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Hodnotenie: Dobré - skript funguje

Pridaný: 04.07.2022

Usalink shortlink not working bro.. https://medipost.org/blog/?zkVaD
The timer in the last step somehow blocked by script.. When script is off.. it perfectly running the timer...

and new shortlink (( earnow )) in https://freesolana.top/
I don't know this shortlink is listed or not ... but its not bypassing .. and detecting the adblocker(ublock origin) too..

Pridaný: 04.07.2022

Usalink shortlink not working bro.. https://medipost.org/blog/?zkVaD
The timer in the last step somehow blocked by script.. When script is off.. it perfectly running the timer...

and new shortlink (( earnow )) in https://freesolana.top/
I don't know this shortlink is listed or not ... but its not bypassing .. and detecting the adblocker(ublock origin) too..

its working. on the last page of usalink where it says get link click on it and it will once again make you solve captcha and start timer and this time the timer will complete successfully

Pridaný: 04.07.2022

Fc.lc also getting captcha error.. it didn't resolved yet..

Pridaný: 04.07.2022

site name https://faucetcrypto.net/ and more sites...
shortlink name : Earnow

Pridaný: 04.07.2022

Fc.lc also getting captcha error.. it didn't resolved yet..

i don't have problems with Usalink, and my script not blocking the timer , please check your browser extension,
and I don't have captcha issue with Fc.lc , please check your reCAPTCHA Score

Pridaný: 05.07.2022

Thank you for clarifying that.. bro... I will check my extensions .

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