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[Buggy] Redlib Quirk Fixer JS - Fix some quirks of Redlib (previously Libreddit) instances (disabled HLS, disabled NSFW, etc). Buggy, see README.
LibReddit Dark Theme & LibReddit Settings Changer JS - Change the default Libreddit theme to Black, and set other preferences more convenient than on Reddit
Reddit to Libreddit Redirect JS - Redirects Reddit links to randomly chosen Libreddit instances automatically and provides an option to reload in a different instance, if the user wishes to do so.
New Instance Button for Redlib JS - Adds a button to Redlib (previously Libreddit) instances to redirect to a new instance.
Libre Frontend Redirect JS - Gives buttom to redirect from a Libre Frontend instance to another instance to counter rate-limiting. (Currently Supported: Reddit, Quora. Planned: Youtube, github, etc)