// ==UserScript==
// @name 绅士仓库历史记录可视化
// @name:en CangkuHistoryRecord
// @description 绅士仓库历史记录可视化.
// @description:en 绅士仓库历史记录可视化.
// @author Yiero
// @version 2.5.2
// @match https://cangku.moe/*
// @icon https://cangku.moe/favicon.ico
// @namespace https://github.com/AliubYiero/TamperMonkeyScripts/
// @license GPL
// @run-at document-idle
// @grant GM_addStyle
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_addElement
// @grant GM_registerMenuCommand
// @grant GM_unregisterMenuCommand
// ==/UserScript==
const globalConfig = {
// 已看帖子透明度
opacity: 0.3,
// 按钮显示 (true表示显示按钮, false表示关闭按钮)
displayBtn: true,
// 获取到元素之后的相应延时
getElementDelayPerSecond: 0.5
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
var __defNormalProp = ( obj, key, value ) => key in obj ? __defProp( obj, key, {
enumerable: true,
configurable: true,
writable: true,
value: value
} ) : obj[key] = value;
var __publicField = ( obj, key, value ) => {
__defNormalProp( obj, typeof key !== "symbol" ? key + "" : key, value );
return value;
class GMStorage {
constructor( key ) {
__publicField( this, "key" );
this.key = key;
set( value ) {
dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent( "GMStorageUpdate", {
detail: {
newValue: value,
oldValue: this.get(),
target: this.key
} ) );
GM_setValue( this.key, value );
get( defaultValue = null ) {
return GM_getValue( this.key, defaultValue );
remove() {
dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent( "GMStorageUpdate", {
detail: {
newValue: null,
oldValue: this.get(),
target: this.key
} ) );
GM_deleteValue( this.key );
const globalConfigStorage = function uploadConfig() {
let config = {
opacity: new GMStorage( "opacity" ),
displayBtn: new GMStorage( "displayBtn" ),
getElementDelayPerSecond: new GMStorage( "getElementDelayPerSecond" )
config.opacity.set( globalConfig.opacity );
config.displayBtn.set( globalConfig.displayBtn );
config.getElementDelayPerSecond.set( globalConfig.getElementDelayPerSecond );
return config;
const readStyle = {
readBtnSign: {
".is-read": {
transition: "opacity .25s ease-in-out",
opacity: globalConfigStorage.opacity.get()
".is-read:hover": {
opacity: 1
".is-read, .is-not-read": {
position: "relative"
".is-read::before": {
content: '"已看"',
"background-color": "hsla(0, 0%, 60%, .77)",
"font-size": "13px",
padding: "3px 8px",
color: "#fff",
"font-weight": 700,
"border-radius": "4px",
"z-index": 1,
display: globalConfigStorage.displayBtn.get() ? "block" : "none"
".is-not-read::before": {
content: '"未看"',
"background-color": "rgba(3, 169, 244, .77)",
"font-size": "13px",
padding: "3px 8px",
color: "#fff",
"font-weight": 700,
"border-radius": "4px",
"z-index": 1,
display: globalConfigStorage.displayBtn.get() ? "block" : "none"
[`.post-list .is-read::before, .post-list .is-not-read::before,\n\t\t\t.category-post .is-read::before, .category-post .is-not-read::before,\n\t\t\t.rank-post .is-read::before, .rank-post .is-not-read::before `]: {
position: "absolute",
top: "5px",
left: "calc(15px + 5px)"
".related-post .is-read::before, .related-post .is-not-read::before": {
position: "absolute",
top: "5px",
left: "calc(6px + 5px)"
".card-body .is-read::before, .card-body .is-not-read::before": {
position: "absolute",
top: "5px",
right: "5px"
function transformedPrefSelectorList( prefSelectorList ) {
return Object.entries( Object.values( prefSelectorList ).flat().reduce( ( ( result, current ) => ( {
} ) ) ) ).map( ( ( [ selector, rule ] ) => ( {
selector: selector,
rule: rule
} ) ) );
function addReadStyle( cssRule2 ) {
