estimated player detector

How its works so when you hook an object like when you see it and someone break it the server send you an packet for the object breaked so im hooking the object in array and when the break packet come to client im checking to hooked object spawn ids and find the object spawn id.

// ==UserScript==
// @name estimated player detector
// @namespace
// @version      v1.3
// @description  How its works so when you hook an object like when you see it and someone break it the server send you an packet for the object breaked so im hooking the object in array and when the break packet come to client im checking to hooked object spawn ids and find the object spawn id.
// @author       Bianos
// @match        *://**
// @require
// @icon         
// @license      MIT
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==
// .co, .cos for clear all breakedObjects or its auto clearing in per by 10

let canvas = document.getElementById('gameCanvas');
let context = canvas.getContext('2d');
let msgpack_lite = window.msgpack;
let myplayer = {sid: null, x: null, y: null, x2: null, y2: null, alive: false};
let hookedws = window.WebSocket;
let ws;
let objects = [];
let breakedObjects = [];
window.WebSocket = function(...a) {
    ws = new hookedws(...a);
    ws.addEventListener('message', (event) => {
        let decoded = msgpack_lite.decode(new Uint8Array(;
        let hooked;
        if (decoded.length > 1 && Array.isArray(decoded[1])) {
            hooked = [decoded[0], ...decoded[1]];
        } else {
            hooked = decoded
        if(hooked[0] === 'C' && myplayer.sid == null) {
            myplayer.sid = hooked[1];
        if(hooked[0] === 'P') {
            myplayer.alive = false
        if(hooked[0] === '6') {
            if(hooked[1] === myplayer.sid) {
                if(['.co', '.clearo', '.clearobject', '.cos', '.clearobjects'].includes(hooked[2])) {
                    breakedObjects = [];
        if(hooked[0] === 'H') {
            objects.push({sid: hooked[1][0], x: hooked[1][1], y: hooked[1][2], dir: hooked[1][3], scale: hooked[1][4], type: hooked[1][6], owner: hooked[1][7] })
        if(hooked[0] === 'Q') {
            if(breakedObjects.length >= 10) breakedObjects = []
            let obj = objects.filter(obj => obj.sid === hooked[1])[0];
            if(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(myplayer.x - obj.x, 2) + Math.pow(myplayer.y - obj.y, 2)) >= 700) breakedObjects.push(obj);
        if(hooked[0] === 'a') {
            let mphook = hooked.filter(s => s[0] == myplayer.sid)[0]
            if(mphook && mphook.length) {
                myplayer.alive = true;
                myplayer.x2 = mphook[1];
                myplayer.y2 = mphook[2];
            let oplayer = hooked.filter(s => s[0] != myplayer.sid);
    return ws;

var delta = 0;
var now =;
var lastup =;
function update() {
    now =;
    delta = now - lastup;
    lastup = now;

class Render {
    consturctor() {
        this.camX = 0;
        this.camY = 0;
        this.xOff = 0;
        this.yOff = 0;

    async tick() {
        if(myplayer.alive) {
            let dist = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(myplayer.x - this.camX, 2) + Math.pow(myplayer.y - this.camY, 2));
            let dir = Math.atan2(myplayer.y - this.camY, myplayer.x - this.camX);
            let speed = Math.min(dist * 0.01 * delta, dist);
            if (dist > 0.05) {
                this.camX += Math.cos(dir) * speed;
                this.camY += Math.sin(dir) * speed;
            } else {
                this.camX = myplayer.x;
                this.camY = myplayer.y;
            breakedObjects.forEach((obj) => {
                context.strokeStyle = '#fff'
                context.lineWidth = 2
                context.moveTo(myplayer.x - this.xOff, myplayer.y - this.yOff);
                context.lineTo(obj.x - this.xOff, obj.y - this.yOff)

let render = new Render;
Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, "y", { // i got this code from MooMoo.js the link :
    get: function () {
        return this._y;
    set: function (data) {
        if(this.sid == myplayer.sid) {
            myplayer.x = this.x;
            myplayer.y = this.y;
            render.xOff = render.camX - (1920 / 2);
            render.yOff = render.camY - (1080 / 2);
        this._y = data;

let clearrect = CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.clearRect;
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.clearRect = function(...a) {
    clearrect.apply(this, a)