tag, set its properties, and attach the onclick event handler.
    let a = document.createElement("a");
    a.href = "#";
    a.onclick = function () {
      let newWindow ="", "_blank");
      newWindow.document.write("<pre>" + scriptContent + "</pre>");
      return false;

    // Insert the new anchor tag (with the image) just before the bookmarklet link.
    bookmarklet.parentNode.insertBefore(a, bookmarklet);

    // Increment the index since we added a new link.