IMDb Tomatoes

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Değerlendirme: İyi - script çalışıyor

Gönderildi: 12.03.2018
Düzenlendi: 12.03.2018

Great script!! Subtle, it blends perfectly with the page layout! (please add: @include https)

Great script!! Subtle, it blends perfectly with the page layout! Thanks a lot, @chocolateboy.

Just one thing: please add @include https://... rules, i.e.

// @include       https://*.imdb.tld/title/tt*
// @include       https://*.imdb.tld/*/title/tt*
Gönderildi: 12.03.2018

Thanks! I've just pushed a new version with that fix.

Gönderildi: 13.03.2018

Thank you for the quick response.

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