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Hodnotenie: Dobré - skript funguje

Pridaný: 07.04.2024

works great. use more words for search discoverability: wide wide-screen full fullscreen full-screen etc. greasyfork search is using exact search so some words are not matching your script

Pridaný: 07.04.2024

hey @azizLIGHT thanks for the advice, where does greasyfork use exact search? in script description? the meta?

Pridaný: 07.04.2024

script name and description it looks like, but i couldnt tell you if its from the script meta or what you put into the greasyfork (since thats the same in this case). i dont know why it doesnt match at least the word "wide" against "widescreen". i see your script in the results for widescreen obviously but not wide

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