FA Watches Favorites Viewer

Scans the Favorites of your Watches for new Favorites and shows a Button to view these (if any where found). (Works like Submission Page)

// ==UserScript==
// @name        FA Watches Favorites Viewer
// @namespace   Violentmonkey Scripts
// @match       *://*.furaffinity.net/*
// @require     https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/lz-string/1.4.4/lz-string.min.js
// @require 	https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/475041/1267274/Furaffinity-Custom-Settings.js
// @grant       none
// @version     2.1.6
// @author      Midori Dragon
// @description Scans the Favorites of your Watches for new Favorites and shows a Button to view these (if any where found). (Works like Submission Page)
// @icon        https://www.furaffinity.net/themes/beta/img/banners/fa_logo.png?v2
// @homepageURL https://greasyfork.org/de/scripts/463464-watches-favorites-viewer
// @supportURL  https://greasyfork.org/de/scripts/463464-watches-favorites-viewer/feedback
// @license     MIT
// ==/UserScript==

// jshint esversion: 8

CustomSettings.name = "Extension Settings";
CustomSettings.provider = "Midori's Script Settings";
CustomSettings.headerName = `${GM_info.script.name} Settings`;
const showLoadLastXFavsButtonSetting = CustomSettings.newSetting("Last X Favs", "Sets wether the Load last x Favs buttons appears after a new Fav scan found no new Favs.", SettingTypes.Boolean, "Show Last X Favs Button", false);
const maxFavsLengthSetting = CustomSettings.newSetting("Max Favs Loaded", "Sets the maximum number of Favs loaded.", SettingTypes.Number, "", 100);
const maxAmountRequestsSetting = CustomSettings.newSetting("Max amount of simultaneous requests", "Sets the maximum number of simultaneous requests. Higher value means faster scans but a too high value will overload Furaffinity and cause problems.", SettingTypes.Number, "", 2);
const doImmediateScanSetting = CustomSettings.newSetting("Immediately Scan", "Sets wether a scan is started immediately uppon loading a Page.", SettingTypes.Boolean, "Immediately start a Scan", false);
const showDublicateFavsSetting = CustomSettings.newSetting("Show dublicate Favs", "Sets wether to show dublicate Submissions. (when multiple people Faved the same Submission)", SettingTypes.Boolean, "Show dublicate Favs", false);
const showExcludedUsersInLogSetting = CustomSettings.newSetting("Show excluded Users in Log", "Sets wether to show excluded Users inside the console log while scanning.", SettingTypes.Boolean, "Show excluded Users", false);
const resetSynchronizationErrorSetting = CustomSettings.newSetting("Reset Synchronisation", "Resets the synchronisation variable to fix an error that no scan will start.", SettingTypes.Action, "Reset Loadingstate", null, (target) => {
  const wfloadingstatetemp = localStorage.getItem("wfloadingstate");
  if (wfloadingstatetemp == null || wfloadingstatetemp == undefined) {
    target.textContent = "<---- Success ---->";
    setTimeout(() => {
      target.textContent = "Reset Loadingstate";
    }, 3000);
  } else {
    target.textContent = "<---- Failed ---->";
    setTimeout(() => {
      target.textContent = "Reset Loadingstate";
    }, 3000);
const resetSavingVariableSetting = CustomSettings.newSetting("Reset Last seen Favs", "Resets the last seen favs variable to reinitialize the Fav-Scanner.", SettingTypes.Action, "Reset Last seen Favs", null, (target) => {
  const lastfavxtemp = localStorage.getItem("lastFavs");
  if (lastfavxtemp == null || lastfavxtemp == undefined) {
    target.textContent = "<---- Success ---->";
    setTimeout(() => {
      target.textContent = "Reset Last seen Favs";
    }, 3000);
  } else {
    target.textContent = "<---- Failed ---->";
    setTimeout(() => {
      target.textContent = "Reset Last seen Favs";
    }, 3000);

if (window.parent !== window) return;

let lastFavs = {};
let _running = false;
let exButtonsShown = false;
let firstStart = false;
let wfButton;
let settingsCount = 0;
let progress;

let currentLength = 0;
let totalLength = 0;
let percent = 0;

let color = "color: blue";
if (window.matchMedia && window.matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)").matches) color = "color: aqua";
if (window.location.toString().includes("?extension")) {
  console.info(`%cSettings: ${GM_info.script.name} v${GM_info.script.version}`, color);
} else console.info(`%cRunning: ${GM_info.script.name} v${GM_info.script.version} ${CustomSettings.toString()}`, color);

let excludedUsers;
excludedUsers = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("wfexcludedusers"));
if (!excludedUsers) {
  excludedUsers = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("excludedUsers"));
  if (excludedUsers) localStorage.setItem("wfexcludedusers", JSON.stringify(excludedUsers));
  else excludedUsers = [];

