Förbi alla korta länkar webbplatser hoppar automatiskt över irriterande länkförkortare, direkt till din destination
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Thanks for your great codes , I have tested no errors sintax but still have Bugs on captcha response ,i hope you want fix it
can you make specific class too between setTimeout and setInterval ? because some sites in the list not working without setInterval.
i can solve the captcha problems , when i have time, i will use your codes if you don't mind
can you make specific class too between setTimeout and setInterval ? because some sites in the list not working without setInterval.
i can solve the captcha problems , when i have time, i will use your codes if you don't mind
Oops I did not see that there is a setInterval
I fixed the code try it now
Thanks again for Helping me , this simple scripts make me easy to fix bugs when the shortlink sites has changed the codes , and more easy to add new site . but im still use 2 old codes because not working perfectly on 2 site (EzLinks/zshort and fc.lc), i don't know why look like setInterval not working there or maybe need more definition for setInterval.
if you want to check it , this is the example
https://ezlinks.io/CBusjiuxdfd >bugs, need manual click at the middle of site if without my old codes
https://fc-lc.com/9DZg8VH2 >bugs, need manual click at the end of site if without my old codes
almost all script codes in setInterval mode is not working, not repeat the click
i hope you know how to fix it
almost all script codes in setInterval mode is not working, not repeat the click
i hope you know how to fix it
I will check it when I have free time
In the meantime, replace all the setInterval with this codeelementExists ('x') && setInterval(function() {document.querySelector('x').click()}, y)
tested but still not working , is that possible to add defined like settimout code ? const elementExists = (query, timeInSec = 1, funcName = 'setInterval') =>
elementExists ('x') && setInterval.. change && with | is working but need break code or clearinterval because the click never stop time interval not work.
i think your setinterval scripts (clickIfElementExists('.yu-blue.yu-btn', 1, 'setInterval') is working but i don't know why for some sites not working perfectly
Try the new code
Try the new code
omg thanks again for your nice idea recaptchaInterval , the new code is working but there is need separator between click and submit on recaptchaInterval definition , so this new code not working for all sites in the list , please fix it if you have more time .
Can you please make new code again for my latest version 9.7 , because of your clean code I've made a big change for my Scripts and i have lots of ideas to make my scripts much better to solve the shortlink site.Thanks so much
Try the new code
https://pastebin.com/UpAZsBm5omg thanks again for your nice idea recaptchaInterval , the new code is working but there is need separator between click and submit on recaptchaInterval definition , so this new code not working for all sites in the list , please fix it if you have more time .
Can you please make new code again for my latest version 9.7 , because of your clean code I've made a big change for my Scripts and i have lots of ideas to make my scripts much better to solve the shortlink site.Thanks so much
Send me sites that need to submit and I will see what can be done
I have an idea for you instead of using the code now that requires you to run a lot of codes that you do not need on any site you can create something like this
Send me sites that need to submit and I will see what can be done
there are many sites in the list need submit code than click code ,this is example that need submit code https://clik.pw/44yK9A and https://mitly.us/jFOQW
I have an idea for you instead of using the code now that requires you to run a lot of codes that you do not need on any site you can create something like this
yes that true my scripts run a lot of codes, but my code is universal which can run on all sites in the match lists , example this code "if (elementExists("#link-view"))" that can work for more than 200 sites in the match lists. i create match list to make sure it doesn't interfere with other sites that are not shortlinks sites .
i think your idea there will be more code than mine because you will create code each sites , my scripts now more better to solve Dutchycorp shortlink . What we need with my latest Bypass All Shortlinks scripts is just open the shortlink sites then solve the Captcha if show up then finish to destination .
I think you do not need the rest just one
Look at the sites that use it/*customTimeout('button#invisibleCaptchaShortlink.btn-main.get-link', 5)
customTimeout('button#invisibleCaptchaShortlink.btn.ybtn.ybtn-accent-color.btn-captcha', 5)
customTimeout('button#invisibleCaptchaShortlink.btn.btn-outline-primary.btn-lg.btn-block.btn-captcha', 5)*/
oh thank you , before i see your new code i'm try to make definition like recaptchaIntervalclick and recaptchaIntervalsubmit with your code.
at this time i'm happy because i don't see uncaught errors in dev tools caused by my scripts
case 'ouo.today': location.href = nextUrl; break;
Add it to the code
case 'makemoneywithurl.com': document.querySelector('#hidden form').submit(); break;
case 'makemoneywithurl.com': document.querySelector('#hidden form').submit(); break;
Thanks for this code , can you please make this code to work in my script , this code is working perfectly with universal bypass , about definition you can see here https://github.com/Sainan/Universal-Bypass/blob/master/injection_script.js ifElement('form#wpsafelink-landing', w => {
//generate link bypass
ifElement('div#wpsafe-link', d => {
var onc = d.getElementsByTagName("a")[0].getAttribute("onclick") //get onclick attr of anchor in div
var bs64 = onc.split(/\?safelink_redirect=|',/)[1] //use .split with regex to get destination encoded in base64
var decoded = JSON.parse(atob(bs64)) //parse base64 to object
function w(query, callback) {
const t = setInterval(function() {
if (elementExists(query)) {
}, 1000);
function w(query, callback) {
const t = setInterval(function() {
if (elementExists(query)) {
}, 1000);
i'm still confuse how to combine with base64 code above
Which site uses it?
Which site uses it?
many sites need to encoded in base64 , some sites work with code in the switch mode ,this is example https://go.youshort.me/UHKQG
i'm very happy if the code above from universal bypass,can work with my scripts , because this code is universal that can work with many shortlink site
omg thanks so much ,tested and working great for another site too, i will update my scripts to the next version .
If you don't mind, i have another request,in add-on universal bypass script here https://github.com/Sainan/Universal-Bypass/blob/master/injection_script.js
there is code like this domainBypass("adbull.me",()=>ifElement("form#setc",({action})=>{
can you please make this code to work for my script too, this code make more faster to solve the shortlink site , at this time i see 3 shortlink site using same form #setc , this is example https://adbull.me/XnI02S . Thanks
case 'ouo.today': location.href = nextUrl; break;
Add it to the code
i try to add this code but nextUrl is not defined
w("form#setc", function({action}) {
location.href = "https://universal-bypass.org/navigate?target=" + encodeURIComponent(location.href) + "&referer=" + encodeURIComponent(action)
The site has no element with this ID but anyway
if the element existed then this is what the code would look like
case 'ouo.today': location.href = nextUrl; break;
Add it to the codei try to add this code but nextUrl is not defined
w("form#setc", function({action}) {
location.href = "https://universal-bypass.org/navigate?target=" + encodeURIComponent(location.href) + "&referer=" + encodeURIComponent(action)
The site has no element with this ID but anyway
if the element existed then this is what the code would look like
tested but not working , is that possible without universal-bypass.org site there ?
we need to stop it before going to deportealdia live site to see the form id, the form is in adbull site
case 'ouo.today': location.href = nextUrl; break;
Add it to the codei try to add this code but nextUrl is not defined
i don't have problems visiting the site , delay in seconds then go to Goodreads site .
defined mean is like this const nextUrl = bla bla bla
w("form#setc", function({action}) {
location.href = "https://universal-bypass.org/navigate?target=" + encodeURIComponent(location.href) + "&referer=" + encodeURIComponent(action)
The site has no element with this ID but anyway
if the element existed then this is what the code would look liketested but not working , is that possible without universal-bypass.org site there ?
we need to stop it before going to deportealdia live site to see the form id, the form is in adbull site
if you don't want to use universal navigate just get their navigate code from github
Thank You so much , i have more ideas from your given codes , a lot of shortlinks sites bypassed without bugs
Thank you for this script, but after the update it no longer takes place automatically, you have to click to move to the next page, please fix
please give the site you visit , until now i don't see any problems all are automatically
Thank you for this script, but after the update it no longer takes place automatically, you have to click to move to the next page, please fix
done fixed the problem with your favorite browser
is that possible to add clear interval or break code in custominterval ? i try to add but just make bugs
customInterval('a.btn-main.get-link', 5) >> i want add break code here
customInterval('#ytimer > .s-btn-f', 5) >> but not here
sometimes 1 or 2 customInterval need break code
Please include FreeBCC shortlink into the script.
