Retrieve Full Page Titles in Google Search

Fill the page link titles with the full respective page titles, if possible

< Spätná väzba na Retrieve Full Page Titles in Google Search

Hodnotenie: Dobré - skript funguje

Pridaný: 30.05.2017

Not working

The script does not run and also does not appear on Tampermonkey running scripts panel.

Pridaný: 30.05.2017
Upravený: 30.05.2017
The script does not run and also does not appear on Tampermonkey running scripts panel.

Can you paste the URL you're currently on?
Anything in the browser console?

Pridaný: 30.05.2017
Damn, google, why would you do that??? O.o
Of course this escapes the (I thought quite elegant) regexes...
Will update to be more generous

Pridaný: 30.05.2017

wait... that wasn't the issue...
I'll have to come back to this later

Pridaný: 04.06.2017

I have solved the problem adding
// @include* parameter into the script.It is working great now.

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