Object.defineProperty(window, "running", {
  get() {
    return _running;
  set(value) {
    _running = value;
    wfButton.setAttribute("loading", value);
    if (running) {
      localStorage.setItem("wfloadingstate", "running");
    } else {
      localStorage.setItem("wfloadingstate", "finished");

// Set state to interrupted if tab is closed while running
window.addEventListener("beforeunload", () => {
  if (running) localStorage.setItem("wfloadingstate", "interrupted");

if (window.location.toString().includes("buddylist")) {
  const controlPanel = document.getElementById("controlpanelnav");
  controlPanel.innerHTML += "<br><br>";
  const showExButton = document.createElement("button");
  showExButton.type = "button";
  showExButton.className = "button standard mobile-fix";
  showExButton.textContent = exButtonsShown ? "Hide WF Buttons" : "Show WF Buttons";
  showExButton.onclick = function () {
    exButtonsShown = !exButtonsShown;
    showExButton.textContent = exButtonsShown ? "Hide WF Buttons" : "Show WF Buttons";
    exButtonsShown ? addExcludeButtons() : removeExcludeButtons();

if (!JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("wflastfavs"))) firstStart = true;


if (window.location.toString().includes("submissions?mode=watchesfavoriteviewer")) createWFDocument();
else createWFButton();

// Add exclude buttons
async function addExcludeButtons() {
  const watchers = document.querySelectorAll("div.flex-item-watchlist.aligncenter");

  for (const watcher of watchers) {
    let user = watcher.querySelector("a[href]").href;
    if (user.endsWith("/")) user = user.slice(0, -1);
    user = user.substring(user.lastIndexOf("/") + 1, user.length);

    const excludeButton = document.createElement("button");
    excludeButton.id = "excludeButton_" + user;
    excludeButton.type = "button";
    excludeButton.className = "button standard mobile-fix";
    if (excludedUsers.includes(user)) excludeButton.textContent = "^ WF Include ^";
    else excludeButton.textContent = "^ WF Exclude ^";
    excludeButton.addEventListener("click", () => toggleExcludeUser(user, excludeButton));

    watcher.style.paddingBottom = "18px";

// Remove exclude buttons
async function removeExcludeButtons() {
  let buttons = document.querySelectorAll("button[id^=excludeButton]");
  for (const button of buttons) {
    button.parentNode.style.paddingBottom = "";

// Toggle exclude user
async function toggleExcludeUser(user, button) {
  if (excludedUsers.includes(user)) {
    // Remove user from excludedUsers
    excludedUsers = excludedUsers.filter((name) => name !== user);
    if (button) button.textContent = "^ WF Exclude ^";
    console.log('Including: "' + user + '"');
  } else {
    // Add user to excludedUsers
    if (button) button.textContent = "^ WF Include ^";
    console.log('Excluding: "' + user + '"');

  localStorage.setItem("wfexcludedusers", JSON.stringify(excludedUsers));

// Creating the WFButton and loading the favs
async function createWFButton(again) {
  if (window.location.toString().includes("buddylist")) return;

  // Create WFButton
  wfButton = document.createElement("a");
  wfButton.id = "wfButton";
  wfButton.className = "notification-container inline";
  wfButton.title = "Start a WF scan";
  wfButton.textContent = "WF Scan";
  wfButton.style.cursor = "pointer";
  const messageBar = document.getElementsByClassName("message-bar-desktop")[0];

  lastFavs = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("wflastfavs"));

