Greasy Fork is available in English.

I'm not interested in this fucking YouTube video!

I'm not interested in this fucking YouTube video! Fuck you!!!!!!! Fuck you to death!!!!

< Spätná väzba na I'm not interested in this fucking YouTube video!

Hodnotenie: Dobré - skript funguje

Pridaný: 01.12.2021

Great script, it works as intended.

Pridaný: 24.02.2022
Upravený: 24.02.2022

This script does not work when i open a new video in a new tab and then click on the homepage button or when i search for a video and then refresh the page and then click on the homepage button.

Pridaný: 28.04.2022

After changing this line "if (/youtube\.com\/?$/.test(location.href)) {" to "if (/youtube\.com\//.test(location.href)) {", the script worked for me.

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