Thank you , tested and implemented
Another request please @JustOlaf , can you make this code work in my Scripts domainBypass("1bit.space",()=>{
if(typeof hcaptcha=="object"&&typeof apiCounter=="object")
if(typeof tokenURL=="string")
This code just skip HCaptcha and going to the right destination automatically , this is example https://1bit.space/YgtikAw
Thank you .
if(typeof hcaptcha=="object" && typeof apiCounter=="object") {
if(typeof tokenURL=="string") {
window.location.href = atob(tokenURL)
oh my god working like charm , thank you so much
Please add (https://profitlink.info) and (https://www.lootlinks.xyz) to the script.
Please add (https://profitlink.info) and (https://www.lootlinks.xyz) to the script.
Done , Let me know if you found the bugs
Again another request please @JustOlaf , this shortlink very annoying for me to solve it , i don't know why , maybe because i'm using adblocker , but with this code we can go to the destination automatically , please help me to make this work for my scripts domainBypass(/za\.(gl|uy)/, () => {
ifElement("form#link-view", form => {
document.querySelector('#x').value = '192'
document.querySelector('#y').value = '114'
document.querySelector('input[name="givenX"]').value = 'VFl0utOEF6a7BiS8YJdqTg=='
document.querySelector('input[name="givenY"]').value = 'rsW06vBB1oIFVpnFz61t5Q=='
ifElement("form#go-link", () => {
window.setTimeout(() => {
let payload = new URLSearchParams(new FormData(document.querySelector("#go-link"))).toString();
fetch(`${location.origin}/links/go`, {
"headers": {
"content-type":"application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8",
"method": "POST",
"mode": "cors",
.then(res => res.json())
.then(res => {
if(res.status !== "error"){
}, 3500)
}, () => crowdBypass())
This is example https://za.uy/sVr0g9
w("form#link-view", form => {
document.querySelector('#x').value = '192'
document.querySelector('#y').value = '114'
document.querySelector('input[name="givenX"]').value = 'VFl0utOEF6a7BiS8YJdqTg=='
document.querySelector('input[name="givenY"]').value = 'rsW06vBB1oIFVpnFz61t5Q=='
setTimeout(function() {
fetch(`${location.origin}/links/go`, {
"headers": {
"content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8",
"x-requested-with": "XMLHttpRequest"
"body": new URLSearchParams(new FormData(document.querySelector("#go-link"))).toString(),
"method": "POST",
"mode": "cors",
.then(res => res.json())
.then(res => {
if(res.status !== "error") {
window.location.href = res.url
}, 3500)
Thanks so much , tested working perfectly without eslint sintax errors and implemented in the latest version.
please help me @JustOlaf to get all url , this is the case case 'satoshigratisotomatis.blogspot.com':
if (h.pathname === '/' && h.searchParams.has('url')) {
return 'https://bismillahslamet.blogspot.com/p/blog-page.html?url=' + h.searchParams.get('url');
when the url like this https://satoshigratisotomatis.blogspot.com/?url=https://faucetworld.in/extend_count.php?&key=TX7dtzbOS5&short_name=prz.pw
the result is like this https://bismillahslamet.blogspot.com/p/blog-page.html?url=https://faucetworld.in/extend_count.php?
parameters key and short_name not include
How to get all url on the result ? i try to change with h.searchParams.getAll('url') the result still same .
location.search.replace('?url', '')
location.search.replace('?url', '')
not working , the results like this https://bismillahslamet.blogspot.com/p/=https://faucetworld.in/extend_count.php?
i want the results like this https://bismillahslamet.blogspot.com/p/blog-page.html?url=https://faucetworld.in/extend_count.php?&key=TX7dtzbOS5&short_name=prz.pw
please help me , thank you
i can fix my issue , thanks for helping me
location.search.replace('?url', '')
From your given code i have idea to bypass shortlink site , but still confused how to do with switch case,
shortlink site https://go.birdurls.com/JsCTgHv
how to replace or remove "go." in that url so the site become https://birdurls.com/JsCTgHv
Please help me if you have much time , thanks
location = location.href.replace('go.', '')
location = location.href.replace('go.', '')
Awesome code , Thank You so much
Please update the Ultraten shortlink "https://ultraten.net". It is not automatically going through.
Please update the Ultraten shortlink "https://ultraten.net". It is not automatically going through.
Send me a link so I can check what can be done
Please update the Ultraten shortlink "https://ultraten.net". It is not automatically going through.
What is your browser ? i don't have problems with Ultraten and Allcryptoz site , all working perfectly .
with function https://pastebin.com/xxGEq6Sz
Thanks so much i will try to understand first how to call this function before going to public.
the code look like more simple and elegant .
Please update the Ultraten shortlink "https://ultraten.net". It is not automatically going through.
What is your browser ? i don't have problems with Ultraten and Allcryptoz site , all working perfectly .
I use Opera Browser.
Also it had to go through steps 1 thru 4 to get to the end. The site has been updated with something else being put into it.
with function https://pastebin.com/xxGEq6Sz
This code is errors in opera browser , and error with studyuo.com "form is undefined"
I use Opera Browser.
Also it had to go through steps 1 thru 4 to get to the end. The site has been updated with something else being put into it.
Please update to the latest version 13.4 , this error is between opera browser with ultraten site , i don't see my scripts error there,
Better using Firefox browser.
Hello Pemula,
First I would like thank you for a great job you made it here.
Question please.
Here is an link you will understand it if you check it. https://cccamfree-kanasa.com/
If you can to bypass all the links after it comes to make it at the end of the link which is give the free c line.
if you have any quastion i will be here to answer.
Thanks again
any help here please?
Hello Pemula,
First I would like thank you for a great job you made it here.
Question please.
Here is an link you will understand it if you check it. https://cccamfree-kanasa.com/
If you can to bypass all the links after it comes to make it at the end of the link which is give the free c line.
if you have any quastion i will be here to answer.
Thanks again
cccamfree-kanasa.com is shortlink site ? i never visited , please give me complete link
Thanks for reply.
When you click in this site https://cccamfree-kanasa.com/ on top is "Free CCCAM" you can click on it and enter any username and password,after that click on any available free cline.Now the important thing is it will redirect you to this link "https://tei.ai/1xNC" which is need to bypass to be able to get the finall free cline in that first link.
I think you understand it now.
I think there is 1 or 2 links that it needs to bypass it.
I think there is 1 or 2 links that it needs to bypass it.
i don't have problems on it, 2 shortlink site bypassed tei.ai and iir.ai , just let me know if the site use shortlink that not yet listed in my scripts .
HOST cccamfree-kanasa.com
PORT 9900
USER test123
PASS test123Q
In google chrome I still can see :I'm not Robot: in https://tei.ai/1xNC and on https://makemoneywithurl.com/2017/09/popcash-review-popcash-payment-proof-html and on third attempt it's https://iir.ai/pi6n again and 'I.m not Robot' and counting on all three short links from 10 to 0.
there are those 3 short links that are not listed in your scripts.
there are those 3 short links that are not listed in your scripts.
all this site is listed , you need to update your script
with function https://pastebin.com/xxGEq6Sz
Another request please @JustOlaf , this code from universal bypass , please make it works with your function domainBypass("claimercorner.xyz",()=>ifElement("input[name='newwpsafelink']",i=>{
const{parse}=JSON,{searchParams}=new URL(parse(atob(i.value)).linkr)
Thank You very much .
location = location.href.replace('go.', '')
with this code if i want also removing parameter how to do that ? example https://go.birdurls.com/JsCTgHv&m=1
i want remove "go." and params "&m=1" , help me please , thanks
with function https://pastebin.com/xxGEq6Sz
Another request please @JustOlaf , this code from universal bypass , please make it works with your function
const{parse}=JSON,{searchParams}=new URL(parse(atob(i.value)).linkr)
Thank You very much .
