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Use YouTube AV1

Use AV1 for video playback on YouTube

< Spätná väzba na Use YouTube AV1

Hodnotenie: Dobré - skript funguje

Pridaný: 19.08.2023

Hey, this userscript changes preferences without any info, am i right?
I noticed that most likely this script keeps changing av1 preference in youtube settings, why is there no information about that in the script's description and why even is that done, arent userscripts usually made to bypass site settings?

You are right. I did not notice this.

I will add in the Greasy Fork description to tell users it will change the site preference in youtube settings.

Good News! Now this script would not change localStorage['yt-player-av1-pref'] persistently.

Please update to the latest version.

Pridaný: 19.08.2023

Awesome, thanks! That's excatly what I needed!

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