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ChatGPT Geniş Ekran Modu 🖥️

Geliştirilmiş görüntüleme + azaltılmış kaydırma için ChatGPT'ye Widescreen + Fullscreen modları ekler

Bunlar bu scriptin güncellenmiş kod versiyonlarıdır. Bütün versiyonları göster.

  • v2023.7.14.1 14.07.2023

    Added chatgpt.getUserLanguage()

  • v2023.7.14 14.07.2023

    Bumped chatgpt.js to 2.0.0, added chatgpt.getUserLanguage()

  • v2023.7.11 11.07.2023

    Bumped chatgpt.js to 1.12.0

  • v2023.7.9.1 10.07.2023

    Replaced tab w/ spaces, removed newline

  • v2023.7.9 10.07.2023

    Changed configPrefix, moved into config

  • v2023.7.6.3 06.07.2023

    Converted tabs to spaces

  • v2023.7.6.2 06.07.2023

    Changed you.sidebar logging

  • v2023.7.6.1 06.07.2023

    Added support, condensed + moved function defs up

  • v2023.7.6 06.07.2023

    Optimized for improved performance on Poe

    • Removed collection of unused classes ± Contained paginator repositioning in updateTweaksStyle() to OpenAI
  • v2023.7.5 06.07.2023

    Added taller chatbox option to Poe + removed button accomodation

  • v2023.7.4 05.07.2023

    Bumped chatgpt.js to 1.11.0

  • v2023.7.2 03.07.2023

    Bumped chatgpt.js to 1.10.6

  • v2023.6.30 30.06.2023

    Bumped chatgpt.js to 1.10.5

  • v2023.6.29 29.06.2023

    Bumped chatgpt.js to 1.10.4

  • v2023.6.26.2 26.06.2023

    Converted tabs to spaces, removed unused classListToCSS()

  • v2023.6.26.1 26.06.2023

    (#12) Added Poe support, refactored code

    ± Separate config per site ± Converted main/side elemeent classes to CSS selectors ± Re-ordered routines

    • Removed braces
  • v2023.6.26 26.06.2023

    Bumped chatgpt.js to 1.10.3 to fix FWM detection in FF/VM

  • v2023.6.24.1 24.06.2023

    Changed update check frequency to weekly

  • v2023.6.24 24.06.2023

    Bumped chatgpt.js, improved update checker, refactored code

    ± Replaced config.ghHostDir w/ config.assetHostURL

    • Condensed message getter+ ± Replaced in Update button function w/ GM_openInTab() for onClose callback ± Added config.ghRepoURL & config.updateURL to View Changes link construction ± Re-ordered function defs
  • v2023.6.23.2 23.06.2023

    Updated name meta, added/updated description meta

  • v2023.6.23 23.06.2023

    Condensed code

  • v2023.6.22.2 23.06.2023

    Added config.updateURL for cross-manager compatibility...

    ± Re-ordered meta

  • v2023.6.22.1 23.06.2023

    Moved menuIDs init back into registerMenu()

  • v2023.6.22 23.06.2023

    Merge branch 'main' of

  • v2023.6.20.5 21.06.2023

    Added config.notifHidden check to Full Window auto-toggle

  • v2023.6.20.4 21.06.2023

    Separated toggle/sync functions

  • v2023.6.20.3 21.06.2023

    Added live Fuller Windows sync

  • v2023.6.20.2 21.06.2023

    Refactored code

    ± Replaced var with const and let ± Converted callbacks into arrow functions ± Shortened checkForUpdates()

  • v2023.6.20.1 21.06.2023

    Added full-window notification on auto-toggle...

    ± Moved appSymbol into config ± Added delay to sidebar observer

  • v2023.6.20 20.06.2023

    Added widescreen style to homepage

    ...for better visual detection of mode state

  • v2023.6.19 19.06.2023

    Added auto-reload on auto-update ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/userscripts]

  • v2023.6.17 18.06.2023

    Moved reset of skipNextUpdate to before auto-alert

  • v2023.6.16.1 16.06.2023 Removed Send button tooltip
  • v2023.6.16 16.06.2023 Combined button creation routines, removed semicolons
  • v2023.6.15.1 15.06.2023 Bumped chatgpt.js to 1.10.1
  • v2023.6.15 15.06.2023 Eliminated reliance on insecure innerHTML method... ± Bumped chatgpt.js to 1.10.0
  • v2023.6.13.9 14.06.2023 Added ID return to `alert()`
  • v2023.6.13.8 14.06.2023 Moved optional `notify()` args to definition, added args to `alert()`
  • v2023.6.13.7 13.06.2023 Added `alert()` + `notify()`, replaced Chrome messages
  • v2023.6.13.6 13.06.2023 Reformatted update alert
  • v2023.6.13.5 13.06.2023 Added `updateTweaksStyle()`
  • v2023.6.13.4 13.06.2023 Added `config.modeSynced` to prevent `syncMode(fullWindow)` repetition
  • v2023.6.13.3 13.06.2023 Added indent to `toggleMode()` to satisfy picky ESLint
  • v2023.6.13.2 13.06.2023 Split `toggleMode()` into `activateMode()` + `deactivateMode()`
  • v2023.6.13.1 13.06.2023 Converted widescreen `state` in `syncMode()` to boolean
  • v2023.6.13 13.06.2023 Anchored tooltips to bottom of chatbox
  • v2023.6.11.1 11.06.2023 Removed unused args from sidebar observer
  • v2023.6.11 11.06.2023 Restored unanimated full-window mode... ± Replaced `syncFullScreen()` w/ `syncMode()` (and added remaining modes to it) + Added sidebar observer to sync full-window ± Moved fuller window logic to `syncMode()`
  • v2023.6.10 11.06.2023 Replaced `fetch` method w/ `gm` one in `checkForUpdates()`... futureproof vs. OpenAI CORS ± Moved 'view changes' link to new line & removed positioning
  • v2023.6.9.4 09.06.2023 Bumped chatgpt.js to 1.9.1

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