
Watch videos from video sharing websites without Flash Player.

< Spätná väzba na ViewTube_GM


Pridaný: 05.01.2016
Upravený: 17.04.2016

viewtube_GM stops working on dailymotion

Viewtube_GM worked great with dailymotion until a couple days ago. Yesterday it stopped; I kept getting the error message "Couldn't get the player element".

Thanks for your work!!

Pridaný: 07.01.2016

Dailymotion is now fixed. As sites change heir code sometimes it is quite normal that the script stops working on them from time to time - it is good to report such issues, but it shouldn't be a reason to downvote the script (only if issues don't get fixed).

Pridaný: 17.04.2016

Looks like ViewTube_GM has stopped working on dailymotion again. And sorry about the "downvote" button --- I'm new to the forum and I thought I need to need the red button to to signify issues.

Thanks for your work!

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