YouTube Reduced

Limit comments, stops infinite scroll, and removes the 3rd recommendation (random low view count video)

Zoznam verzií skriptu, ktorých kód bol aktualizovaný. Zobraziť všetky verzie.

  • v0.3.4 19.12.2022

    Show more button

  • v0.3.3 15.07.2022

    Seems like youtube has stopped with the one random recommendation, so that's taken out.

  • v0.3.2 05.07.2022

    Slightly improved, but still might have some issues

  • v0.3.1 17.06.2022

    tweak to work with a sometimes different DOM layout

  • v0.3.0 17.06.2022

    Trying to make it more reliable and a bit more customisable. Still doesn't seem to remove the right recommendations every time, but the auto refresh should be removed now.

  • v0.2.1 15.06.2022
  • v0.2 15.06.2022
  • v0.1 15.06.2022