Bypass Tüm Kısa Linkler

Tüm Kısa Linkleri Atla Siteler Can sıkıcı Link Kısaltıcıları Otomatik Olarak Atlar, Doğrudan Hedefinize

< Feedback on Bypass Tüm Kısa Linkler

Değerlendirme: İdare eder - script çalışıyor ama hataları var

Gönderildi: 12.11.2023

Hello thank you so much for the script. While Using it I noticed that when you try to open a youtube short it loads like a regular video so for example it turns this link into this link

I was wondering if there could be an option or a way to disable it without having to disable the whole script or edit it after every update.

Thank you in advance.

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