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Pinned Feedback and Search Features

Gönderildi: 17.01.2024

Hello Admin
Please if possible please add features Pinned Feedback , so easy for me to pin any feedback which has good quality for everyone to read,
also Search Feature on Forum Pages to search any discussion not to search scripts

Thank You

Gönderildi: 17.01.2024

Pinned feedback may become abused feature because some of the author may pin all the good feedbacks, so bad feedbacks will not be visible, that will happen, unless there is some limit (let's say 1 or 3 feedbacks).

The search feature may be useful, but it may take a while for a Greasy Fork to search for some specific word or phrase.

P.S. I'm not an admin, but that's what I think about your feature requests.

Gönderildi: 17.01.2024
Düzenlendi: 17.01.2024

Thanks for your reply , yes i also thought about that abuse , so don't allow multiple pins , 1 pinned messages is enough , so if author wants to pin another messages , they must unpin the old messages first

Gönderildi: 17.01.2024

I don't think pinned feedback is very useful.

Search discussions is planned but there's some technical issues to work out. The engine the site uses for search right now is not that great and the library may be abandoned, so I think I'll have to switch to something else.

Gönderildi: 24.01.2024
I don't think pinned feedback is very useful.

Maybe for some it's not very useful, but for me it's very useful, so that I don't have to explain over and over again, because what they ask is the same as the previous feedback, but maybe because of the large amount of feedback, many people are lazy to read the next page.

Search discussions is planned but there's some technical issues to work out. The engine the site uses for search right now is not that great and the library may be abandoned, so I think I'll have to switch to something else.

Thank you for adding Search discussion feature , but when I try it still gets error 500

Gönderildi: 25.01.2024

Maybe for some it's not very useful, but for me it's very useful, so that I don't have to explain over and over again, because what they ask is the same as the previous feedback, but maybe because of the large amount of feedback, many people are lazy to read the next page.

Just send them a link to previous feedback/discussion

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