Unedit and Undelete for Reddit

Creates the option next to edited and deleted Reddit comments/posts to show the original comment from before it was edited

< Spätná väzba na Unedit and Undelete for Reddit

Hodnotenie: Dobré - skript funguje

Pridaný: 03.04.2021

Great script, cheers for sharing it!

I have an issue to report though, I had to change the @match to "@include https://*.reddit.com/*" for it to load for some reason, not sure why the original @match didn't work but this change fixes it for me.


Pridaný: 04.04.2021

It has been working for me as is.

I have added some new includes in 3.5.1. Hopefully this should fix it for you.

Pridaný: 06.04.2021
It has been working for me as is.

I have added some new includes in 3.5.1. Hopefully this should fix it for you.

Cheers, 3.5.1 fixed it! Thanks heaps mate.

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