domainBypass(/crazyblog.in|studyuo.com|claimercorner.xyz/, function() {
const form = document.getElementById('wpsafelink-landing')
location = location.href.replace('go.', '')
with this code if i want also removing parameter how to do that ? example https://go.birdurls.com/JsCTgHv&m=1
i want remove "go." and params "&m=1" , help me please , thanks
location.href.replace(/go.|&m=1/g, '')
domainBypass(/crazyblog.in|studyuo.com|claimercorner.xyz/, function() {
const form = document.getElementById('wpsafelink-landing')
i do this code before asking but not working , because parameter is "safelink_redirect" not "wpsafelink"
if you don't mind please check this link https://pahe.li/billions-season-6/ in download section GD,MG etc you will see the link like this https://intercelestial.com/?id=UlV6TkZYcjhuWGxFR3BTY3NVODRKcWhpM1Bnd3hxcjN5dzdKc0lCOHVTaHk5R05RVGpQRzE0d09XOVpTNk9yN2k5UWhPdHJDV05zYzU5UXFaclZ5TEh3L0FmMnRhcVp3ZHIzM3Y1TCtUZEVYU01MSlFzYmZBREZWV243bXdpYnV4Z3Nabkx4N0pMRzZQSU5Yc1ZOcDNQdGpiM0ZJaTE2SUZLYkdMTjhUVU8zbGVhU2M3UXRXVGhyU1pLL1ZwSHFKa1l1Ukl5REk0cWFNUVBTaHdtTDZYZz09
using params 'id' i try with that code but not working either, i hope you can bypass it.Thanks
There is still counter and Robot on those three sites:
I updated the scripts already.
domainBypass(/crazyblog.in|studyuo.com|claimercorner.xyz/, function() {
const form = document.getElementById('wpsafelink-landing')
})i do this code before asking but not working , because parameter is "safelink_redirect" not "wpsafelink"
if you don't mind please check this link https://pahe.li/billions-season-6/ in download section GD,MG etc you will see the link like this https://intercelestial.com/?id=UlV6TkZYcjhuWGxFR3BTY3NVODRKcWhpM1Bnd3hxcjN5dzdKc0lCOHVTaHk5R05RVGpQRzE0d09XOVpTNk9yN2k5UWhPdHJDV05zYzU5UXFaclZ5TEh3L0FmMnRhcVp3ZHIzM3Y1TCtUZEVYU01MSlFzYmZBREZWV243bXdpYnV4Z3Nabkx4N0pMRzZQSU5Yc1ZOcDNQdGpiM0ZJaTE2SUZLYkdMTjhUVU8zbGVhU2M3UXRXVGhyU1pLL1ZwSHFKa1l1Ukl5REk0cWFNUVBTaHdtTDZYZz09
using params 'id' i try with that code but not working either, i hope you can bypass it.Thanks
I will check it
I will check it
Thanks so much for your time , i have another request if you don't mind , with your code below , for some site the result is opened in popup new tabs , is that possible the result opening in same tabs ?https://pastebin.com/ZvP2qCbt
another request again , i try to make auto click for this shortlink but start timer won't clicked , i try with click and submit is same , do nothing , this is example https://pentafaucet.com/f/g_kmTTkOnM
i hope you can do that , Thank You
I will check it
Thanks so much for your time , i have another request if you don't mind , with your code below , for some site the result is opened in popup new tabs , is that possible the result opening in same tabs ?https://pastebin.com/ZvP2qCbt
another request again , i try to make auto click for this shortlink but start timer won't clicked , i try with click and submit is same , do nothing , this is example https://pentafaucet.com/f/g_kmTTkOnM
i hope you can do that , Thank You
// ==UserScript==
// @name New Userscript
// @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version 0.1
// @description try to take over the world!
// @author You
// @match https://getitall.top/f/*
// @match https://pentafaucet.com/f/*
// @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?domain=getitall.top
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
function next(short_id) {
fetch("https://sl.lindernman.xyz/s/next", {
"headers": { "content-type": "application/json;charset=UTF-8" },
"body": JSON.stringify({ short_id }),
"method": "POST"
.then(res => res.text())
function complete(short_id) {
fetch("https://sl.lindernman.xyz/s/complete", {
"headers": { "content-type": "application/json;charset=UTF-8" },
"body": JSON.stringify({ short_id }),
"method": "POST"
.then(res => res.text())
.then(t => {
window.location.href =JSON.parse(t)
const short_id = location.pathname.split('/')[2];
setTimeout(function() {
// Your code here...
Tested working but for the first time give me Error: Not found: /400, because when I visit https://pentafaucet.com/f/g_kmTTkOnM then return to https://pentafaucet.com/f/400 i click go back then the shortlink completed successfully
Please check again from this site https://simplebits.io/shortlinks
There are many similar Shortlinks like that GetItAll top, HitBits SL , Penta sl ,Simple SL and S Labs SL
Tested working but for the first time give me Error: Not found: /400, because when I visit https://pentafaucet.com/f/g_kmTTkOnM then return to https://pentafaucet.com/f/400 i click go back then the shortlink completed successfully
Please check again from this site https://simplebits.io/shortlinks
There are many similar Shortlinks like that GetItAll top, HitBits SL , Penta sl ,Simple SL and S Labs SL
just change time in the setinterval
// ==UserScript==
// @name New Userscript
// @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version 0.1
// @description try to take over the world!
// @author You
// @match https://hitbits.io/slk/*
// @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?domain=hitbits.io
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
function next(short_id) {
fetch("https://sl.lindernman.xyz/s/next", {
"headers": { "content-type": "application/json;charset=UTF-8" },
"body": JSON.stringify({ short_id }),
"method": "POST"
.then(res => res.text())
function complete(short_id) {
fetch("https://sl.lindernman.xyz/s/complete", {
"headers": { "content-type": "application/json;charset=UTF-8" },
"body": JSON.stringify({ short_id }),
"method": "POST"
.then(res => res.text())
.then(t => {
window.location.href = JSON.parse(t)
const short_id = location.pathname.split('/')[3];
setTimeout(function() {
// Your code here...
Thanks so much , by changing the interval can solve the problem , how about Simple SL and S Labs SL?
Please add https://techacode.com and https://haymod.com to the shortlink long list. They are not working correctly.
I made a clean code for you https://pastebin.com/VedttZ5e
do you have any code to block the loading third-party websites ? this weeks i see many third-party sites from the ads, sometimes just disturbing my scripts from loading.
I made a clean code for you https://pastebin.com/VedttZ5e
do you have any code to block the loading third-party websites ? this weeks i see many third-party sites from the ads, sometimes just disturbing my scripts from loading.
try this
Thanks so much for the link , actually i don't have problems with ads or third-party sites because i use ublock, i just wanna help people that don't know how to modify ublock or not using adblock extension , at this time i try to create simple scripts to block ads or banner, working for some sites and not working if error "$ is not a function"let $ = window.jQuery;
im confused how to fix that errors i hope you have brilliant idea to make scripts for blocking third-party websites and ads.
Do you have any idea how to fix TypeError: $ is not a function ? i try to change $ with another and add jquery noconflict still not fixed
please check this shortlink https://linksly.co/CWkn4Ah to see the error , but first, please remove this code from my scripts
line number 252 in tamper
if(location.href.indexOf("linksly.co") != -1 || location.href.indexOf("shrinke.me") != -1 || location.href.indexOf("health-and.me") != -1 || location.href.indexOf("stfly.me") != -1 ) { clickIfElementExists('.get-link.btn-lg.btn-success.btn', 5, 'setInterval')}
Thanks so much for the link , actually i don't have problems with ads or third-party sites because i use ublock, i just wanna help people that don't know how to modify ublock or not using adblock extension , at this time i try to create simple scripts to block ads or banner, working for some sites and not working if error "$ is not a function"
let $ = window.jQuery;
im confused how to fix that errors i hope you have brilliant idea to make scripts for blocking third-party websites and ads.
