Resize YT To Window Size

Moves the YouTube video to the top of the website and fill the window with the video player.

< Feedback on Resize YT To Window Size

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 11/05/2017
Edited: 21/12/2019

(Fixed)Progressbar Bug

Using Google Chrome 58.0.3029.110 (64-bit), Tampermonkey 4.2.7.

Not sure if it's just me but the progressbar stays like this( unless i reload the page.

On Firefox with Greasemonkey i can't replicate this.

Posted: 11/05/2017

v100 or v101?

Posted: 11/05/2017

My bad it was v100, fixed in v101.

Thanks for the constant updates.

Posted: 18/06/2017

Again this bug :( can you please fix it? :smile:

Posted: 19/06/2017

Oh, lol, my regexes don't work since I assumed function.toString() formats to "function (a,b){...}", but firefox just changed it to "function(a,b){...}" in Firefox 54.

I've been testing another fix which where the progress bar doesn't resize after a few videos in a row, so I'll push an update in an hour or so.

Posted: 19/06/2017

v102 should fix things, I hope.

Posted: 19/06/2017
Edited: 19/06/2017

v102 should fix things, I hope.

No still doesn't work :(

Posted: 19/06/2017

Are you still on v101? I looks like greasyfork didn't sync from GitHub so v102 never got uploaded.

Posted: 19/06/2017
Edited: 19/06/2017

ok sorry my version of firefox wasn't the last one... i updated it and now it works again :smiley: Thank you very much and sorry :) i hope you'll never leave this awesome script ;)

Posted: 20/06/2017
Edited: 20/06/2017

Are you still on v101? I looks like greasyfork didn't sync from GitHub so v102 never got uploaded.

Ok nothing... i thought it was fixed but the problem is came back :disappointed:

Posted: 27/06/2017

I know the feeling. It keeps working then not working. There's definitely a timing bug, since it works if I manually trigger it later on...

Fuck it. I'm not proud of this solution but we need it to work now. Tell me if v103 has issues.

Posted: 14/09/2017

Half bar is back :disappointed: can you please fix it? :blush:

Posted: 19/09/2017

Are you using the old or the new layout? If you're still using the old, try one of the older versions.

If you're using the newer youtube layout, then it's not resizing properly when the window is really small (I have a fix for that though).

Posted: 19/09/2017

Oh wait, I never pushed v108 that fixed it, sorry. The latest v109 has even more fixes.

Posted: 22/09/2017
Edited: 22/09/2017

Oh wait, I never pushed v108 that fixed it, sorry. The latest v109 has even more fixes.

v109 broken now(at least on old youtube layout), damn youtube what are they doing, it's like you have to update this every 2/3 days...

Posted: 03/11/2017

Half bar is back :(

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