Add new entries to your MyAnimeList - Chiaki

With a single click add all entries from an entire franchise on any page directly to your MAL account with the status of your choice.

Installera detta skript?
Författaren's rekommenderade skript

Du kanske också gillar Watch Order & Adaptations Finder.

Installera detta skript
// ==UserScript==
// @name         Add new entries to your MyAnimeList - Chiaki
// @namespace
// @version      7
// @description  With a single click add all entries from an entire franchise on any page directly to your MAL account with the status of your choice.
// @author       hacker09
// @match
// @match*
// @match
// @icon,SIZE,URL&url=
// @run-at       document-end
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
  'use strict';
  if (location.href.match('chiaki') !== null && document.querySelector('').innerText === 'SIGN IN' && location.href !== '') //If the user is on the and it the user isn't signed in on, and if the user wasn't returned to the home page
  { //Starts the if condition
    document.querySelector('').click(); //Click on the sign in btn
    if (location.href.match('auth') !== null) //If the user is on the auth page
    { //Starts the if condition
      document.querySelectorAll('.uk-button-large')[1].click(); //Click on the SIGN IN WITH MYANIMELIST btn
    } //Finishes the if condition
  } //Finishes the if condition

  if (location.href.match('authorization') !== null) //If the user is on the MAL auth website
  { //Starts the if condition
    window.onload = function() { //When the page finishes loading
      setTimeout(function() {
        if (document.querySelectorAll("form > input")[1].id !== 'clicked') //If the form id is not clicked
        { //Starts the if condition
          document.querySelectorAll("form > input")[1].click(); //Click on the Allow btn
        } //Finishes the if condition
      }, 300); //Click on the Allow btn
    }; //Finishes the onload event listener
  } //Finishes the if condition
  if (location.href === '') //When the user gets returned to the home page
  { //Starts the if condition
    window.history.go(-3); //Return to the franchise page
  } //Finishes the if condition

  document.querySelector("").insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', '<li><a href="#" id="AddToMAL">ADD</a></li>'); //Show The ADD btn

  document.querySelector('#AddToMAL').onclick = function(e) { //When the add btn is clicked
    e.preventDefault(); //Prevent the default click action
    e.stopPropagation(); //Prevent the default click action
    var UserInput = prompt('1 Watching\n2 Completed\n3 On-Hold\n4 Dropped\n5 PTW\n*Write only your choice number and click OK'); //Gets the user input

    switch (UserInput) { //Detect the user choice
      case '1': //If the user choose option 1
        UserInput = 'watching'; //Change the variable value
        break; //Stop executing the switch statement
      case '2': //If the user choose option 2
        UserInput = 'completed'; //Change the variable value
        break; //Stop executing the switch statement
      case '3': //If the user choose option 3
        UserInput = 'on_hold'; //Change the variable value
        break; //Stop executing the switch statement
      case '4': //If the user choose option 4
        UserInput = 'dropped'; //Change the variable value
        break; //Stop executing the switch statement
      case '5': //If the user choose option 5
        UserInput = 'plan_to_watch'; //Change the variable value
        break; //Stop executing the switch statement
    } //Ends the switch statement

    var Counter = 0; //Create a new counter variable
    document.querySelectorAll(" > a:nth-child(1)").forEach(async function(el) { //ForEach MAL entry link
      fetch("", { //Fetches
        "headers": {
          "content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8",
        "body": `id=${el.href.split('/')[4]}&status=${UserInput}`,
        "method": "POST"
      }) //Finishes the Fetch
        .then(response => { //After the fetch finished
        Counter += 1; //Increase the counter by 1
        if (Counter === document.querySelectorAll(" > a:nth-child(1)").length) //If the Counter is equal to the amount of fetched links
        { //Starts the if condition
          location.reload(); //Reloads the page after adding is completed
        } //Finishes the if condition
      }) //Finishes the then statement
    }) //Finishes the ForEach loop
  } //Finishes the onclick event listener