eBay hide duplicate results updated

easy toggle to show or hide bunches of repeated results in eBay searches

< Spätná väzba na eBay hide duplicate results updated


Pridaný: 21.03.2017
Upravený: 21.03.2017

Please change the "include" headers to "TLD"

// @include http*://www.ebay.tld/sch/*

This way it will work on all ebay domain which are similar, I've doctored the script for myself but if you don't do it on your side it will be overwritten in the next update of your scripts.

Regards !

Pridaný: 21.03.2017
Upravený: 21.03.2017


Pridaný: 24.04.2017

Thanks for the reminder.


Pridaný: 05.08.2023

Hi, I don't think using tld works for ebay.co.uk

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