function remove(querySelector) {
function searchParams(parm, url, path = '/') {
const URLSearch = new URLSearchParams(location.search);
return URLSearch.has(parm) && location.pathname === path ? url + URLSearch.get(parm) : null
A small example of some of the code
BypassedByBloggerPemula(/7apple.net/, searchParams('go', 'https://illink.net/'))
BypassedByBloggerPemula(/go.dogeearn.com/, searchParams('go', 'https://cryptoads.space/'))
BypassedByBloggerPemula(/wpking.in/, searchParams('link', 'https://o.ovlinks.com/'))
BypassedByBloggerPemula(/foodyrecipe.xyz/, searchParams('link', 'https://paid4.link/'))
BypassedByBloggerPemula(/adcortoltda.agency/, searchParams('link', 'https://link.adcortoltda.agency/'))
BypassedByBloggerPemula(/lux.adinsurance.xyz/, searchParams('link', 'https://go.adinsurance.xyz/'))
BypassedByBloggerPemula(/insuranceblog.xyz/, searchParams('link', 'https://gos.insuranceblog.xyz/', '/blog/'))
BypassedByBloggerPemula(/netfile.cc/, searchParams('link', 'https://next.netfile.cc/'))
BypassedByBloggerPemula(/technicalramno1.link/, searchParams('link', 'https://go.urlmoney.xyz/'))
BypassedByBloggerPemula(/informaxonline.com|gaminplay.com/, searchParams('link', 'https://go.adslinkfly.online'))
BypassedByBloggerPemula(/(eth|btc).freebcc.org/, searchParams('claim', 'https://freebcc.org/'))
BypassedByBloggerPemula(/esenr.com/, searchParams('link','https://go.bcdshort.xyz/'))
BypassedByBloggerPemula it's instead of the switch but you can also add it to the switch
Do you have any idea how to fix TypeError: $ is not a function ? i try to change $ with another asnd add jquery noconflict still not fixed
you can send me the code
function clickIfElementExists(query, timeInSec = 1, funcName = 'setTimeout', captcha = false) {
if (Array.isArray(query)) {
for (const q of query) {
clickIfElementExists(q, timeInSec, funcName, captcha)
} else if (elementExists(query)) {
if (captcha && !!window?.grecaptcha.getResponse())
const timer = window[funcName](function() {
const element = document.querySelector(query);
element[element.tagName === 'FORM' ? 'submit' : 'click']();
funcName === 'setInterval' && clearInterval(timer)
}, timeInSec * 1000);
const reCaptchaArray = ['#link-view', '#lview > form', '.col-12 > form:nth-child(1)', '.contenido > form:nth-child(2)', '#adb-not-enabled > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(6) > form:nth-child(1)', '.m-2.btn-captcha.btn-outline-primary.btn', 'button#continue.btn.btn-primary.btn-captcha', '#yuidea-btn-before.yu-btn.yu-blue', '#yuidea-btn-after.yu-blue.yu-btn']
const setTimeout3Sec = ['.recaptcha-checkbox-border', 'button#btn6.yu-btn.yu-go' ,'.yu-blue.yu-btn','button#showTimerText.btn.btn-accent','a#firststep-btn.btn.btnstep1','a#finalx22.btn.btnstep1','#url_qu > a:nth-child(1)','#wpsafelinkhuman > img:nth-child(1)','div.box-main:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(4) > a:nth-child(1)','#links > a:nth-child(2) > center:nth-child(1) > img:nth-child(1)','#links > form:nth-child(2) > button:nth-child(3) > img:nth-child(1)','button#btn6.g-recaptcha.btn.btn-primary','button#btn6.btn.btn-outline-primary.btn-captcha.m-2','button#submit-button.btn.btn-primary','div#mainlink.h_mnm.h_count a.s-btn-f','#link1s-snp > button:nth-child(1)','button.btn-main.get-link','.next-button.btn-lg.text-white.btn-info.btn','.next-button.text-white.btn-info.btn','.btn-outline-white.btn','button#bt.btn.btn-info.btn-lg','button#btn-main.btn.btn-main','button#btn-get-link','.col-md-8 > form:nth-child(17) > button:nth-child(3)','#cl1 > center:nth-child(1) > a:nth-child(1)','div#wpsafe-generate a img','a.submitBtn.btn.btn-primary','button#submitbtn.g-recaptcha.btn.btn-primary','p.getlink','button#getlink.getlink.disabled','#link1s-snp > button:nth-child(1)','#cl1 > a:nth-child(2) > font:nth-child(1)','button#mdt.custom-btn.btn-7','input#btn-main.btn.btn-primary','#cl1 > a:nth-child(1) > font:nth-child(1) > b:nth-child(1)', '#before-captcha']
const setTimeout5Sec = ['input.btn.btn-primary', 'a.get-link.disabled', 'div.complete a.btn', '#molien > a:nth-child(1)', 'div#wpsafe-link a img', '#wpsafe-snp > a:nth-child(1)', '#wpsafe-snp > center:nth-child(1) > a:nth-child(1)','a#surl1.btn-main.get-link', 'button#invisibleCaptchaShortlink.btn-main.get-link', '.btn-captcha.btn-sm.btn-primary.btn', 'button#invisibleCaptchaShortlink.btn.ybtn.ybtn-accent-color.btn-captcha', 'button#invisibleCaptchaShortlink.btn.btn-outline-primary.btn-lg.btn-block.btn-captcha']
const setTimeout7Sec = ['button#invisibleCaptchaShortlink.btn.btn-primary.btn-goo.btn-captcha', 'button#get_link.btn.btn-primary.btn-sm', 'button.btn.btn-success']
const setInterval3Sec = ['#makingdifferenttimer','#mdt.btn.btn-primary.text-white.next-button','a.get-link.bg-red-600.px-8.py-2.rounded-md.inline-block','button#main-button.claim-button.btn.btn-lg.btn-accent','.next-button.btn-lg.btn-info.btn','input.g-recaptcha.btn.btn-primary', '.get-link.ybtn-accent-color.ybtn.btn', 'div.column:nth-child(2) > font:nth-child(2) > a:nth-child(8)']
const setInterval5Sec = ['#go_d', '#yuidea-btmbtn', 'a.btn-main.get-link', '#ytimer > .s-btn-f', 'a.btn.m-2.btn-success', '.btn-danger.btn-raised','.close-me > a:nth-child(1)', 'button.btn-block.btn-success', 'a.btn.btn-primary.get-link.text-white', '#btn6.btn-captcha.btn-primary.btn','button#link.btn.btn-primary']
clickIfElementExists(reCaptchaArray, 0.5, 'setInterval', true)
clickIfElementExists(setTimeout3Sec, 3)
clickIfElementExists(setTimeout5Sec, 5)
clickIfElementExists(setTimeout7Sec, 7)
clickIfElementExists('div.lds-ellipsis', 9)
clickIfElementExists(setInterval3Sec, 3, 'setInterval')
clickIfElementExists(setInterval5Sec, 5, 'setInterval')
clickIfElementExists('#btn6.yu-btn.yu-go', 35, 'setInterval')
if (elementExists('a#firststep-btnR.btn.btnstep1')) {
clickIfElementExists('button#getlink.btn.m-2.btn-success.disabled', 3, )
all the codes I sent you are from tests i did in version 15.3
you can send me the code
Please check here https://pastebin.com/raw/TP6Q8fRd
all the codes I sent you are from tests i did in version 15.3
OMG, Thanks so much for that code, i will try to understand first, if you have much time i hope you want to rewrite on pastebin.com for latest version
function clickIfElementExists(query, timeInSec = 1, funcName = 'setTimeout', captcha = false) {
if (Array.isArray(query)) {
for (const q of query) {
clickIfElementExists(q, timeInSec, funcName, captcha)
} else if (elementExists(query)) {
if (captcha && !!window?.grecaptcha.getResponse())
const timer = window[funcName](function() {
const element = document.querySelector(query);
element[element.tagName === 'FORM' ? 'submit' : 'click']();
funcName === 'setInterval' && clearInterval(timer)
}, timeInSec * 1000);
const reCaptchaArray = ['#link-view', '#lview > form', '.col-12 > form:nth-child(1)', '.contenido > form:nth-child(2)', '#adb-not-enabled > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(6) > form:nth-child(1)', '.m-2.btn-captcha.btn-outline-primary.btn', 'button#continue.btn.btn-primary.btn-captcha', '#yuidea-btn-before.yu-btn.yu-blue', '#yuidea-btn-after.yu-blue.yu-btn']
