Play with MPV

Play videos and songs on the website via mpv-handler

< Spätná väzba na Play with MPV

Hodnotenie: OK - skript funguje, ale má chyby

Pridaný: 05.12.2020

This script works great. but could you add some feature that we can choose the quality for the video output in MPV as well.

Pridaný: 06.12.2020

For this feature, you can view youtube-dl manual -f option.

Also can view

In this script, quality choose are difficult work, almost like write a JavaScript version youtube-dl. I will not added this feature.

Pridaný: 29.12.2020

I have added this feature by --ytdl-format now.

By default, choose best video quality, and you can click SettingsIcon (on top of PlayIcon) to set prefer quality.

Of course, this feature base youtube-dl. if youtube-dl not get quality list of video, that not work.

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