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Drag to Resize Image

Click and Drag to resize images. Ctrl+Click to disable resizing. Right Click to restore image to original size. Based on code in Reddit Enhancement Suite.

Major Victory
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Drag to Resize - Drag images to resize them no matter where you are.

The image resizing code was extracted from honestbleeps's ( Reddit Enhancement Suite, a GPL Greasemonkey script.
The idea was, as far as I know, all his. What I've done is duplicated that feature in this script and started adding on things to make
it useful in different contexts.

Because it now runs everywhere, it will likely break some web sites. And it definitely opens up doors for some silliness such as
making images hilariously gigantic. If this script causes you to lose data, money, or time, don't hold me responsible!

* To resize an image, hold the left mouse button and drag. Down and to the right will expand. Up and to the left will shrink. Images aligned to the right will expand in an unusual way. Sorry.
* To reset an image to original size, right-click it.
* To drag an image without resizing (as if the script were not installed), hold control (or command on Mac) and drag.