const setTimeout3Sec = ['.recaptcha-checkbox-border', 'button#btn6.yu-btn.yu-go' ,'.yu-blue.yu-btn','button#showTimerText.btn.btn-accent','a#firststep-btn.btn.btnstep1','a#finalx22.btn.btnstep1','#url_qu > a:nth-child(1)','#wpsafelinkhuman > img:nth-child(1)','div.box-main:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(4) > a:nth-child(1)','#links > a:nth-child(2) > center:nth-child(1) > img:nth-child(1)','#links > form:nth-child(2) > button:nth-child(3) > img:nth-child(1)','button#btn6.g-recaptcha.btn.btn-primary','button#btn6.btn.btn-outline-primary.btn-captcha.m-2','button#submit-button.btn.btn-primary','div#mainlink.h_mnm.h_count a.s-btn-f','#link1s-snp > button:nth-child(1)','button.btn-main.get-link','.next-button.btn-lg.text-white.btn-info.btn','.next-button.text-white.btn-info.btn','.btn-outline-white.btn','button#bt.btn.btn-info.btn-lg','button#btn-main.btn.btn-main','button#btn-get-link','.col-md-8 > form:nth-child(17) > button:nth-child(3)','#cl1 > center:nth-child(1) > a:nth-child(1)','div#wpsafe-generate a img','a.submitBtn.btn.btn-primary','button#submitbtn.g-recaptcha.btn.btn-primary','p.getlink','button#getlink.getlink.disabled','#link1s-snp > button:nth-child(1)','#cl1 > a:nth-child(2) > font:nth-child(1)','button#mdt.custom-btn.btn-7','input#btn-main.btn.btn-primary','#cl1 > a:nth-child(1) > font:nth-child(1) > b:nth-child(1)', '#before-captcha']
const setTimeout5Sec = ['input.btn.btn-primary', 'a.get-link.disabled', 'div.complete a.btn', '#molien > a:nth-child(1)', 'div#wpsafe-link a img', '#wpsafe-snp > a:nth-child(1)', '#wpsafe-snp > center:nth-child(1) > a:nth-child(1)','a#surl1.btn-main.get-link', 'button#invisibleCaptchaShortlink.btn-main.get-link', '.btn-captcha.btn-sm.btn-primary.btn', 'button#invisibleCaptchaShortlink.btn.ybtn.ybtn-accent-color.btn-captcha', 'button#invisibleCaptchaShortlink.btn.btn-outline-primary.btn-lg.btn-block.btn-captcha']
const setTimeout7Sec = ['button#invisibleCaptchaShortlink.btn.btn-primary.btn-goo.btn-captcha', 'button#get_link.btn.btn-primary.btn-sm', 'button.btn.btn-success']
const setInterval3Sec = ['#makingdifferenttimer','#mdt.btn.btn-primary.text-white.next-button','a.get-link.bg-red-600.px-8.py-2.rounded-md.inline-block','button#main-button.claim-button.btn.btn-lg.btn-accent','.next-button.btn-lg.btn-info.btn','input.g-recaptcha.btn.btn-primary', '.get-link.ybtn-accent-color.ybtn.btn', 'div.column:nth-child(2) > font:nth-child(2) > a:nth-child(8)']
const setInterval5Sec = ['#go_d', '#yuidea-btmbtn', 'a.btn-main.get-link', '#ytimer > .s-btn-f', 'a.btn.m-2.btn-success', '.btn-danger.btn-raised','.close-me > a:nth-child(1)', 'button.btn-block.btn-success', 'a.btn.btn-primary.get-link.text-white', '#btn6.btn-captcha.btn-primary.btn','button#link.btn.btn-primary']
clickIfElementExists(reCaptchaArray, 0.5, 'setInterval', true)
clickIfElementExists(setTimeout3Sec, 3)
clickIfElementExists(setTimeout5Sec, 5)
clickIfElementExists(setTimeout7Sec, 7)
clickIfElementExists('div.lds-ellipsis', 9)
clickIfElementExists(setInterval3Sec, 3, 'setInterval')
clickIfElementExists(setInterval5Sec, 5, 'setInterval')
clickIfElementExists('#btn6.yu-btn.yu-go', 35, 'setInterval')
if (elementExists('a#firststep-btnR.btn.btnstep1')) {
clickIfElementExists('button#getlink.btn.m-2.btn-success.disabled', 3, )
Tested but reCaptchaArray not working and have 1 error expected after 'if' condition
function clickIfElementExists(query, timeInSec = 1, funcName = 'setTimeout', captcha = false) {
if (Array.isArray(query)) {
for (const q of query) {
clickIfElementExists(q, timeInSec, funcName, captcha)
} else if (elementExists(query)) {
if (captcha && !!window?.grecaptcha.getResponse())
const timer = window[funcName](function() {
const element = document.querySelector(query);
element[element.tagName === 'FORM' ? 'submit' : 'click']();
funcName === 'setInterval' && clearInterval(timer)
}, timeInSec * 1000);
const reCaptchaArray = ['#link-view', '#lview > form', '.col-12 > form:nth-child(1)', '.contenido > form:nth-child(2)', '#adb-not-enabled > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(6) > form:nth-child(1)', '.m-2.btn-captcha.btn-outline-primary.btn', 'button#continue.btn.btn-primary.btn-captcha', '#yuidea-btn-before.yu-btn.yu-blue', '#yuidea-btn-after.yu-blue.yu-btn']
const setTimeout3Sec = ['.recaptcha-checkbox-border', 'button#btn6.yu-btn.yu-go' ,'.yu-blue.yu-btn','button#showTimerText.btn.btn-accent','a#firststep-btn.btn.btnstep1','a#finalx22.btn.btnstep1','#url_qu > a:nth-child(1)','#wpsafelinkhuman > img:nth-child(1)','div.box-main:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(4) > a:nth-child(1)','#links > a:nth-child(2) > center:nth-child(1) > img:nth-child(1)','#links > form:nth-child(2) > button:nth-child(3) > img:nth-child(1)','button#btn6.g-recaptcha.btn.btn-primary','button#btn6.btn.btn-outline-primary.btn-captcha.m-2','button#submit-button.btn.btn-primary','div#mainlink.h_mnm.h_count a.s-btn-f','#link1s-snp > button:nth-child(1)','button.btn-main.get-link','.next-button.btn-lg.text-white.btn-info.btn','.next-button.text-white.btn-info.btn','.btn-outline-white.btn','button#bt.btn.btn-info.btn-lg','button#btn-main.btn.btn-main','button#btn-get-link','.col-md-8 > form:nth-child(17) > button:nth-child(3)','#cl1 > center:nth-child(1) > a:nth-child(1)','div#wpsafe-generate a img','a.submitBtn.btn.btn-primary','button#submitbtn.g-recaptcha.btn.btn-primary','p.getlink','button#getlink.getlink.disabled','#link1s-snp > button:nth-child(1)','#cl1 > a:nth-child(2) > font:nth-child(1)','button#mdt.custom-btn.btn-7','input#btn-main.btn.btn-primary','#cl1 > a:nth-child(1) > font:nth-child(1) > b:nth-child(1)', '#before-captcha']
const setTimeout5Sec = ['input.btn.btn-primary', 'a.get-link.disabled', 'div.complete a.btn', '#molien > a:nth-child(1)', 'div#wpsafe-link a img', '#wpsafe-snp > a:nth-child(1)', '#wpsafe-snp > center:nth-child(1) > a:nth-child(1)','a#surl1.btn-main.get-link', 'button#invisibleCaptchaShortlink.btn-main.get-link', '.btn-captcha.btn-sm.btn-primary.btn', 'button#invisibleCaptchaShortlink.btn.ybtn.ybtn-accent-color.btn-captcha', 'button#invisibleCaptchaShortlink.btn.btn-outline-primary.btn-lg.btn-block.btn-captcha']
const setTimeout7Sec = ['button#invisibleCaptchaShortlink.btn.btn-primary.btn-goo.btn-captcha', 'button#get_link.btn.btn-primary.btn-sm', 'button.btn.btn-success']
const setInterval3Sec = ['#makingdifferenttimer','#mdt.btn.btn-primary.text-white.next-button','a.get-link.bg-red-600.px-8.py-2.rounded-md.inline-block','button#main-button.claim-button.btn.btn-lg.btn-accent','.next-button.btn-lg.btn-info.btn','input.g-recaptcha.btn.btn-primary', '.get-link.ybtn-accent-color.ybtn.btn', 'div.column:nth-child(2) > font:nth-child(2) > a:nth-child(8)']
const setInterval5Sec = ['#go_d', '#yuidea-btmbtn', 'a.btn-main.get-link', '#ytimer > .s-btn-f', 'a.btn.m-2.btn-success', '.btn-danger.btn-raised','.close-me > a:nth-child(1)', 'button.btn-block.btn-success', 'a.btn.btn-primary.get-link.text-white', '#btn6.btn-captcha.btn-primary.btn','button#link.btn.btn-primary']
clickIfElementExists(reCaptchaArray, 0.5, 'setInterval', true)
clickIfElementExists(setTimeout3Sec, 3)
clickIfElementExists(setTimeout5Sec, 5)
