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< Feedback on Förbigå alla kortlänkar

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 2022-09-02

Please Guys do not leave bad reviews or comments on the creator...
The Admin doing its best to provide us good scripts for free...
True there are some sites that doesn't work but give a chance for its creator to work
around it without negative comments... At the end he just a Human!
If you or anyone have personal comment send Private message.
Have a peaceful Wkend Y'all

Posted: 2022-09-02


Posted: 2022-09-02

I love the creator very much. He is al2ays there for us. A big thank you to him in public.

Please Guys do not leave bad reviews or comments on the creator...
The Admin doing its best to provide us good scripts for free...
True there are some sites that doesn't work but give a chance for its creator to work
around it without negative comments... At the end he just a Human!
If you or anyone have personal comment send Private message.
Have a peaceful Wkend Y'all

100% agree!!
this creator is the only one and the best
made my life better with his script
please update for (fly) shortlink sir
Thank you for everything
salute this creator

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