  // Check loadingstate and wait for other instance to finish
  let finished = false;
  let intSavedUsers;
  const state = localStorage.getItem("wfloadingstate");
  if (state && state !== "finished") {
    console.log("Other WF instance found copying...");
    running = true;
    let status = await waitForOtherInstance();
    finished = status.successfull;
    if (finished) console.log("Copying instance finished successfull");
    else console.log("Copying instance not finished");
    intSavedUsers = status.intSavedUsers || [];

  if (again) {
    wfButton.onclick = () => startWFScan(finished, intSavedUsers);
    running = false;

  if (doImmediateScanSetting.value || finished) startWFScan(finished, intSavedUsers);
  else {
    wfButton.onclick = () => startWFScan(finished, intSavedUsers);
    running = false;

async function startWFScan(finished, intSavedUsers) {
  let newFavs;

  running = true;
  console.log("WF-Scan started");

  wfButton.title = "Watches Favorites Notifications";
  wfButton.textContent = "WF: 0%";

  if (finished) {
    // Load finished favs
    newFavs = JSON.parse(await decompressString(localStorage.getItem("wfloading")));
  } else {
    // Load new favs
    newFavs = await loadUnreadFavsAll(maxFavsLengthSetting.value, intSavedUsers);
    newFavs = Array.from(newFavs);

    // Remove dublicate Figures
    if (!showDublicateFavsSetting.value) {
      console.log("Checking for dublicate Favs...");
      let dublicatePresent = false;
      let uniqueFigures = {};
      let uniqueNewFavs = [];
      for (let figure of newFavs) {
        if (!uniqueFigures[figure.id]) {
          uniqueFigures[figure.id] = true;
        } else {
          dublicatePresent = true;
          console.log(`Fav "${figure.id}" is a dublicate`);
      newFavs = uniqueNewFavs;
      if (dublicatePresent) console.log("Removed all dublicate Favs");
      else console.log("No dublicates found");

    newFavs = newFavs.map((newFav) => newFav.outerHTML);

  // Update WFButton
  const totalLength = newFavs.length;
  if (totalLength !== 0) {
    wfButton.onclick = loadWFDocument;
    wfButton.textContent = `${totalLength}WF`;
  } else if (firstStart) {
    // Replace WFButton with Ready Text
    wfButton.textContent = "WF Ready";
    wfButtonClone = wfButton.cloneNode(true);
    wfButtonClone.setAttribute("loading", false);
    wfButtonClone.onclick = () => location.reload();
    wfButton.parentNode.replaceChild(wfButtonClone, wfButton);
  } else {

  // Compress and save new favs
  const favsComp = await compressString(JSON.stringify(newFavs));
  localStorage.setItem("wfcurrentfavs", favsComp);

  console.log("Finished scanning");
  console.log(`There are "${totalLength}" unseen Favs`);
  running = false;

  // Show last XFavs button if there are no new favs
  if (totalLength === 0 && !firstStart) {
    if (showLoadLastXFavsButtonSetting.value) createLastXFavsButton();
    else {
      currentLength = 0;
      percent = 0;
      await createWFButton(true);
      wfButton.textContent = "WF Scan again";

  firstStart = false;

// Waiting for other WF instance
async function waitForOtherInstance() {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    // Get current loadingstate
    let state = localStorage.getItem("wfloadingstate");
    if (state === null) {
      resolve({ successfull: false });
    let lpercent = 0;
    let intSavedUsers = [];

    // Check loadingstate
    const intervalId = setInterval(() => {
      state = localStorage.getItem("wfloadingstate");
      if (state === "finished") {
        resolve({ successfull: true });
      } else if (state === "interrupted") {
        intSavedUsers = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("wfloadingusers")) || [];
        resolve({ successfull: false, intSavedUsers: intSavedUsers });
      } else {
        percent = localStorage.getItem("wfloadingpercent");
        if (percent !== lpercent) {
          lpercent = percent;
          console.log(`Copying: ${percent}%`);
          wfButton.textContent = `WF: ${percent}%`;
    }, 100);

// Loads the WFDocument
async function loadWFDocument() {
  localStorage.setItem("wflastfavs", JSON.stringify(lastFavs));
  window.location.href = "https://www.furaffinity.net/msg/submissions?mode=watchesfavoriteviewer";

