HiAnime QoL

UI changes, removes unnecessary stuff, toggle to hide cursor movements in player.

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Hodnotenie: Dobré - skript funguje

Pridaný: 27.09.2024

This might seem like a specific request, but a huge quality of life change would be making the video player hide the controls/progress bar until the mouse is at the bottom. I've had this feature in a youtube extension and it's become a huge qol feature that I feel many things need. It'd be great to cleanly watch anime without worrying about the menu controls popping up from slight mouse movements.

Pridaný: 02.10.2024

Hi, I have implemented a basic version of this: it can be enabled/disabled via tampermonkey's built-in menu. Unfortunately, it does not work in full-screen mode. I have done some brief testing and I do not think this can be avoided due to the nature of the website.

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