cssRule2.pushList( transformedPrefSelectorList( readStyle ) ).submit();
class Info {
constructor( projectName ) {
__publicField( this, "projectName" );
__publicField( this, "header" );
this.projectName = projectName;
this.header = `[${ projectName }]`;
log( ...msg ) {
( () => {} )( ...this.contentInfo( ...msg ) );
info( ...msg ) {
console.info( ...this.contentInfo( ...msg ) );
warn( ...msg ) {
console.warn( ...this.contentInfo( ...msg ) );
error( ...msg ) {
console.error( ...this.contentInfo( ...msg ) );
contentInfo( ...msg ) {
return [ this.header, ...msg ];
class EntryBranch {
constructor() {
__publicField( this, "branchList", [] );
add( condition, callback ) {
if ( typeof condition === "boolean" ) {
this.branchList.push( [ () => condition, callback ] );
else {
this.branchList.push( [ condition, callback ] );
return this;
default( callback ) {
this.add( true, callback );
return this;
run() {
const entry = this.branchList.find( ( entry2 => entry2[0]() ) );
if ( entry ) {
new Info( "EntryBranch" ).log( "进入分支", entry );
function isMatchURL( ...regExpList ) {
const matchResultList = [];
regExpList.forEach( ( regExp => {
if ( typeof regExp === "string" ) {
regExp = new RegExp( regExp );
matchResultList.push( !!document.URL.match( regExp ) );
} ) );
return matchResultList.includes( true );
function freshListenerPushState( callback, s = 1 ) {
let _pushState = window.history.pushState;
window.history.pushState = function () {
setTimeout( callback, s * 1e3 );
return _pushState.apply( this, arguments );
const getEl = document.querySelector.bind( document );
const getEls = document.querySelectorAll.bind( document );
function parsePost( postList, postCard ) {
const domList = {
postCard: postCard,
link: postCard.querySelector( ".post-card a" ) || postCard.querySelector( ".sidebar-rank-post-wrap a" ) || postCard.querySelector( ".related-post-card a" )
if ( !domList.postCard.innerText ) {
postList.push( {
target: postCard,
achieveId: Number( domList.link.href.slice( domList.link.href.lastIndexOf( "/" ) + 1 ) )
} );
function writeHistoryBtn( postList ) {
for ( const post of postList ) {
if ( post.isRead ) {
print.log( post.achieveId, "is-read" );
post.target.classList.remove( "is-not-read" );
post.target.classList.add( "is-read" );
else {
print.log( post.achieveId, "is-not-read" );
post.target.classList.remove( "is-read" );
post.target.classList.add( "is-not-read" );
function bindNotReadBtnEvent( postList ) {
postList.forEach( ( post => {
if ( !post.isRead ) {
let bindPostClickEvent = function ( e ) {
if ( e.button !== 2 ) {
post.target.classList.remove( "is-not-read" );
post.target.classList.add( "is-read" );
else {
post.target.addEventListener( "mousedown", bindPostClickEvent, {
once: true
} );
post.target.addEventListener( "mousedown", bindPostClickEvent, {
once: true
} );
} ) );
async function getReadHistory( postList ) {
const postDataList = [];
for ( const post of postList ) {
postDataList.push( {
isRead: await readHistory.has( post.achieveId )
} );
return postDataList;
async function parseMainPost() {
const postList = [];
const postCardList = getEls( "span.row .post" );
postCardList == null ? void 0 : postCardList.forEach( ( post => {
parsePost( postList, post );
} ) );
const postDataList = await getReadHistory( postList );
writeHistoryBtn( postDataList );
bindNotReadBtnEvent( postDataList );
async function parseAsidePost() {
const postList = [];
const postCardList = getEls( ".sidebar-rank-post-card li" );
postCardList == null ? void 0 : postCardList.forEach( ( post => {