// Creating the WFDocument to view the favs
async function createWFDocument() {
  if (!document.getElementById("wfhidestyle")) {
	const styleElement = document.createElement('style');
  	styleElement.type = 'text/css';
	styleElement.innerHTML = `
		.wfhide {
			display: none !important;

  const standardPage = document.getElementById("standardpage");
  const messageCenter = document.getElementById("messagecenter-submissions");

  const emptyElem = messageCenter.querySelector('div[class="no-messages"]');
  if (emptyElem) emptyElem.remove();

  const header = standardPage.querySelector('div[class="section-header"] h2');
  header.textContent = "Watches Favorites";

  const oldNewButtonsButtonsTop = standardPage.querySelector('div[class="messagecenter-navigation aligncenter"][style]');

  const selectionButtons = standardPage.querySelector('button[class="standard check-uncheck"]').parentNode.parentNode.parentNode;

  const oldNewButtonsBottom = messageCenter.parentNode.querySelector('div[class="messagecenter-navigation aligncenter"]');

  const galleries = document.querySelectorAll('div[class="notifications-by-date"]');
  for (const galleryPiece of galleries) {
	const headers = galleryPiece.querySelectorAll("h4");
	for (const header of headers) {
	  header.style.display = "none";

  let gallery = document.getElementById("gallery-0");
  if (!gallery) {
    gallery = document.createElement("section");
    gallery.id = "gallery-0";
    gallery.className = "gallery messagecenter with-checkboxes s-250";
  let counter = 0;
  let currGallery = document.getElementById("gallery-" + counter);
  while (currGallery) {
	for (const child of currGallery.children) {
	currGallery = document.getElementById("gallery-" + counter);

  const favsDecomp = await decompressString(localStorage.getItem("wfcurrentfavs"));
  const figures = JSON.parse(favsDecomp);
  const parser = new DOMParser();
  const figureElements = figures.map((figure) => parser.parseFromString(figure, "text/html").body.firstChild);
  console.log(`Loading "${figureElements.length}" figures`);

  figureElements.forEach((figure) => gallery.appendChild(figure));

	const subContainer = document.getElementById("messagecenter-submissions");
	const centerContainer = document.createElement("div");
	centerContainer.className = "aligncenter";

	const disableTitlesButton = document.createElement("button");
	disableTitlesButton.id = "wfdisabletitlesbutton";
	disableTitlesButton.type = "button";
  disableTitlesButton.className = "button standard hideonmobile";
	disableTitlesButton.style.marginRight = "4px";
  disableTitlesButton.textContent = "Disable Titles";
	disableTitlesButton.onclick = () => {
		if (gallery.classList.contains("nodesc")) {
			disableTitlesButton.textContent = "Disable Titles";
		} else {
			disableTitlesButton.textContent = "Enable Titles";

	const returnButton = document.createElement("a");
	returnButton.id = "wfreturnbutton";
  returnButton.className = "button standard hideonmobile";
  returnButton.textContent = "Return to Submissions";
	returnButton.href = "/msg/submissions/";

// Loading all unseen favs
async function loadUnreadFavsAll(maxFavsLength, intSavedUsers = []) {
  // Getting watchers
  console.log("Getting watched people...");
  const watchers = await getWatchers();
  totalLength = watchers.length;
  console.log(`You are watching "${totalLength}" people. "${excludedUsers.length}" are excluded.`);
  totalLength -= excludedUsers.length;
  console.log(`Scanning "${totalLength}" people for unseen Favs...`);

  // Getting lastFavs
  progress = { newFavs: [], percent: 0, intSavedUsers: intSavedUsers, currScanFavs: [] };
  let newFavsAll = [];
  let promises = [];
  let semaphore = new Semaphore(maxAmountRequestsSetting.value);
  for (const watcher of watchers) {
      semaphore.acquire().then(async () => {
        try {
          const watcherLink = watcher.querySelector("a").href;
          if (!intSavedUsers.includes(watcherLink)) {
            // Getting newFavs from watcher
            progress = await getUnreadFavsWatcher(watcherLink, maxFavsLength);
            if (progress.newFavs) {
              newFavsAll = newFavsAll.concat(progress.newFavs);

            // Updating WF Button prefix
            if (firstStart) {
              wfButton.textContent = `WF Initializing: ${Math.round(percent)}%`;
            } else {
              wfButton.textContent = `WF: ${Math.round(percent)}%`;
        } catch (error) {
        } finally {
  await Promise.all(promises);

  // Updating firstStart
  if (firstStart) {
    localStorage.setItem("wflastfavs", JSON.stringify(lastFavs));
    newFavsAll = [];
  totalLength = 0;

  return newFavsAll;

async function getWatchers() {
  let watchers = [];
  let prevWatchers;
  for (let i = 1; true; i++) {
    // Getting watchers html from page i
    const watchersDoc = await getHTML(`https://www.furaffinity.net/controls/buddylist/${i}/`);
    const nextWatchers = Array.from(watchersDoc.querySelectorAll('div[class="flex-item-watchlist aligncenter"]'));
    if (prevWatchers && prevWatchers[prevWatchers.length - 1].outerHTML == nextWatchers[nextWatchers.length - 1].outerHTML) break;
    prevWatchers = nextWatchers;
  return watchers;

