Greasy Fork is available in English.

Mark scheduled games as favorites in Games Done Quick

With this script you can click to highlight your favorite games in the GDQ schedule list.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Mark scheduled games as favorites in Games Done Quick
// @description  With this script you can click to highlight your favorite games in the GDQ schedule list.
// @namespace
// @version      0.4
// @author       ciscoheat
// @match*
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

(function($) {
    'use strict';

    var selected = localStorage.favorites ? JSON.parse(localStorage.favorites) : [];
	var currentYear = new Date().getFullYear();

	var previousDate = new Date(currentYear + '-01-01');
	var prevRows = null;
	var prevGame = null;
	var passedNow = false;

    $("#runTable .start-time").closest('tr').each(function(_, tr) {
        var secondRow = $(tr).next();
        var game = $(tr).find('.start-time + td').text();
        var rows = $(tr).add(secondRow);
        var last = [];

		var day = $(tr).prevAll('.day-split').first().text();
		var time = $(tr).find('.start-time').text();
		var dateStr = day + " " + time;

		var dateParse = /^\w+,\s*(\w+)\s+(\d+)[^\d]+(.*)$/;

		var replacer = function(_, month, day, time) {
			if(month == "January") month = 1;
			if(month == "February") month = 2;
			if(month == "March") month = 3;
			if(month == "April") month = 4;
			if(month == "May") month = 5;
			if(month == "June") month = 6;
			if(month == "July") month = 7;
			if(month == "August") month = 8;
			if(month == "September") month = 9;
			if(month == "October") month = 10;
			if(month == "November") month = 11;
			if(month == "December") month = 12;

			var str = '/' + month + '/' + day + ' ' + time;
			var check = new Date(currentYear + str);

			// Check for year wrap of date
			if(check < previousDate) {
				previousDate = new Date(currentYear + str);
			} else {
				previousDate = check;

			return currentYear + str;

		var gameTime = new Date(dateStr.replace(dateParse, replacer));

		// Set current game if we passed actual time.
		if(prevRows && gameTime >= && passedNow == false) {
			passedNow = true;
			var resetCol = selected.indexOf(prevGame) >= 0 ? '#c0f9c2' : 'white';
			prevRows.css('background-color', resetCol).css('font-weight', 'bold');

			var scrollTo = prevRows[0];
			setTimeout(function() {
				if(scrollTo.scrollIntoView) {
						behavior: 'auto',
						block: 'center',
						inline: 'center'
			}, 500);

		if(selected.indexOf(game) >= 0) {
			rows.css('background-color', '#c0f9c2');
		else if(gameTime < {
			rows.css('background-color', '#e4e4e4');

		prevRows = rows;
		prevGame = game;


        rows.on('mousedown', function(e) {
			if(e.button != 0) return;
            last = [e.pageX, e.pageY];

        rows.on('mouseup', function(e) {
			if(e.button != 0) return;
            if(Math.abs(e.pageX - last[0]) > 2 || Math.abs(e.pageY - last[1]) > 2) return;

            var pos = selected.indexOf(game);

            if(pos < 0) {
                rows.css('background-color', '#c0f9c2');
            } else {
                selected.splice(pos, 1);
                rows.css('background-color', '');

            localStorage.favorites = JSON.stringify(selected);