clickIfElementExists(setTimeout7Sec, 7)
clickIfElementExists('div.lds-ellipsis', 9)
clickIfElementExists(setInterval3Sec, 3, 'setInterval')
clickIfElementExists(setInterval5Sec, 5, 'setInterval')
clickIfElementExists('#btn6.yu-btn.yu-go', 35, 'setInterval')
if (elementExists('a#firststep-btnR.btn.btnstep1')) {
clickIfElementExists('button#getlink.btn.m-2.btn-success.disabled', 3, )
}Tested but reCaptchaArray not working and have 1 error expected after 'if' condition
it work for me
it work for me
what is your browser ? please try using firefox , reCaptchaArray not working so after i finish solve the captcha the script not doing anything
it work for me
what is your browser ? please try using firefox , reCaptchaArray not working so after i finish solve the captcha the script not doing anything
I sent you a different version by mistake
function clickIfElementExists(query, timeInSec = 1, funcName = 'setTimeout', captcha = false) {
if (Array.isArray(query)) {
for (const q of query) {
clickIfElementExists(q, timeInSec, funcName, captcha)
} else if (elementExists(query)) {
const timer = window[funcName](function() {
if (captcha && window?.grecaptcha.getResponse() == '') return;
const element = document.querySelector(query);
element[element.tagName === 'FORM' ? 'submit' : 'click']();
funcName === 'setInterval' && clearInterval(timer)
}, timeInSec * 1000);
I sent you a different version by mistake
function clickIfElementExists(query, timeInSec = 1, funcName = 'setTimeout', captcha = false) {
if (Array.isArray(query)) {
for (const q of query) {
clickIfElementExists(q, timeInSec, funcName, captcha)
} else if (elementExists(query)) {
const timer = window[funcName](function() {
if (captcha && window?.grecaptcha.getResponse() == '') return;
const element = document.querySelector(query);
element[element.tagName === 'FORM' ? 'submit' : 'click']();
funcName === 'setInterval' && clearInterval(timer)
}, timeInSec * 1000);
Thanks so much almost perfect , i like this model , with console.log the scripts running more faster.
How about my problem TypeError: $ is not a function ? https://pastebin.com/raw/TP6Q8fRd
do you have another code that not using jQuery
How about my problem TypeError: $ is not a function ? https://pastebin.com/raw/TP6Q8fRd
do you have another code that not using jQuery
I do not see a problem the link works for me 17.3
I do not see a problem the link works for me 17.3
you must remove location.href.indexOf("linksly.co") != -1 || to see the error , if no error the script will jump to my blog first before going to the destination.
i implemented the new code in the latest version 17.4, but interval click not working , i hope you can fix it, this is example http://megafly.in/ZIkNQ , we need to repeat the click on Click here to Get Link button
i see in debugger this code element[element.tagName === 'FORM' ? 'submit' : 'click'](); make my script not running well and error continuously
please check in this shortlink
Thanks so much, bugs on megafly and tei.ai solved but bugs in adcorto still exist , please check https://go.adcorto.me/GR8Bt0YiwUF
that why i create recaptchaIntervalclick , because for first form captcha need click code not submit
Error in this shortlink https://iir.ai/v0OfU9Y
TypeError: element.click is not a function
TypeError: element.click is not a function
I see many error like this on another site , and i test with android browser not running well,
i hope you have time to fix this issues, Thanks
function searchParams(parm, url, path = '/') {
const URLSearch = new URLSearchParams(location.search);
return URLSearch.has(parm) && location.pathname === path ? url + URLSearch.get(parm) : null
A small example of some of the code
BypassedByBloggerPemula(/7apple.net/, searchParams('go', 'https://illink.net/'))
BypassedByBloggerPemula(/go.dogeearn.com/, searchParams('go', 'https://cryptoads.space/'))
BypassedByBloggerPemula(/wpking.in/, searchParams('link', 'https://o.ovlinks.com/'))
BypassedByBloggerPemula(/foodyrecipe.xyz/, searchParams('link', 'https://paid4.link/'))
BypassedByBloggerPemula(/adcortoltda.agency/, searchParams('link', 'https://link.adcortoltda.agency/'))
BypassedByBloggerPemula(/lux.adinsurance.xyz/, searchParams('link', 'https://go.adinsurance.xyz/'))
BypassedByBloggerPemula(/insuranceblog.xyz/, searchParams('link', 'https://gos.insuranceblog.xyz/', '/blog/'))
BypassedByBloggerPemula(/netfile.cc/, searchParams('link', 'https://next.netfile.cc/'))
BypassedByBloggerPemula(/technicalramno1.link/, searchParams('link', 'https://go.urlmoney.xyz/'))
BypassedByBloggerPemula(/informaxonline.com|gaminplay.com/, searchParams('link', 'https://go.adslinkfly.online'))
BypassedByBloggerPemula(/(eth|btc).freebcc.org/, searchParams('claim', 'https://freebcc.org/'))
BypassedByBloggerPemula(/esenr.com/, searchParams('link','https://go.bcdshort.xyz/'))
BypassedByBloggerPemula it's instead of the switch but you can also add it to the switch
i do test this code but not working , example https://7apple.net/?go=nfBVq
i hope you want to check it.
go back to the previous code I'll check everything later
go back to the previous code I'll check everything later
Yes i do , please make it works this function
function searchParams(parm, url, path = '/') {
const URLSearch = new URLSearchParams(location.search);
return URLSearch.has(parm) && location.pathname === path ? url + URLSearch.get(parm) : null}
also make it work for case like this case 'nawahi1.com':
if (/^\/verify\/$/.test(h.pathname) && /^\?([^&]+)/.test(h.search)) {
const m = document.createElement('meta');
m.name = 'referrer';
m.content = 'origin';
const a = document.createElement('a');
a.href = 'https://sh2rt.com/' + RegExp.$1;
let me know if you need shortlink example,
Thanks so much for helping me.
is there any way to bypass onclick="window.open ... on the form submit ? or remove this element from the form ? right now i see many site using this code and make my script not working , thanks
is there any way to bypass onclick="window.open ... on the form submit ? or remove this element from the form ? right now i see many site using this code and make my script not working , thanks
const blockFun = new Function('console.log("Blocked")')
window.open = blockFun
//specific element
document.getElementById('yt').onclick = blockFun
do you have idea to bypass this shortlink ? https://techydino.net/link/XoFJ
with your code not working again for this sl , the form is null
do you have idea to bypass this shortlink ? https://techydino.net/link/XoFJ
with your code not working again for this sl , the form is null
use this code on techydino.net and mdn.world
const el = document.querySelector("input[name=newwpsafelink]")
they change the model , redirect(JSON.parse(atob(el.value)).linkr) not working anymore,
const recaptchaInterval = (query, timeInSec = 0.5) => {
if (elementExists(query)) {const timer = setInterval(function() {if (window.grecaptcha && !!window.grecaptcha.getResponse()) {
document.querySelector(query).submit(); clearInterval(timer);}}, timeInSec * 1000);}}
is that possible to add waiting response code for hcaptcha and solvemedia? const hcaptchaInterval = ... const solvemediaInterval = ...
