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【装这一个脚本就够了!可能是你遇到的最好的豆瓣增强脚本】聚合数百家资源网站,通过右侧边栏1秒告诉你哪些网站能下载豆瓣页面上的电影|电视剧|纪录片|综艺|动画|音乐|图书等,有资源的网站显示绿色,没资源的网站显示黄色,就这么直观!所有豆瓣条目均提供在线播放|阅读、字幕|歌词下载及PT|NZB|BT|磁力|百度盘|115网盘等下载链接,加入官网打死也不出的豆列搜索功能,此外还能给豆瓣条目额外添加IMDB评分|IMDB TOP 250|Metascore评分|烂番茄评分|AniDB评分|Bgm评分|MAL|亚马逊评分等更多评分形式。官方电报群:@doubandown

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سوئال / ئىنكاس

يوللانغان ۋاقتى: 2018-05-13
تەھرىرلەنگەن ۋاقتى: 2018-05-14

Copyright Infringement

Accodring to douban, it is stated that any logos, designs, formats, pictures, diagrams as well as any forms of text arrangement are copyrighted. Any direct and indirect forms of creations, modifications or uses of contents on are prohibited on any kinds of platforms or websites. The original text in Chinese is below: 豆瓣网提供的网络服务中包含的标识、版面设计、排版方式、文本、图片、图形等均受版权、商标及其它法律保护,未经相关权利人(含豆瓣网及其他原始权利人)同意,上述内容均不得在任何平台被直接或间接发布、使用、出于发布或使用目的的改写或再发行,或被用于其他任何商业目的。

This script indeed violates the copyright rules of douban and it utilities contents on douban, e.g. movie tittles provided on douban, to fulfill personal purposes as well as suspiciously commercial purposes, i.e. his/her friend blog. The script writer takes advantage of douban contents for direct and indirect usages while he/she has never shown any kinds of evidence such as the official approval and authorization by douban. It is therefore what the script writer has done stands high chance of copyright infringement and it puts Greasy Fork as well as the reputation of members of Greasy Fork community in jeopardy. It is hoped that administrators of Greasy Fork will swing into action and this script will be taken down as soon as possible for the sake of copyright protection.


يوللانغان ۋاقتى: 2018-05-13
تەھرىرلەنگەن ۋاقتى: 2018-05-13

First of all, the script is not for commercial at all, no advertisement, no donate, no sale, and the blog address is just a personal blog that writes original article of programing. The only purpose of us to publish the script is very pure, it's just for spirit of sharing, the same of the most of scripts in Greasy Fork.

豆瓣资源下载大师并没有任何商业行为,既不含广告,也不含任何销售和捐赠,所链接的博客也不过是发布原创编程心得的个人博客,我们发布此脚本的动机十分单纯而且和Grease Fork上的绝大部分脚本的动机一样,那就是共享精神。

The second, we have not modify any content of douban nor the movie title, the whole page including the Logo, the Slogan, all of the articles and information are totally the same of official website of douban, and the only way to make the script work is to visit the douban official website, we don't even take any traffic of yours. On the contrast, we only add something, such as imdb rating and Rotten Tomatoes rating.

Talking about authorization, it's not only about my script, but also about most of scripts in Greasy Fork. Could you imagine that the hottest script called Download Audio & Video for YouTube that could be authorized by Youtube? Or could you imagine the popular script named IMDb Scout could any possible be authorized by IMDB? Not even to say there are so many sripts to skip advertisement of video website, to get the direct download link of cloud storage website and so on. The fuse to put Greasy Fork in jeopardy is not my script but the douban yourself. Douban, are you sure you want to be the public enemy of programmers and Greasy Fork to break the spirit of sharing?

@peralpuitam 说道: Accodring to douban, it is stated that any logos, designs, formats, pictures, diagrams as well as any forms of text arrangement are copyrighted. Any direct and indirect forms of creations, modifications or uses of contents on are prohibited on any kinds of platforms or websites. The original text in Chinese is below: 豆瓣网提供的网络服务中包含的标识、版面设计、排版方式、文本、图片、图形等均受版权、商标及其它法律保护,未经相关权利人(含豆瓣网及其他原始权利人)同意,上述内容均不得在任何平台被直接或间接发布、使用、出于发布或使用目的的改写或再发行,或被用于其他任何商业目的。

This script indeed violates the copyright rules of douban and it utilities contents on douban, e.g. movie tittles provided on douban, to fulfill personal purposes as well as suspiciously commercial purposes, i.e. his/her friend blog. The script writer takes advantage of douban contents for direct and indirect usages while he/she has never shown any kinds of evidence such as the official approval and authorization by douban. It is therefore what the script writer has done stands high chance of copyright infringement and it puts Greasy Fork as well as the reputation of members of Greasy Fork community in jeopardy. It is hoped that administrators of Greasy Fork will swing into action and this script will be taken down as soon as possible for the sake of copyright protection.


يوللانغان ۋاقتى: 2018-05-13
تەھرىرلەنگەن ۋاقتى: 2018-05-13

Please Report all userscripts in that link or maybe the whole, because They may All change the designs and formats of Default Pages by your opinions. We only do what Userscript should do, that is "put you in control of your browsing experience. ".

We respect others' copyrights.this userscript does not remove or replace the normal designs of Douban Page.

The author , my friend @bimzcy , did lots of work to make this userscripts more easily to use and he also thank the Reference userscript (All of their License is N/A) in it's description, for example :

  • MyDoubanMovieHelper by @felixx
  • 豆瓣显示IMDb评分&烂番茄新鲜度 by @Alejand Chen (, Sorry I may not find this userscript in Greasyfork, It may be deleted??? )
  • 豆瓣电影助手 by @Exhen Chen.

Otherwise, The blog link which you pointed out in description is used to thank my coding work in this userscript and My Blog is only used to write my exprience of programing or my personal life, No other things as you noted suspiciously commercial purposes.

يوللانغان ۋاقتى: 2018-05-14


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