Removes the forced ProtonMail signature from the 'New message' textboxes
< Spätná väzba na ProtonMail - remove forced signature
Updated for the new html changes. Thanks for reporting. Please update your rating.
I am still seeing the signature when I click on "new message"
Please update the script now, I had it as Unlisted (because of this) so updating didn't work, I made it Public again.
Nothing changed
Are you sure? Please check version in the script code manually, it should be 2023.6.1
It's working fine for me, with both having custom signature or not. I checked multiple times with both Tampermonkey/Violentmonkey with Chrome, having "Beta Access" on or off.
Remember, Greasemonkey is not supported and it's not working with Firefox (see here).
I use edge and tampermonkey
When I click on the top left "New message" the default signature is still there
It's working fine for me in Edge 113 with Tampermonkey beta, I just checked:
Have you clicked on the red new message button?
Of course. It's working fine even if I click it repeatedly (open multiple composer windows):
well that does not work for me but ok
Maybe some other userscript or extension is conflicting with it? I'd suggest trying with a fresh Edge/Chrome profile, with only TM/VM and the script.
No longer works.
Please update it so I will update my rating