// Getting newFavs from a specific watcher
async function getUnreadFavsWatcher(watcher, maxFavsLength, ignoreLastSeen = false) {
  // Getting username from watcher
  let user = watcher.substring(0, watcher.length - 1);
  user = user.substring(user.lastIndexOf("/"), user.length);
  user = user.substring(1, user.length);

  // Checking if user is excluded
  if (excludedUsers.includes(user)) {
		if (showExcludedUsersInLogSetting.value)
    	console.log(`${percent.toFixed(2)}% | ${user} is excluded`);
    return { intSavedUsers: progress.intSavedUsers, currScanFavs: progress.currScanFavs };
  } else {
    // Calculating current percent
    percent = (currentLength / totalLength) * 100;
    console.log(`${percent.toFixed(2)}% | ${user}`);

  // Getting fav figures from user
  const figuresAll = await getUserFavFigures(user, maxFavsLength, ignoreLastSeen);
	if (figuresAll && figuresAll.length !== 0)
		console.log(`${user}: found ${figuresAll.length} fav(s)`);

  // Exclude user if no images found
  if (figuresAll && figuresAll === "no-images") {
    console.log(user + " gets excluded");
    let excludeButton = document.getElementById("excludeButton_" + user);
    // toggleExcludeUser(`/user/${user}/`, button);
    return { intSavedUsers: progress.intSavedUsers, currScanFavs: progress.currScanFavs };

  // Changing Caption to include user
  let newFavs = [];
  for (const figure of figuresAll) {
    const figcaption = figure.querySelector("figcaption");
    const byElem = figcaption.childNodes[1].cloneNode(true);
    const linkElem = byElem.querySelector("a[href]");
    const iElem = byElem.querySelector("i");
    const aElem = byElem.querySelector("a");

    linkElem.style.fontWeight = "400";
    iElem.textContent = "from";
    aElem.title = user;
    aElem.textContent = user;
    aElem.href = `https://www.furaffinity.net/favorites/${user}`;


  // Removing lastFavs from figures
  let newCurrScanFavs = newFavs.map((figure) => figure.outerHTML);
  progress.currScanFavs = progress.currScanFavs.concat(newCurrScanFavs);

  // Saving progress to localStorage
  localStorage.setItem("wfloadingusers", JSON.stringify(progress.intSavedUsers));
  localStorage.setItem("wfloadingpercent", percent.toFixed(2));
  setCompLocalStorageArrayItemAsync("wfloading", progress.currScanFavs);

  return { newFavs: newFavs, intSavedUsers: progress.intSavedUsers, currScanFavs: progress.currScanFavs };

async function createLastXFavsButton() {
  let lastXFavsButton = document.createElement("a");
  lastXFavsButton.id = "lastXFavsButton";
  lastXFavsButton.className = "notification-container inline";
  lastXFavsButton.textContent = "Load last x Favs";
  lastXFavsButton.title = "Show last X Favorites";
  lastXFavsButton.style.cursor = "pointer";
  lastXFavsButton.onclick = () => {
    currentLength = 0;
    let amount = prompt("Enter the amount of Favs you want to load: ");
    while (amount && isNaN(parseInt(amount))) amount = prompt("Input was not a Number. Please enter the amount of Favs you want to load: ");
    if (amount && amount > 0) loadLastXFavsAll(lastXFavsButton, amount);

async function loadLastXFavsAll(lastXFavsButton, amount) {
  // Getting watchers
  const watchers = await getWatchers();
  totalLength = watchers.length;
  console.log(`You are watching "${totalLength}" people`);
  console.log(`Searching for last "${amount}" Favs...`);

  // Getting lastFavs
  progress = { newFavs: [], percent: 0, intSavedUsers: [], currScanFavs: [] };
  let newFavsAll = [];
  let promises = [];
  let semaphore = new Semaphore(2);
  for (const watcher of watchers) {
      semaphore.acquire().then(async () => {
        try {
          const watcherLink = watcher.querySelector("a").href;
          // Getting last favs from watcher
          progress = await getUnreadFavsWatcher(watcherLink, amount, true);
          if (progress.newFavs) {
            newFavsAll = newFavsAll.concat(progress.newFavs);

