Unedit and Undelete for Reddit

Creates the option next to edited and deleted Reddit comments/posts to show the original comment from before it was edited

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Pridaný: 01.12.2021

hi! i dont think its working, or i don't know what I'm doing lol. I'm trying to look at old posts that /i/ deleted, when I go to the posts a little notification dot pops up on the extension, but its unclear what I have to do to re-see the post

Pridaný: 21.12.2021

I am having the same issue. I can see that the program is working, as a notification appears that shows how the script "matches". However, there is no way to see the post. (In the image for this code, it depicts how "see original text" or whatever will appear aside the post, but I do not see that).

Pridaný: 22.12.2021

If viewing a deleted comment that has replies, it will appear like this:


Clicking "Show original" will display the comment before it was deleted (assuming it has been archived).

The script simply appends these links next to edited and deleted comments that are displayed on the page. Reddit does not normally display deleted comments that do not have replies, so for this, the script will not work.

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