parsePost( postList, post );
} ) );
const postDataList = await getReadHistory( postList );
writeHistoryBtn( postDataList );
function getElement( parent = document.body, selector, timeoutPerSecond = 0, getElementDelayPerSecond = 0 ) {
return new Promise( ( resolve => {
let result = parent.querySelector( selector );
if ( result ) {
return resolve( result );
let timer;
const mutationObserver = window.MutationObserver || window.WebkitMutationObserver || window.MozMutationObserver;
if ( mutationObserver ) {
const observer = new mutationObserver( ( mutations => {
for ( let mutation of mutations ) {
for ( let addedNode of mutation.addedNodes ) {
if ( addedNode instanceof Element ) {
result = addedNode.matches( selector ) ? addedNode : addedNode.querySelector( selector );
if ( result ) {
timer && clearTimeout( timer );
setTimeout( ( () => resolve( result ) ), getElementDelayPerSecond * 1e3 );
} ) );
observer.observe( parent, {
childList: true,
subtree: true
} );
if ( timeoutPerSecond > 0 ) {
timer = setTimeout( ( () => {
return resolve( null );
} ), timeoutPerSecond * 1e3 );
} ) );
async function HomePageEntry() {
var _a;
await getElement( document.body, ".post-card-wrap .cover", 20, globalConfig.getElementDelayPerSecond );
await parseMainPost();
await getElement( document.body, ".sidebar-rank-post-wrap .cover", 20, globalConfig.getElementDelayPerSecond );
await parseAsidePost();
( _a = getEl( ".nav-pills" ) ) == null ? void 0 : _a.addEventListener( "click", ( () => {
setTimeout( ( () => {
} ), 500 );
} ), {
once: true
} );
function promisifyRequest( request ) {
return new Promise( ( ( resolve, reject ) => {
request.oncomplete = request.onsuccess = () => resolve( request.result );
request.onabort = request.onerror = () => reject( request.error );
} ) );
function createStore( dbName, storeName ) {
const request = indexedDB.open( dbName );
request.onupgradeneeded = () => request.result.createObjectStore( storeName );
const dbp = promisifyRequest( request );
return ( txMode, callback ) => dbp.then( ( db => callback( db.transaction( storeName, txMode ).objectStore( storeName ) ) ) );
let defaultGetStoreFunc;
function defaultGetStore() {
if ( !defaultGetStoreFunc ) {
defaultGetStoreFunc = createStore( "keyval-store", "keyval" );
return defaultGetStoreFunc;
function get( key, customStore = defaultGetStore() ) {
return customStore( "readonly", ( store => promisifyRequest( store.get( key ) ) ) );
function setMany( entries, customStore = defaultGetStore() ) {
return customStore( "readwrite", ( store => {
entries.forEach( ( entry => store.put( entry[1], entry[0] ) ) );
return promisifyRequest( store.transaction );
} ) );
function eachCursor( store, callback ) {
store.openCursor().onsuccess = function () {
if ( !this.result ) return;
callback( this.result );
return promisifyRequest( store.transaction );
function values( customStore = defaultGetStore() ) {
return customStore( "readonly", ( store => {
if ( store.getAll ) {
return promisifyRequest( store.getAll() );
const items = [];
return eachCursor( store, ( cursor => items.push( cursor.value ) ) ).then( ( () => items ) );
} ) );
class ReadHistory {
constructor() {
__publicField( this, "store" );
this.store = createStore( "animax-post", "post-view-history" );
async has( key ) {
return !!( await get( key, this.store ) );
getAll() {
return values( this.store );
async setList( historyList ) {
const entries = [];
historyList.forEach( ( history => {
entries.push( [ void 0, history ] );
} ) );
