The Amazon Review Tabulator - TART

Lists all of your reviews with vote and comment tallies, with updates highlighted

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Pridaný: 02.11.2016

blank cells in percent helpful column

I am seeing blank cells rather than "0%" in the percent helpful column in all instances where there are 0 helpful and 0 unhelpful results.

However if there are 0 helpful and 1 or more unhelpfuls then the percent helpful column will display 0%.

It would be be better if the percent helpful column would display 0% instead of being blank in instances where there are 0 helpful and 0 unhelpful results.

Pridaný: 02.11.2016

I did have to give that behavior some thought, and, I think it is correct. As it is, you can see at a glance what reviews have had no votes, at all... with blanks in % Helpful. And, 0% helpful _should_ mean that there have been some votes from which to derive that number.

Pridaný: 04.11.2016

I like seeing a blank where there are no votes at all and 0% when there are only not helpful votes. It is easy to see the difference between the two at a quick glance.

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