Voxiom.IO Aimbot, ESP & X-Ray

Let's you see players and items behind walls in voxiom.io. Comes with an aimbot that locks aim at nearest enemy and auto fires at them. Also shows ores and names of the items that are far far away.

< Feedback on Voxiom.IO Aimbot, ESP & X-Ray


Posted: 2024-09-29

I wrote an anti afk code, it would be good if you add it to the game.

let simulationActive = false;
let simulationInterval;
let spaceInterval;
let mouseX = 0;
let mouseY = Math.random() * window.innerHeight;
let inactivityTimer;

function simulateSpaceKey() {
    const spaceEvent = new KeyboardEvent('keydown', {
        key: ' ',
        code: 'Space',
        isTrusted: true,
        bubbles: true,
        cancelBubble: false,
        cancelable: true,
        charCode: 0,
        composed: true,
        ctrlKey: false,
        detail: 0,
        keyCode: 32,
        location: 0,
        metaKey: false,
        repeat: false,
        shiftKey: false,
        which: 32,
        view: window,
        timeStamp: Date.now()

    setTimeout(() => {
        const spaceUpEvent = new KeyboardEvent('keyup', {
            key: ' ',
            code: 'Space',
            isTrusted: true,
            bubbles: true,
            cancelBubble: false,
            cancelable: true,
            charCode: 0,
            composed: true,
            ctrlKey: false,
            detail: 0,
            keyCode: 32,
            location: 0,
            metaKey: false,
            repeat: false,
            shiftKey: false,
            which: 32,
            view: window,
            timeStamp: Date.now()
    }, 100);

function simulateMouseMovement() {
    mouseX += 10;
    if (mouseX > window.innerWidth) {
        mouseX = 0;

    mouseY = Math.random() * window.innerHeight;

    const mouseMoveEvent = new MouseEvent('mousemove', {
        bubbles: true,
        cancelable: true,
        clientX: mouseX,
        clientY: mouseY,
        isTrusted: true,
        view: window,
        detail: 0,
        screenX: mouseX,
        screenY: mouseY,
        layerX: mouseX,
        layerY: mouseY,
        offsetX: mouseX + 16,
        offsetY: mouseY + 12,
        movementX: 10,
        movementY: 0,
        buttons: 0,
        relatedTarget: null


function startSimulation() {
    if (!simulationActive) {
        spaceInterval = setInterval(simulateSpaceKey, 3000);
        simulationInterval = setInterval(simulateMouseMovement, 5);
        simulationActive = true;
        const cEvent = new KeyboardEvent('keydown', {
            key: 'c',
            code: 'KeyC',
            isTrusted: true,
            bubbles: true,
            cancelBubble: false,
            cancelable: true,
            charCode: 0,
            composed: true,
            ctrlKey: false,
            detail: 0,
            keyCode: 67,
            location: 0,
            metaKey: false,
            repeat: false,
            shiftKey: false,
            which: 67,
            view: window,
            timeStamp: Date.now(),
            isFake: true
        console.log('Simülasyon başlatıldı.');

function resetInactivityTimer() {
    inactivityTimer = setTimeout(() => {
    }, 180000);

document.addEventListener('keydown', (event) => {
    if (event.isTrusted) {
        if (simulationActive) {
            simulationActive = false;
            const cUpEvent = new KeyboardEvent('keyup', {
                key: 'c',
                code: 'KeyC',
                isTrusted: true,
                bubbles: true,
                cancelBubble: false,
                cancelable: true,
                charCode: 0,
                composed: true,
                ctrlKey: false,
                detail: 0,
                keyCode: 67,
                location: 0,
                metaKey: false,
                repeat: false,
                shiftKey: false,
                which: 67,
                view: window,
                timeStamp: Date.now()
            console.log('Simülasyon durduruldu.');
        resetInactivityTimer(); // Reset timer on any keydown

// Initialize the inactivity timer
Posted: 2024-09-29

The reason we press C is to make sure the players can hear us.

I added mouseMoveEvent because I like it, it actually has no qualifications.

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