await setMany( entries, this.store );
async function categoryPageEntry() {
await getElement( document.body, ".post-card-wrap .cover", 20, globalConfig.getElementDelayPerSecond );
await parseMainPost();
class CSSRule {
constructor() {
__publicField( this, "cssRuleSet", new Set );
__publicField( this, "styleDom", document.createElement( "style" ) );
push( selector, rule ) {
let ruleString = "";
for ( let ruleKey in rule ) {
const ruleValue = rule[ruleKey];
ruleString += `${ ruleKey }:${ ruleValue };`;
this.cssRuleSet.add( `${ selector } {${ ruleString }}` );
return this;
pushImportant( selector, rule ) {
let ruleString = "";
for ( let ruleKey in rule ) {
let ruleValue = rule[ruleKey];
if ( typeof ruleValue === "string" ) {
ruleValue = ruleValue.replace( "!important", "" );
ruleString += `${ ruleKey }:${ ruleValue } !important;`;
this.cssRuleSet.add( `${ selector } {${ ruleString }}` );
return this;
pushHide( selector ) {
this.pushImportant( selector, {
display: "none"
} );
return this;
pushHideList( selectorList ) {
selectorList.forEach( ( selector => {
this.pushImportant( selector, {
display: "none"
} );
} ) );
return this;
pushList( ruleList ) {
ruleList.forEach( ( ( { selector: selector, rule: rule } ) => {
this.push( selector, rule );
} ) );
return this;
pushImportantList( ruleList ) {
ruleList.forEach( ( ( { selector: selector, rule: rule } ) => {
this.pushImportant( selector, rule );
} ) );
return this;
submit() {
new Info( "AddStyle" ).log( Array.from( this.cssRuleSet ).join( " " ) );
this.styleDom = GM_addStyle( Array.from( this.cssRuleSet ).join( " " ) );
removeAll() {
if ( this.styleDom ) {
return this;
async function rankPageEntry() {
var _a;
await getElement( document.body, ".post-card-content > .cover", 20, globalConfig.getElementDelayPerSecond );
await parseMainPost();
( _a = getEl( ".rank-wrapper" ) ) == null ? void 0 : _a.addEventListener( "click", ( () => {
setTimeout( rankPageEntry, 500 );
} ), {
once: true
} );
async function parseAchieveBottomPost() {
const postList = [];
const postCardList = getEls( ".related-post .related-post-card" );
postCardList == null ? void 0 : postCardList.forEach( ( post => {
parsePost( postList, post );
} ) );
const postDataList = await getReadHistory( postList );
writeHistoryBtn( postDataList );
async function achievePageEntry() {
var _a;
await getElement( document.body, ".related-post-card .cover", 20, globalConfig.getElementDelayPerSecond );
await parseAchieveBottomPost();
await getElement( document.body, ".sidebar-rank-post-wrap .cover", 20, globalConfig.getElementDelayPerSecond );
await parseAsidePost();
( _a = getEl( ".nav-pills" ) ) == null ? void 0 : _a.addEventListener( "click", ( () => {
setTimeout( ( () => {
} ), 500 );
} ), {
once: true
} );
async function historyBackup() {
const historyList = await readHistory.getAll();
const GMHistory = new GMStorage( "history" );
const GMHistoryList = GMHistory.get( [] );
print.info( "正在比较备份记录条目: ", `脚本储存条目(${ GMHistoryList.length })`, `仓库本地储存条目(${ historyList.length })` );
if ( GMHistoryList.length > historyList.length ) {
print.info( `历史记录丢失, 正在将备份写入历史记录: `, GMHistoryList );
await readHistory.setList( GMHistoryList );
else if ( GMHistoryList.length < historyList.length ) {
print.info( "正在备份历史记录到脚本储存中. " );
GMHistory.set( [ ...new Set( [ ...GMHistoryList, ...historyList ] ) ] );
async function pushNewReadAchieve() {
const achieveId = document.URL.slice( document.URL.lastIndexOf( "/" ) + 1 );
if ( await readHistory.has( Number( achieveId ) ) ) {
