BraveGPT 🤖

Adds AI answers to Brave Search (powered by GPT-4o!)

These are versions of this script where the code was updated. Show all versions.

  • v2024.5.31.7 2024-05-31

    Bumped CryptoJS to 4.2.0 ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps/bravegpt]

  • v2024.5.31.6 2024-05-31

    Bumped KaTeX/auto-render.js to 0.16.10 ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps/bravegpt]

  • v2024.5.31.5 2024-05-31

    Bumped generate-ip to 2.4.2 ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps/bravegpt]

  • v2024.5.31.4 2024-05-31

    Added markdown rendering

  • v2024.5.31.2 2024-05-31

    Added missing ) ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps/bravegpt]

  • v2024.5.31 2024-05-31

    Added API endpoint/routines + refactored createHeaders() for readability ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps/bravegpt]

  • v2024.5.30.5 2024-05-31

    Alphabetized/removed subdomains from connect meta URLs for readability ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps/bravegpt]

  • v2024.5.30.3 2024-05-31

    Title-cased headers.Origin in createHeaders(api) for consistency ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps/bravegpt]

  • v2024.5.30.2 2024-05-30

    Reverted localizing msgs only for non-English sys lang

    ... to support dynamic ref in toggleSidebar() ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps/bravegpt]

  • v2024.5.30 2024-05-30

    Renamed getGPTplusKey() to generateGPTplusKey() ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps/bravegpt]

  • v2024.5.29.5 2024-05-30

    Updated GPT search app descriptions ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps/bravegpt]

  • v2024.5.29.4 2024-05-30

    Bumped GPT in payload to 4o ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps/bravegpt]

  • v2024.5.29.3 2024-05-30

    Shortened var names ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps/bravegpt]

  • v2024.5.29.2 2024-05-30

    Added endpoint/routines ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps/bravegpt]

  • v2024.5.29.1 2024-05-30

    Replaced double-quotes w/ single-quotes ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps/bravegpt]

  • v2024.5.29 2024-05-30

    Replaced AIGCF proxy endpoint w/ GPTforLove + delayed load 1s

    ... to accomodate new convoluted Brave Search load ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps/bravegpt]

  • v2024.5.23.2 2024-05-24

    Limited localized msg load to non-English sys langs ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps/bravegpt]

  • v2024.5.23 2024-05-23

    Moved config.userLanguage init out of config init to support VM ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps/bravegpt]

  • v2024.5.17.1 2024-05-18

    Appended commit hashes to icon meta URLs to preserve assets ↞ [auto-sync from KudoAI/bravegpt]

  • v2024.5.17 2024-05-18

    Bumped chatgpt.js to 2.9.2 ↞ [auto-sync from KudoAI/bravegpt]

  • v2024.5.16.2 2024-05-17

    Updated // @supportURL ↞ [auto-sync from KudoAI/bravegpt]

  • v2024.5.16.1 2024-05-17

    Updated latest asset commit hash in config.assetHostURL ↞ [auto-sync from KudoAI/bravegpt]

  • v2024.5.16 2024-05-16

    Bumped chatgpt.js to 2.8.0 ↞ [auto-sync from KudoAI/bravegpt]

  • v2024.5.11 2024-05-11

    Bumped chatgpt.js to 2.7.1 ↞ [auto-sync from KudoAI/bravegpt]

  • v2024.5.10 2024-05-11

    Inserted latest locale commit hash to config.assetHostURL to preserve potentially deleted msg keys ↞ [auto-sync from KudoAI/bravegpt]

  • v2024.5.9 2024-05-09

    Bumped chatgpt.js to 2.7.0 + generate-ip to 2.4.1 ↞ [auto-sync from KudoAI/bravegpt]

  • v2024.5.8.1 2024-05-08

    Added doc URL as header comment ↞ [auto-sync from KudoAI/bravegpt]

  • v2024.5.8 2024-05-08

    Updated URLs to ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.5.7 2024-05-07

    Bumped chatgpt.js to 2.6.10 ↞ [auto-sync from KudoAI/bravegpt]

  • v2024.5.5.3 2024-05-05

    Added 'Send reply' tooltip removal on click-sends

  • v2024.5.5.2 2024-05-05

    Renamed rqEventHandler() to more parallel handleRQevent()

  • v2024.5.5.1 2024-05-05

    Fixed chatbar always auto-focuses on 1st load

  • v2024.5.5 2024-05-05

    Excluded related query submissions from triggering chatbar auto-focus

  • v2024.5.4.1 2024-05-04

    Added auto-focus chatbar on 2nd+ loads

  • v2024.5.4 2024-05-04

    Updated ChatGPT session endpoint URL

  • v2024.5.2 2024-05-02

    Replaced URLs w/ ones ↞ [auto-sync from KudoAI/bravegpt]

  • v2024.5.1.1 2024-05-01

    Updated config.assetHostURL to one ↞ [auto-sync from KudoAI/bravegpt]

  • v2024.5.1 2024-05-01

    Bumped chatgpt.js to 2.6.9 + generate-ip to 2.2.12 ↞ [auto-sync from KudoAI/bravegpt]

  • v2024.4.28.3 2024-04-28

    Loosened comparison operators for smaller filesize ↞ [auto-sync from KudoAI/bravegpt]

  • v2024.4.28.2 2024-04-28

    Replaced using alt as fallback for header logo src w/ appLogoImg.onerror

    ... to hide ugly broken image icon in Chromium browsers ↞ [auto-sync from KudoAI/bravegpt]

  • v2024.4.28.1 2024-04-28

    Shortened .kudo-ai class name to .kudoai

  • v2024.4.28 2024-04-28

    Eliminated isChromium for simplicity ↞ [auto-sync from KudoAI/bravegpt]

  • v2024.4.27 2024-04-28

    Refactored msg fetcher for readability + if en/messages.json ever goes missing

    • Shortened const messages to msgs ↞ [auto-sync from KudoAI/bravegpt]
  • v2024.4.26.6 2024-04-26

    Extended overflow fixing to all ancestors to fight recent/future UI changes ↞ [auto-sync from KudoAI/bravegpt]

  • v2024.4.26.5 2024-04-26

    Removed Sticky Sidebar mode for incompatibility w/ new layout ↞ [auto-sync from KudoAI/bravegpt]

  • v2024.4.26.4 2024-04-26

    Separated 1st line of code from updateAppStyle() signature for readability ↞ [auto-sync from KudoAI/bravegpt]

  • v2024.4.26.3 2024-04-26

    Condensed updateAppStyle() for brevity ↞ [auto-sync from KudoAI/bravegpt]

  • v2024.4.26.2 2024-04-26

    Bumped generate-ip to 2.2.10 ↞ [auto-sync from KudoAI/bravegpt]

  • v2024.4.26.1 2024-04-26

    Added logo/style scheme auto-update on Brave Search scheme changes

    ... since Brave Search fails to consistently auto-reload pages on changes ↞ [auto-sync from KudoAI/bravegpt]

  • v2024.4.26 2024-04-26

    Replaced deprecated var(--search-text-06) light-mode .feedback text color w/ #aaa ↞ [auto-sync from KudoAI/bravegpt]

Show all script versions