GoogleGPT 🤖

Pridáva odpovede AI do Google Search (poháňané Google Gemma + GPT-4o!)

< Spätná väzba na GoogleGPT 🤖

Hodnotenie: Dobré - skript funguje

Pridaný: 17.06.2024

My language is Spanish but the script is showing in English.
I use Chrome and Tampermonkey, both in Spanish.

Also I am having the same ChatGPT is flooded with too many requests problem.
Proxy is fine but I would like to connect my account. At least fixing the language issue would be fine!

Pridaný: 17.06.2024
Upravený: 17.06.2024

Hello @Kalopsia thanks for using the script, to set the reply language click userscript manager icon > scroll to GoogleGPT > Reply Language

Re: ChatGPT is flooded with too many requests, this is a template error I display to those who get 429 error. For some reason ~1/2 of ChatGPT account holders cannot use access token on other domains, so 429 triggers. That is why I made Proxy Mode, to serve this half. But in the future I will add a API key input feature

Curious, why do you like to connect your account? Also would you know how to generate an API key?

Pridaný: 17.06.2024
Upravený: 17.06.2024

Not the reply, the UI language.

Edit: No special reason to link the account, I just have a little OCD haha

Pridaný: 17.06.2024
Upravený: 17.06.2024

Ohh. Can you pres Ctrl+Shift+J, paste this in the console, tell me does it show "es"

navigator.languages[0] || navigator.language || navigator.browserLanguage || navigator.systemLanguage || navigator.userLanguage || ''
Pridaný: 17.06.2024

Yes, it shows 'es-ES'

Pridaný: 17.06.2024

Also does your chrome://settings/languages look like this

Pridaný: 17.06.2024

For me, when Spanish is Chrome display language, this is what GoogleGPT in Tampermonkey looks like:

I do notice the related queries are in English, but everything else is Spanish. Can you tell me, is there anything in Spanish for you?

Pridaný: 17.06.2024

Yes, in my case just related queries are in Spanish

Pridaný: 17.06.2024

Ohhh, I fixed it... it results the language exist without taking the country in consideration... damn

Pridaný: 17.06.2024

But now other scripts has no translation so maybe you (or other devs for their scripts) should add es and es-ES for including also the language of the country to avoid this.

Pridaný: 17.06.2024

Do you know how to edit the script in Tampermonkey? By clicking Tampermonkey icon in browser toolbar, then click the ">" to the right of GoogleGPT, then click "Edit"

Then can you Ctrl+F for 'msgs =' then press Enter? It will scroll to this code blocck:

    // Define MESSAGES
    let msgs = {}
    const msgsLoaded = new Promise(resolve => {
        const msgHostDir = config.assetHostURL + 'greasemonkey/_locales/',
              msgLocaleDir = ( config.userLanguage ? config.userLanguage.replace('-', '_') : 'en' ) + '/'
        let msgHref = msgHostDir + msgLocaleDir + 'messages.json', msgXHRtries = 0
        GM.xmlHttpRequest({ method: 'GET', url: msgHref, onload: onLoad })
        function onLoad(resp) {
            try { // to return localized messages.json
                const msgs = JSON.parse(resp.responseText), flatMsgs = {}
                for (const key in msgs)  // remove need to ref nested keys
                    if (typeof msgs[key] == 'object' && 'message' in msgs[key])
                        flatMsgs[key] = msgs[key].message
            } catch (err) { // if bad response
                msgXHRtries++ ; if (msgXHRtries == 3) return resolve({}) // try up to 3X (original/region-stripped/EN) only
                msgHref = config.userLanguage.includes('-') && msgXHRtries == 1 ? // if regional lang on 1st try...
                    msgHref.replace(/([^_]*)_[^/]*(\/.*)/, '$1$2') // ...strip region before retrying
                        : ( msgHostDir + 'en/messages.json' ) // else use default English messages
                GM.xmlHttpRequest({ method: 'GET', url: msgHref, onload: onLoad })
    }) ; if (!config.userLanguage.startsWith('en')) try { msgs = await msgsLoaded; } catch (err) {}

Can you add these two lines to the end of the block:


Then refresh Google, then Ctrl+Shift+J to show Console, does it show these as the first two console logs:

Also if there is a triangle next to Object like that, can you click it, does it look like this expanded:

Pridaný: 17.06.2024

Ohhh, I fixed it... it results the language exist without taking the country in consideration... damn

Can you change back to espana espanol and I am curious if my translations Objecvt still logs (it should still work)

Pridaný: 17.06.2024

@Kalopsia never mind, do not waste your time doing my edit/test! I was able to replicate by picking Spain, I can fix it on my own (after I eat and smoke)

Pridaný: 17.06.2024

I did

Pridaný: 17.06.2024

Just translating if is just "es"

"es-ES" not working

Don't worry, I should smoke too, XMAS Spirit (if you know you know, NARCOS reference) gave me so much energy, I should slow down my brain hahaha

Pridaný: 17.06.2024

I fixed it you can use Spain now!

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