Tüm Kısa Linkleri Atla Siteler Can sıkıcı Link Kısaltıcıları Otomatik Olarak Atlar, Doğrudan Hedefinize
< Feedback on Bypass Tüm Kısa Linkler
It'll alreaady bypassed bro, but it depends on which browser you're using. Read here for more information https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/431691-bypass-all-shortlinks/discussions/155754
It'll alreaady bypassed bro, but it depends on which browser you're using. Read here for more information https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/431691-bypass-all-shortlinks/discussions/155754
This is my case with version 60.4 on Chrome and Firefox
Step 1: I need to click the Click here to continue button for the next step.
Step 2: Click Continue button and have to pass the reCAPTCHA request for the next step.
Step 3: I still waiting 3s and have to click the Get Link button to go to the final result.
and this one is exe https://www.veed.io/view/7439847d-0b4a-4573-9804-67d0705b7fc8?sharingWidget=true
and this one is exe https://www.veed.io/view/7439847d-0b4a-4573-9804-67d0705b7fc8?sharingWidget=true
Thank you for your video support. Can we passthrough some actions to make bypass faster as skip click the button or skip reCAPTCHA...?
It might be possible at some website, but if you want to pass it without clicking manually you can use nopecha addon/ext if you're using chrome as your browser but it only give us 100 times free solve as free user so use it wisely and if you want to gain more than 100 solve a day you can join their discord to get free key or you can pay to get a lot to solved captcha
It might be possible at some website, but if you want to pass it without clicking manually you can use nopecha addon/ext if you're using chrome as your browser but it only give us 100 times free solve as free user so use it wisely and if you want to gain more than 100 solve a day you can join their discord to get free key or you can pay to get a lot to solved captcha
Thanks for you advice so much
my pleasure
Could you add a bypass for exee.app(exe.io) please. Thanks
Real link is .... https://exee.app/aAfcu