          // Updating LastXButton prefix
          lastXFavsButton.textContent = `WF Last ${amount}: ${Math.round(percent)}%`;
        } catch (error) {
        } finally {
  await Promise.all(promises);

  // Loading last x favs
  const figureCount = newFavsAll.length;
  if (figureCount !== 0) {
    lastXFavsButton.setAttribute("loading", false);
    lastXFavsButton.textContent = figureCount + "WF";
    totalLength = 0;
    newFavsAll = Array.from(newFavsAll);
    newFavsAll = newFavsAll.map((newFav) => newFav.outerHTML);
    var favsComp = await compressString(JSON.stringify(newFavsAll));
    localStorage.setItem("wfcurrentfavs", favsComp);
    window.location.href = "https://www.furaffinity.net/msg/submissions?mode=watchesfavoriteviewer";
  } else lastXFavsButton.parentNode.removeChild(lastXFavsButton);

  totalLength = 0;

  return newFavsAll;

// Getting fav figures from a specific user
async function getUserFavFigures(user, maxFavsLength, ignoreLastSeen = false) {
  // Checking last seen fav
  const lastFavsTemp = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("wflastfavs")) || {};
  const userInLastFavs = user in lastFavsTemp;

  let figuresAll = [];
  let lastFigureIndex = -1;
  for (let i = 1; lastFigureIndex == -1 && (i == 0 || figuresAll.length < maxFavsLength); i++) {
    // Getting figures html from page i
    const favLink = `https://www.furaffinity.net/favorites/${user}/${i}`;
    const favs = await getHTML(favLink);
    if (!favs || !favs.body) break;
    if (favs.getElementById("no-images")) {
      return "no-images";
    const figures = Array.from(favs.body.getElementsByTagName("figure"));
    if (!figures || figures.length == 0) break;

    // Check last seen fav
    if (!ignoreLastSeen && userInLastFavs) {
      lastFigureIndex = figuresAll.findIndex((figure) => figure.id == lastFavsTemp[user]);
    figuresAll = figuresAll.concat(figures);
    if (!userInLastFavs) break;

  if (figuresAll.length > maxFavsLength) {
    figuresAll = figuresAll.slice(0, maxFavsLength);

  if (!ignoreLastSeen && lastFigureIndex !== -1) {
    figuresAll = figuresAll.slice(0, lastFigureIndex);
    if (figuresAll.length !== 0) {
			lastFavs[user] = figuresAll[0].id;
  } else if (firstStart) {
    if (figuresAll && figuresAll.length !== 0) {
      if (!lastFavs) lastFavs = {};
      lastFavs[user] = figuresAll[0].id;
  } else {
    lastFavs[user] = figuresAll[0].id;

  return figuresAll;

async function createWFNavButton() {
	const settingsNav = document.querySelector('ul[class="navhideonmobile"]').querySelector('a[href="/controls/settings/"]').parentNode;
	const h3Elements = settingsNav.querySelectorAll('h3');
	let foundMMCElem = false;
  for (const h3Element of h3Elements) {
		if (h3Element.textContent === "Manage My Content") {
			foundMMCElem = true;
		if (foundMMCElem) {
			const wfNav = document.createElement('a');
			wfNav.href = "https://www.furaffinity.net/msg/submissions?mode=watchesfavoriteviewer";
			wfNav.textContent = "Last Watches Favorites";
			h3Element.parentNode.insertBefore(wfNav, h3Element);

async function getHTML(url) {
  try {
    const response = await fetch(url);
    const html = await response.text();
    const parser = new DOMParser();
    const doc = parser.parseFromString(html, "text/html");
    return doc;
  } catch (error) {

async function setCompLocalStorageArrayItemAsync(itemname, item) {
  let itemcomp = await compressString(JSON.stringify(item));
  localStorage.setItem(itemname, itemcomp);

async function compressString(str) {
  return LZString.compress(str);

async function decompressString(compStr) {
  return LZString.decompress(compStr);

class Semaphore {
  constructor(maxConcurrency) {
    this.maxConcurrency = maxConcurrency;
    this.currentConcurrency = 0;
    this.waitingQueue = [];

  acquire() {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      if (this.currentConcurrency < this.maxConcurrency) {
      } else {

  release() {
    if (this.waitingQueue.length > 0) {
      let nextResolve = this.waitingQueue.shift();
    } else {