Niektoré knižnice používateľov Greasy Fork môžete @require
vo vašich skriptoch. Pre ostatné typy knižníc môžete @require
, prečítajte si zásady používania Greasy Fork na @require
PNG BB JS (Knižnica) - BB PNG image
My Trusted-Types Helper JS (Knižnica) - This is mainly to enable TamperMonkey to continue using scripts that have `@require` dependencies on sites with a restrictive `Trusted-Types` policy. At least until TM v4.14 comes out, the milestone has already been added: \n Make sure this script is executed before the `@require`ing of any dependencies
gm-import-export JS (Knižnica) - Helper functions for importing and exporting stored values.
Pixel Quests+ JS (Knižnica) - Makes it easier to create new custom quests for Idle Pixel
btsow磁力提取 JS (Knižnica) - 与配合食用
download_by_atag JS (Knižnica) - 当GM_download不起作用时用这个
playNotificationSound JS (Knižnica) - Add playNotificationSound function
BT4G提取磁力 JS (Knižnica) - 与配合食用
[GC] - Avatar Data Helper JS (Knižnica) - Beta, not complete.
jqueryUI - datepicker & keycode only JS (Knižnica) - JqueryUI avec uniquement les widgets Datepicker et Keycode.
ttpxx JS (Knižnica) - better than illya
tts JS (Knižnica) - much better
ttpx JS (Knižnica) - hello
LZ-UTF8 v0.6.3 JS (Knižnica) - LZ-UTF8 v0.6.3 from
无剑Mud辅修数据 JS (Knižnica) - 无剑Mud辅修(数据)
MonkeyConfig-branch JS (Knižnica) - Easy configuration dialog builder for user scripts
Crypto-JS JS (Knižnica) - crypto-js是谷歌开发的一个纯JavaScript的加密算法类库,可以非常方便的在前端进行其所支持的加解密操作。目前crypto-js已支持的算法有:MD5、SHA-1、SHA-256、AES、RSA、Rabbit、MARC4、HMAC、HMAC-MD5、HMAC-SHA1、HMAC-SHA256、PBKDF2等。使用时可以引用总文件,也可以单独引用某一文件。
TMS_Library JS (Knižnica) - util lib for TMS related scripts
whatwg-mimetype-umd JS (Knižnica) - Code - github/jsdom/whatwg-mimetype
jsonc-parser-umd JS (Knižnica) - Code - github/microsoft/node-jsonc-parser
NGA Library JS (Knižnica) - NGA 库,包括工具类、缓存、API
bsn-utilities JS (Knižnica) - 工具箱
hookPropertyName JS (Knižnica) - hook property name
addScriptsMenu JS (Knižnica) - Add a "Scripts" section in the WME menu
Furaffinity-Match-List JS (Knižnica) - Helper Script to create a matchlist for your Furaffinity Script
[GC] - Map Prizes Helper JS (Knižnica) - Prize list last updated 1/26/24.
Downloader JS File JS (Knižnica) - need library js-file-downloader
[GC] - Kadoatery Details Helper JS (Knižnica) - Checks if feeding a kad was successful and logs the results to pass through a Discord webhook.
l-lib2-js JS (Knižnica) - adds aliases to ljs
getPrice JS (Knižnica) - 计算价格
中建学企来全题库part7 JS (Knižnica) - 学企来全题库
Furaffinity-Loading-Animations JS (Knižnica) - Library for creating different loading animations on Furaffinity
vtable JS (Knižnica) - vtable库
echarts JS (Knižnica) - echarts库
* Common: getVehicles JS (Knižnica) - Fragt alle Fahrzeuge ab, speichert sie im SessionStorage ab und stellt eine Funktion zum Abrufen zur Verfügung
* Common: getBuildings JS (Knižnica) - Fragt alle Gebäude ab, speichert sie im SessionStorage ab und stellt eine Funktion zum Abrufen zur Verfügung
bundlejs override JS (Knižnica) - -
i18next-localstorage-backend.js JS (Knižnica) - A i18next module
i18nextChainedBackend.js JS (Knižnica) - A i18next module
ajax-hook-thirde-V2 JS (Knižnica) - ajax-hook 浏览器请求拦截js
customnotifications JS (Knižnica) - notifications
cangzhouzhiyejishu JS (Knižnica) - storehouse
图片显示关闭 JS (Knižnica) - 在网页上添加一个悬浮球,点击悬浮球可以显示或隐藏页面上的图片和视频,并刷新网页。ChatGPT写的。
RulesForSearchEngineJumpPlus JS (Knižnica) - SearchEngineJumpPlus Rules
EngineListForSearchEngineJumpPlus JS (Knižnica) - SearchEngineJumpPlus Engine list Library
IdlePixel+ Custom Handling JS (Knižnica) - Library for parsing custom messages.
