Supercharged Local Directory File Browser

Makes directory index pages (either local or remote open directories) actually useful. Adds sidebar and content preview pane; keyboard navigation; sorting; light/dark UI; preview images/fonts in navigable grids; browse subdirectories w/o page reload (“tree view”); media playback, shuffle/loop options; basic playlist (m3u, extm3u) & cuesheet (.cue) support; create, edit, preview, save markdown/plain text files; open font files, view complete glyph repertoire, save glyphs as .svg; more.

< Feedback on Supercharged Local Directory File Browser


Gönderildi: 01.10.2018

please, let users to set larger and more readable fonts

please, let users to set larger and more readable fonts Consolas 18/20/22/24 px for example

Gönderildi: 01.10.2018

Do you mean fonts in the UI?

Gönderildi: 01.10.2018

You can basically do that now if you edit the "html, body,:root" style, line 623 of the code. I could make it a user preference, which would make discovery and editing easier.

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