哎呦不错哦(学会看简介 黑号好像能用了,反馈一下)


< Spätná väzba na 哎呦不错哦(学会看简介 黑号好像能用了,反馈一下)


Pridaný: 23.05.2024

can you try and make it so the script blocks those sponsorship ad popups as well

Pridaný: 24.05.2024

I'm not sure where the advertisement popup you mentioned is located. Please provide relevant information so that I can identify it. For more details, refer to the issue feedback in the script description. Thank you.

Pridaný: 24.05.2024

i'm talking about these

Pridaný: 25.05.2024

I can't find it. Please provide relevant information so that I can identify it. For more details, refer to the issue feedback in the script description. Thank you.

Pridaný: 25.05.2024

In normal circumstances, all advertisements should have been removed.

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