Furaffinity-Request-Helper JS (Knižnica) - Helper Library to simplyfy requests to Furaffinity
Leaflet JS (Knižnica) - 一个开源并且对移动端友好的 交互式地图 JavaScript 库
ATP TestScriptFunction JS (Knižnica) - Test skriptu
gm-fetch JS (Knižnica) - using fetch based on GM.xmlHttpRequest
PageSpy-2 JS (Knižnica) - 一个网页调试的脚本做成的库
vConsole-2 JS (Knižnica) - 一个网页调试的脚本做成的库
Eruda-2 JS (Knižnica) - 一个网页调试的脚本做成的库
ATP Tour RequireScript JS (Knižnica) - Skript pro require funkci v ATP Tour Checkeru
无剑Mud辅修 JS (Knižnica) - 无剑Mud辅修,由在线版移植而来,順便《略改》
clipboard-shims JS (Knižnica) - Shims for GM_setClipboard and GM.setClipboard.
APMU JS (Knižnica) - Standard for hooking into the client -> server connection in
js-beautify JS (Knižnica) - Reformat the code to readble format
utils.js-93Akkord-Fork JS (Knižnica) - GitHub userscript utilities
- SVG Skins JS (Knižnica) - SVG skins for
ajaxHooker_myaijarvis JS (Knižnica) - ajax劫持库,支持xhr和fetch劫持。
GM_config_cnjames JS (Knižnica) - A lightweight, reusable, cross-browser graphical settings framework for inclusion in user scripts.
style-shims JS (Knižnica) - Shims for GM_addStyle and GM.addStyle.
!!GC - Kings Logger JS (Knižnica) - 12/15/2023, 6:55:38 PM
elementPlusIconSVG JS (Knižnica) - 收集自的所有icon图标的SVG代码
ZJEngineerBank JS (Knižnica) - 题库
中建学企来全题库part6 JS (Knižnica) - 学企来全题库
中建学企来全题库part5 JS (Knižnica) - 学企来全题库
中建学企来全题库判断 JS (Knižnica) - 判断
中建学企来全题库多选 JS (Knižnica) - 多选
中建学企来全题库单选2 JS (Knižnica) - 单选2
中建学企来全题库单选1 JS (Knižnica) - 单选1
cypress-visibility JS (Knižnica) - Code - github/cypress-io/cypress - to check if an element is visible
hgj JS (Knižnica) - even better cow
draw thing JS (Knižnica) - moo
Malayala Kit JS (Knižnica) - MalayalaKit: JavaScript library for creating customizable web menus with tabs, buttons, switches, and input elements.
MooMoo Improver JS (Knižnica) - Improves moomoo experience
Wait for key element JS (Knižnica) - A utility function, for Greasemonkey scripts, that detects and handles dynamic content.
smart table JS (Knižnica) - smart table2
R4 Utils JS (Knižnica) - R4 Utils Library
bootstrap5.1.1 JS (Knižnica) - bootstrap5
metaflac.js JS (Knižnica) - A pure JavaScript implementation of the metaflac (the official FLAC tool written in C++) (The userscript port for
buffer JS (Knižnica) - This is the userscript port for
Sortable JS JS (Knižnica) - Adds sortable js to greasyfork
sleep JS (Knižnica) - Sleep for a certain milliseconds.
queue JS (Knižnica) - Asynchronous function queue with adjustable concurrency.
ajaxhook JS (Knižnica) - ajaxhook123
ximalaya_award_fc5d2 JS (Knižnica) - ximalaya_award_fc5d2 1
better cow JS (Knižnica) - better cow zzz
TankTrouble Development Library JS (Knižnica) - Shared library for TankTrouble userscript development
R4 Settings JS (Knižnica) - R4 Settings Library
R4 Images JS (Knižnica) - R4 Images Library
R4 Fonts JS (Knižnica) - R4 Fonts Library
jquery-3.2.1 JS (Knižnica) - jquery3.2.1
Get Data from Steam / SteamDB JS (Knižnica) - Get Data from Steam / SteamDB (ex Get DLC Info from SteamDB) it is a userscript that extracts all the information needed to generate the list of dlc and achievements in the chosen format, it generates the hashes list of the depots in sha1 to check the integrity and the appmanifest.acf of the Steam games.
sweetalert2-11.0.19.all.min.js JS (Knižnica) - sweetalert2.all.min.js
jquery-3.6.0.min.js JS (Knižnica) - jquery.min.js
ReservationSeat JS (Knižnica) - 可以自定义预约时间和自动签到
ic2api JS (Knižnica) - 虽然作者懒得写描述,但是他至少记得添加过一个默认描述……
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