Google images - Show size

Display size of image on the thumbnails

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Değerlendirme: İyi - script çalışıyor

Gönderildi: 22.09.2020

Thanks for this. God only knows why they took that feature away.

I'm using stylus in chrome and the settings are doing nothing for me. (I removed the @moz... parts.)

Any ideas?

Gönderildi: 22.09.2020

I'm using stylus on chrome too. I've tested on another computer with the latest chrome version, and it works as expected.

Have you manually installed the style, or did you use the "install as user style" on this page?
The "moz-document" part is important at import-time, but there is no need of editing.

I assume that you see the "gear" button next to the style name in stylus' popup window. When changing the option, don't forget to save if "on change" is not checked.

Gönderildi: 22.09.2020
Düzenlendi: 22.09.2020

Yeah I edited out the 'moz-document' after install because of all the error messages.

I reinstalled and it's working perfectly.

Thanks again.

Gönderildi: 22.09.2020

By error messages, you mean when editing a stylesheet in stylus?
I have currently no error/issue displayed for this style, but I know stylus can start displaying some without even modifying the stylesheet. I stopped taking notice. ;)
I know it can also be caused by the "CSS Linter" in use when displaying the style. But I don't know if stylus sets it globally, or if it is set style by style (never checked).

Gönderildi: 22.09.2020

Yes I suppose that's what I mean.

It's my first time installing a userstyle on greasy fork or with options (I didn't know options were a thing - something for me to read up on!).

I just assumed I would need to remove the moz...

Gönderildi: 22.09.2020

Userstyles with options (usercss) is a feature of stylus (and maybe other style managers). While normal styles can be hosted on, "usercss" are incompatible. That's why it is hosted here.

If you look at the code, you'll see that there is a metadata block at the top, with var declarations. In the code itself you can find the name of the variable, and if statements. Variable values can be used as values in css statements, or as test values in if statements.
Stylus creates the real stylesheet based on the values of your options.

Gönderildi: 22.09.2020
Düzenlendi: 22.09.2020

You can find some documentation about this by clicking the "Wiki" link in stylus.
Then follow "UserCSS" or "Writing UserCSS" in the index of the wiki page.

Gönderildi: 14.11.2020


I swear, it's like Google intentionally looks for the things and features that people value most, and then they take an axe to them.

Gönderildi: 14.11.2020

By experience I could say that it can be partly true, but I've seen companies becoming so big that they are not driven anymore by people actually building something, but by marketing guys, or potatoes sellers (the kind that doesn't know anything about the purpose of their company's products, and even less about quality).
We've seen this before with MS (products 15-20 years ago), we now see this with google. Same in the movie industry (Star Wars anyone?), the gaming industry where some studios have lost their soul...

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