Greasy Fork is available in English.

A comment by FabriLluvia bol nahlásený 26.06.2024 z dôvodu Spam

FabriLluvia napísal:

We recommend you to update to the latest versión, 2.0 BETA 9.7.2, and use TamperMonkey, other userscript managers are not supported anymore.
Also, use a supported web browser, such as Edge, or Google Chrome, and verify that you have a stable wi-fi conection.
If you have les than 8GBs of RAM, we recommend you to turn ON the Memory Saver option, in the Settings Button.
You can also join our discord server for further support, and DM me in Discord (fabrilluvia).

Nahlasovateľ povedal:

FabriLluvia (nahlásený používateľ) urobil:

Táto sťažnosť bola moderátorom schválená.

spamming a discord group