Thanks so much for helping me.
they change the model , redirect(JSON.parse(atob(el.value)).linkr) not working anymore,
const recaptchaInterval = (query, timeInSec = 0.5) => {
if (elementExists(query)) {const timer = setInterval(function() {if (window.grecaptcha && !!window.grecaptcha.getResponse()) {
document.querySelector(query).submit(); clearInterval(timer);}}, timeInSec * 1000);}}
is that possible to add waiting response code for hcaptcha and solvemedia? const hcaptchaInterval = ... const solvemediaInterval = ...
Thanks so much for helping me.
I sent it with the new element
const el = document.querySelector("input[name=newwpsafelink]")
try this for hcaptcha
I sent it with the new element
const el = document.querySelector("input[name=newwpsafelink]")
yes i know , yesterday i test it and working , but now they not using wpsafelink again.
I sent it with the new element
const el = document.querySelector("input[name=newwpsafelink]")yes i know , yesterday i test it and working , but now they not using wpsafelink again.
send me a new link
send me a new link
I sent it with the new element
const el = document.querySelector("input[name=newwpsafelink]")yes i know , yesterday i test it and working , but now they not using wpsafelink again.
median is not that dumb 😉
you can make bypass but it will never last
send me a new link
add this to techydino.net
and after the CAPTCHA is resolved
click on the submit button
const blockFun = new Function('console.log("Blocked")')
window.open = blockFun
//specific element
document.getElementById('yt').onclick = blockFun
Thanks for your code , in the next update i will try to use it , can you Please improve my code for more better const blockFun = new Function('console.log("Blocked")')
if(window.location.hostname== 'shortzon.com'){document.querySelector('.btn-primary.btn').onclick = blockFun}
i want the hostname and querySelector with array mode , so easy for me to add it like this hostname== 'site1|site2|site3|etc' and querySelector('Selector1|Selector2|Selector3|etc')
const blockFun = new Function('console.log("Blocked")')
window.open = blockFun
//specific element
document.getElementById('yt').onclick = blockFunThanks for your code , in the next update i will try to use it , can you Please improve my code for more better
const blockFun = new Function('console.log("Blocked")')
if(window.location.hostname== 'shortzon.com'){document.querySelector('.btn-primary.btn').onclick = blockFun}
i want the hostname and querySelector with array mode , so easy for me to add it like this hostname== 'site1|site2|site3|etc' and querySelector('Selector1|Selector2|Selector3|etc')
const ob = {
'www.google.com': '.class',
'www.youtube.com': '#ufd'
function next(short_id) {
fetch('https://sl.lindernman.xyz/s/next', {
"headers": {"content-type": "application/json;charset=UTF-8"},
"body": JSON.stringify({short_id}),
"method": "POST"
.then(res => res.text())
function complete(short_id) {
fetch('https://sl.lindernman.xyz/s/next', {
"headers": { "content-type": "application/json;charset=UTF-8" },
"body": JSON.stringify({short_id}),
"method": "POST"
.then(res => res.json())
.then(data => {
BypassedByBloggerPemula(/getitall.top|pentafaucet.com/, function() {
const short_id = location.pathname.split('/')[2];
setTimeout(new Function(complete(short_id).toString()), 4000)
BypassedByBloggerPemula(/hitbits.io/, function() {
const short_id = location.pathname.split('/')[3];
setTimeout(new Function(complete(short_id).toString()), 4000)
function redirect(location) { window.location = 'https://faucetpayrotator.blogspot.com/?url=' + location;}
change all the
window.location.href = "somelink"
function meta(href) {
document.head.appendChild(Object.assign(document.createElement('meta'), {
name: 'referrer',
content: 'origin'
const link = Object.assign(document.createElement('a'), {href})
meta('https://bell.healthyguy.online/' + RegExp.$1)
replace all
const m = document.createElement('meta');
m.name = 'referrer'; m.content = 'origin'; document.head.appendChild(m); const a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = 'somelink' + RegExp.$1; a.click(); }
with the new function
add this to the site and remove it from the code
function notify(txt, width = 850) { const m = document.createElement('div');
m.style.padding = '10px'; m.style.zIndex = 99999999; m.style.position = 'fixed'; m.style.boxSizing = 'border-box';
m.style.width = `${width}px`; m.style.top = '130px'; m.style.left = `${innerWidth / 2 - width / 2}px`; m.style.font = 'normal bold 20px sans-serif';
m.style.backgroundColor = 'white'; m.innerText = txt; document.body.appendChild(m);}
const bas = (h => { const result = { isNotifyNeeded: false, redirectDelay: 0, link: undefined };
switch (h.host) {
case 'faucetpayrotator.blogspot.com': if (h.pathname === '/' && h.searchParams.has('url') && h.searchParams.has('sn')) {
result.link = h.searchParams.get('url') + '&sn=' + h.searchParams.get('sn').replace('&m=1', ''); result.redirectDelay = 5; result.isNotifyNeeded = true; return result;
} else if (h.pathname === '/' && h.searchParams.has('url') && h.searchParams.has('ssa') && h.searchParams.has('id')) {
result.link = h.searchParams.get('url') + '&ssa=' + h.searchParams.get('ssa') + '&id=' + h.searchParams.get('id').replace('&m=1', ''); result.redirectDelay = 5; result.isNotifyNeeded = true; return result;
} else if (h.pathname === '/' && h.searchParams.has('url') && h.searchParams.has('id')) {
result.link = h.searchParams.get('url') + '&id=' + h.searchParams.get('id').replace('&m=1', ''); result.redirectDelay = 5; result.isNotifyNeeded = true; return result;
} else if (h.pathname === '/' && h.searchParams.has('url') && h.searchParams.has('article')) {
result.link = h.searchParams.get('url') + '&article=' + h.searchParams.get('article').replace('&m=1', ''); result.redirectDelay = 5; result.isNotifyNeeded = true; return result;
} else if (h.pathname === '/' && h.searchParams.has('url')) {
result.link = h.searchParams.get('url').replace('&m=1', ''); result.redirectDelay = 5; result.isNotifyNeeded = true; return result; } break;
default: break;}})(new URL(location.href));
if (bas) { const { isNotifyNeeded, redirectDelay, link } = bas;
if (isNotifyNeeded) { notify(`Please Wait a moment .....You will be Redirected to Your Destination in ${redirectDelay} seconds`);}
setTimeout(() => {location.href = link}, redirectDelay * 1000);}
function next(short_id) {
fetch('https://sl.lindernman.xyz/s/next', {
"headers": {"content-type": "application/json;charset=UTF-8"},
"body": JSON.stringify({short_id}),
"method": "POST"
.then(res => res.text())
function complete(short_id) {
fetch('https://sl.lindernman.xyz/s/next', {
"headers": { "content-type": "application/json;charset=UTF-8" },
"body": JSON.stringify({short_id}),
"method": "POST"
.then(res => res.json())
.then(data => {
BypassedByBloggerPemula(/getitall.top|pentafaucet.com/, function() {
const short_id = location.pathname.split('/')[2];
setTimeout(new Function(complete(short_id).toString()), 4000)
BypassedByBloggerPemula(/hitbits.io/, function() {
const short_id = location.pathname.split('/')[3];
setTimeout(new Function(complete(short_id).toString()), 4000)
BypassedByBloggerPemula(/getitall.top|pentafaucet.com/, function () {
const short_id = location.pathname.split('/')[2];
setTimeout(function() {
}, 4000)
BypassedByBloggerPemula(/hitbits.io/, function () {
const short_id = location.pathname.split('/')[3];
setTimeout(function() {
}, 4000)
function BypassedByBloggerPemula(re_domain, objectOfPaths) {
if (!re_domain.test(location.host))
if (typeof objectOfPaths === 'function') objectOfPaths()
const { key, value } = objectOfPaths(location.pathname)
if (typeof key === 'object' && key.test(location.search))
return redirect(value + RegExp.$1)
const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(location.search);
if (searchParams.has(key)) redirect(value + searchParams.get(key))
function BypassedByBloggerPemula(re_domain, objectOfPaths) {
if (!re_domain.test(location.host))
if (typeof objectOfPaths === 'function') objectOfPaths()
const { key, value } = objectOfPaths(location.pathname)
