ppixiv for Pixiv

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< Feedback on ppixiv for Pixiv

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 17-07-2024
Edited: 17-07-2024


• NEEDED fixes/requests ↓

• Being able to go beyond 34 pages on "posts by who you follow" page, as of right now it's impossible for people who follow
alot of people to make sure they see everything everyone has posted because of the 34 page limit on how far back you can go.
Please make the scroll infinite just like it is when tag searching I used to be able to just check every day on the followed users' posts area and within 24 hours it'd hit 34 pages of posts but now it's gone over that meaning i can't see posts from users i follow. This script (Pixiv Infinite Scroll) does this but it sadly doesn't mix with this one at all. Its extremely painful to be on page 34 and only see posts say "posted 20 hours ago" and not be able to see the ones beyond that and leave it to random chance of finding it elsewhere
• Make following able to sort by safe (blocking r-18 and r-18g)
• A toggle thats close by or on top bar that hides r18 stuff or hides safe stuff (instead of going in and manually muting it as sometimes it's 500 tags in a post cause the person is spamming and the r-18 or r-18g is hard to spot) (also the toggle basically from the followed users list but for muting either safe or the r-18s)
• A way to "follow" tags and see them just like how your follow user posts looks, (this used to be a feature in pixiv i believe but they got rid of it)
• This ones complicated to explain but, Make pictures load faster when scrolling through with either middle mouse or arrow keys and how when you press open all it loads instantly when pressing the bottom right of show all images on the page you're on (not within the image) it fixes and loads everything instantly when within the post and going left or right. When in image and clicking "view manga posts" then going right back to the post it instantly makes things load too
so to sum it up say theres a 50 page/picture post, if you click on it normally and scroll or arrow key it'll be very slow and takes alot of time to load each picture. However if you click the the bottom right of the image while on the image board "open manga posts" and you don't even need to let it expand the 50 posts you just instantly click onto the image after clicking onto the bottom right expand then the extremely slow loading speeds on images goes away entirely. I've tested this on different internet speeds it's the same bad loading speeds on all and then INSTANTLY better after just clicking expand manga/post and then not waiting but just clicking onto the image again
• Show followed users icon on images just like how it is in the hold right click context menu, Same way the "Ai posts" icon is just on the bottom left it'd be nice to see at the top right or something if the post is by someone you follow so you know not to check in the context menu if it's a good post if you already follow them or have to follow them or not
• A setting/toggle to Make "following" and "artists illustrations" and "search tags" pages be able to not show you already bookmarked and liked posts the same way the "recommended" and "similar artwork" pages do as sometimes it's impossible to see new stuff when in these. Almost literally impossble in some sections (also if made make it a toggle cause it's helpful to see bookmarked posts when searching by tag cause it shows you what posts you last saw when you last searched by that tag, meaning you won't keep scrolling past stuff you've already seen)

• Not Needed but would be cool if added ↓

• removing artists' posts you've muted when in searching by tag, same way it's done when in similar images where you usually won't even see the artists posts at all, as of right now when in searching by tag it just shows they're muted but an option to just remove the posts entirely would be nice as right now it just fills the screen if there's artists that spam tags and you've muted them
• be able to export muted accounts list
• toggle to hide followed user posts in areas like when tag searching or elsewhere
• Bookmarked, privately bookmarked and liked posts have a toggle you can switch where they don't show up on searching tags, when looking through a users profile and when looking through "posts by who you follow" page (meaning the same system as what's in recommended page but in other areas.)
• whenever opening a picture make it auto bookmark / like, (don't think it'll spring pixiv to bot check you and give you the "not loaded post" thing. Only time this happens is if you get autohotkey and force bookmarking every post on the page all at once then it'll make you wait 30 secs to a minute and let you look at posts and like stuff again. There's some auto bookmarker scripts that do this but they only do when scrolling through posts not just clicking on them. Though scrolling through and auto bookmarking is also helpful for covering ground when tag searching)

(Been testing any of these issues/bugs on vanilla up to date versions of firefox, brave, chrome, edge, vivaldi, and librewolf just to make sure it wasn't a one time thing. Been writing these things down when seeing issues and fixes that could make it more efficient of a overhaul script. Used this script for a few years thank you so much for making it it's saved me life times of time please keep updating it it's the best script I've ever seen)

(I've used this script possibly the most out of anyone that's downloaded it so i hope any input
i give can help out, thank you for making this it literally has saved so much time with how easy it makes things)

Posted: 09-08-2024

(Bit too much to respond to everything)

I generally don't try to create searches and filters that Pixiv itself doesn't offer, since it causes hard to fix problems. For example, searching for "dog" with a "hide dogs" filter enabled could result in silently sending hundreds of requests to Pixiv trying to fill up the page. I don't want to get people blocked from Pixiv by accidentally running a search like that and spamming the site endlessly. To work well these features really should be implemented server-side, all I'm doing is offering a better UI.

Pixiv's search APIs don't say whether a user is followed, so that info isn't available to show it in thumbnails. It's loaded on demand if you right-click an image (that's why there's a slight delay the first time).

Try r240, I adjusted the preloading to allow parallel loading of manga page thumbnails, which I think is what you were seeing. Only one image is normally preloaded at a time, but manga thumbnails are safe to batch load, which should make manga pages viewable quicker.

There's no special page limit viewing followed users, I can scroll down to page 50 (19 days ago for me) and it just keeps going. Maybe Pixiv's API is doing something different depending on how many people you're following, whether you have premium, or something else that might cause different behavior. You could look at the API results to see what's happening (we stop if we get a page with no results), or for any errors in the console.

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