localStorage.setItem( "history", achieveId );
const downloadFile = ( blob, fileName ) => {
const url = URL.createObjectURL( blob );
const a = document.createElement( "a" );
a.href = url;
a.download = fileName;
URL.revokeObjectURL( url );
function importJson() {
const importInput = GM_addElement( "input", {
type: "file",
accept: ".json"
} );
return new Promise( ( resolve => {
importInput.addEventListener( "change", ( e => {
const inputDom = e.target;
if ( inputDom.files ) {
const fileReader = new FileReader;
fileReader.readAsText( inputDom.files[0] );
fileReader.onload = () => {
resolve( fileReader.result || "" );
} ) );
} ) );
class SaveBtn {
constructor() {
__publicField( this, "domList", {
ulList: getEl( ".menu-group-list" )
} );
download() {
var _a;
const downloadBtn = GM_addElement( this.domList.ulList, "li", {
class: "menu-list-item"
} );
downloadBtn.innerHTML = `\n\t\t\t<a class="router-link-exact-active download-btn" href="javascript:;">保存历史记录</a>\n\t\t`;
( _a = downloadBtn.querySelector( ".download-btn" ) ) == null ? void 0 : _a.addEventListener( "click", ( async () => {
downloadFile( new Blob( [ JSON.stringify( await readHistory.getAll() ) ], {
type: "application/json"
} ), "ReadHistoryBackUp.json" );
} ) );
import() {
var _a;
const downloadBtn = GM_addElement( this.domList.ulList, "li", {
class: "menu-list-item"
} );
downloadBtn.innerHTML = `\n\t\t\t<a class="router-link-exact-active import-btn" href="javascript:;">导入历史记录</a>\n\t\t`;
( _a = downloadBtn.querySelector( ".import-btn" ) ) == null ? void 0 : _a.addEventListener( "click", ( async () => {
const historyJsonString = await importJson();
const historyArray = JSON.parse( historyJsonString );
if ( Array.isArray( historyArray ) ) {
const isRightHistoryArray = !historyArray.find( ( ( { id: id, date: date } ) => !( id && date ) ) );
if ( isRightHistoryArray ) {
await readHistory.setList( historyArray );
alert( "导入历史记录成功. " );
else {
alert( "导入Json文件为错误的历史记录文件. " );
} ) );
async function addFreshBtn( entryBranch ) {
var _a;
await getElement( document.body, ".navbar-nav", 0, .5 );
const freshBtn = GM_addElement( getEl( ".navbar-nav" ), "li", {
class: "nav-item"
} );
const dataHash = getEl( ".navbar-nav > .nav-item" ).getAttributeNames().find( ( attribute => attribute.startsWith( "data-v" ) ) );
freshBtn.innerHTML = `\n\t\t<a class="text-truncate fresh-btn" ${ dataHash } href="javascript:;">刷新</a>\n\t`;
( _a = freshBtn.querySelector( ".fresh-btn" ) ) == null ? void 0 : _a.addEventListener( "click", ( () => {
} ) );
const print = new Info( "postCardList" );
const cssRule = new CSSRule;
const readHistory = new ReadHistory;
( async () => {
addReadStyle( cssRule );
await historyBackup();
const entryBranch = new EntryBranch;
entryBranch.add( ( () => isMatchURL( "^https://cangku.moe/$" ) ), HomePageEntry ).add( ( () => isMatchURL( "^https://cangku.moe/\\?page" ) ), ( async () => {
await HomePageEntry();
cssRule.pushHide( ".global-announce" ).submit();
} ) ).add( ( () => isMatchURL( /https:\/\/cangku.moe\/archives\/\d+/ ) ), ( async () => {
await achievePageEntry();
await pushNewReadAchieve();
} ) ).add( ( () => isMatchURL( /https:\/\/cangku.moe\/category\/\d+/ ) ), categoryPageEntry ).add( ( () => isMatchURL( "https://cangku.moe/rank" ) ), rankPageEntry ).add( ( () => isMatchURL( "https://cangku.moe/account/" ) ), ( async () => {
await getElement( document.body, ".menu-group-list", 0, .5 );
const saveBtn = new SaveBtn;
} ) ).run();
freshListenerPushState( ( () => {
} ) );
await addFreshBtn( entryBranch );
} )();