if (typeof key === 'object' && key.test(location.search))
return redirect(value + RegExp.$1)
const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(location.search);
if (searchParams.has(key)) redirect(value + searchParams.get(key))
function BypassedByBloggerPemula(re_domain, data) {
if (!re_domain.test(location.host))
if (typeof data === 'function') data()
const [key, value] = data[location.pathname]
console.log(key, value)
if (typeof key === 'object' && key.test(location.search))
return redirect(value + RegExp.$1)
const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(location.search);
if (searchParams.has(key)) redirect(value + searchParams.get(key))
I remind you that you can use it instead of what is in the switch
BypassedByBloggerPemula(/7apple.net/, { '/': ['go', 'https://illink.net/'] })
BypassedByBloggerPemula(/crazyblog.in/, {
'/finance/': ['link', 'https://shrinkpay.crazyblog.in'],
'/hars/verify/': [new RegExp('^\?([^&]+)'), 'https://redd.crazyblog.in'],
'/harsh/verify/': [new RegExp('^\?([^&]+)'), 'https://cbs.trxking.xyz/']
// case '7apple.net':
// if (h.pathname === '/' && h.searchParams.has('go')) {
// return 'https://illink.net/' + h.searchParams.get('go');
// }
if (h.pathname === '/finance/' && h.searchParams.has('link')) {
return 'https://shrinkpay.crazyblog.in' + h.searchParams.get('link');
} else if (h.pathname === '/hars/verify/' && /^\?([^&]+)/.test(h.search)) {
return 'https://redd.crazyblog.in' + RegExp.$1;
} else if (h.pathname === '/harsh/verify/' && /^\?([^&]+)/.test(h.search)) {
return 'https://studyuo.com/pro2/verify/?' + RegExp.$1;
} else if (h.pathname === '/xhod/verify/' && /^\?([^&]+)/.test(h.search)) {
return 'https://redd.crazyblog.in/' + RegExp.$1;
// break;
u have a lot of such things in the code
I remind you that you can use it instead of what is in the switch
BypassedByBloggerPemula(/7apple.net/, { '/': ['go', 'https://illink.net/'] })
BypassedByBloggerPemula(/crazyblog.in/, {
'/finance/': ['link', 'https://shrinkpay.crazyblog.in'],
'/hars/verify/': [new RegExp('^\?([^&]+)'), 'https://redd.crazyblog.in'],
'/harsh/verify/': [new RegExp('^\?([^&]+)'), 'https://cbs.trxking.xyz/']
// case '7apple.net':
// if (h.pathname === '/' && h.searchParams.has('go')) {
// return 'https://illink.net/' + h.searchParams.get('go');
// }
if (h.pathname === '/finance/' && h.searchParams.has('link')) {
return 'https://shrinkpay.crazyblog.in' + h.searchParams.get('link');
} else if (h.pathname === '/hars/verify/' && /^\?([^&]+)/.test(h.search)) {
return 'https://redd.crazyblog.in' + RegExp.$1;
} else if (h.pathname === '/harsh/verify/' && /^\?([^&]+)/.test(h.search)) {
return 'https://studyuo.com/pro2/verify/?' + RegExp.$1;
} else if (h.pathname === '/xhod/verify/' && /^\?([^&]+)/.test(h.search)) {
return 'https://redd.crazyblog.in/' + RegExp.$1;
// break;
u have a lot of such things in the code
Please see my private conversations with you, Yes i want use your code like in this https://pastebin.com/raw/xxGEq6Sz but i don't have much time to test each sites, i hope one day i can do that.
const str = 'https://sl.easysl.click/step1/TeT8gCi9'
str.replace(/sl\.|step\d+\//g, '')
// ==UserScript==
// @name New Userscript
// @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version 0.1
// @description try to take over the world!
// @author You
// @match https://foxlink.xyz/*
// @match https://yameen.xyz/*
// @match https://gameen.xyz/*
// @match https://boxlink.xyz/*
// @match https://zoxlink.xyz/*
// @match https://fameen.xyz/*
// @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=foxlink.xyz
// @grant none
// @run-at document-start
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
delete window.document.referrer;
window.document.__defineGetter__('referrer', function () {
return "https://www.forexeen.us/";
I found out recently that one of the most critical scripts in GreasyFork has been removed without notice, and that is the Recaptcha Solver. I know this script has worked out very hard to bypass many shortlinks that use Recaptcha.
let str = 'https://sl.easysl.click/step1/TeT8gCi9'
str = str.replace(/sl\./, '').replace(/step\d+\//, '')
function fun(domains, f, ...args) {
if (typeof f === 'object') {
if (Array.isArray(f)) f = {'/': f}
const [key, value] = f[location.pathname]
if (typeof key === 'object' && key.test(location.search)) return redirect(value + RegExp.$1, ...args)
const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(location.search);
if (searchParams.has(key)) redirect(value + searchParams.get(key), ...args)
} else if (domains === '*') {
} else if (domainCheck(domains)) {
ad block and this code
// ==UserScript==
// @name New Userscript
// @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version 0.1
// @description try to take over the world!
// @author You
// @match https://antonimos.de/*
// @match https://mdn.rest/*
// @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=antonimos.de
// @grant none
// @run-at document-start
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
delete window.initSa;
// Your code here...
make it more faster
// ==UserScript==
// @name New Userscript
// @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version 0.1
// @description try to take over the world!
// @author You
// @match https://mdn.rest/*
// @match https://zshort.cc/*
// @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=antonimos.de
// @grant none
// @run-at document-start
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
if (location.host === 'zshort.cc') {
location = 'https://mdn.rest/?url8j=' + location.href
delete window.initSa;
i do test but looping ,not finished go back to step 1,2,3
i do test but looping ,not finished go back to step 1,2,3
I checked before adding the if
change the if to this
if (location.host === 'zshort.cc' && location.href < 20) {
if (location.host === 'zshort.cc' && location.search === '') {
this is usefull ... no more faucet pay al huda!
const bas = (h => { const result = { isNotifyNeeded: false, redirectDelay: 0, link: undefined };
switch (h.host) {case 'faucetpay.nurul-huda.or.id': if (h.pathname === '/' && h.searchParams.has('url') && h.searchParams.has('sn')) {
result.link = h.searchParams.get('url') + '&sn=' + h.searchParams.get('sn').replace('&m=1', ''); result.redirectDelay = 5; result.isNotifyNeeded = true; return result;
} else if (h.pathname === '/' && h.searchParams.has('url') && h.searchParams.has('ssa') && h.searchParams.has('id')) {
result.link = h.searchParams.get('url') + '&ssa=' + h.searchParams.get('ssa') + '&id=' + h.searchParams.get('id').replace('&m=1', ''); result.redirectDelay = 5; result.isNotifyNeeded = true; return result;
} else if (h.pathname === '/' && h.searchParams.has('url') && h.searchParams.has('id')) {
result.link = h.searchParams.get('url') + '&id=' + h.searchParams.get('id').replace('&m=1', ''); result.redirectDelay = 5; result.isNotifyNeeded = true; return result;
} else if (h.pathname === '/' && h.searchParams.has('url') && h.searchParams.has('article')) {
result.link = h.searchParams.get('url') + '&article=' + h.searchParams.get('article').replace('&m=1', ''); result.redirectDelay = 5; result.isNotifyNeeded = true; return result;
} else if (h.pathname === '/' && h.searchParams.has('url')) {
result.link = h.searchParams.get('url').replace('&m=1', ''); result.redirectDelay = 5; result.isNotifyNeeded = true; return result; } break;
default: break;}})(new URL(location.href));
if (bas) { const { isNotifyNeeded, redirectDelay, link } = bas;
if (isNotifyNeeded) { notify(`Please Wait a moment .....You will be Redirected to Your Destination in ${redirectDelay} seconds`);}
setTimeout(() => {location.href = link}, redirectDelay * 1000);}
why u need to check the sn, id, saa and article
if (Array.isArray(f)) f = {'/': f}
I can do everything in the new code but it seems you did not use the old code in the new versions
If you use it I have no problem turning everything over again
I get an email about the message in private but it does not let me get into it so I respond here
fix linkvertise.com and add lootlinks.co
I made a clean code for you https://pastebin.com/VedttZ5e