ppixiv for Pixiv

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< Feedback on ppixiv for Pixiv

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 2023-03-27

Hi! The script is great I use it for months.
I've got a little problem which started some time ago. I use FireFox 111.0.1 (the newest) and few addons for privacy like ad-block but I tested with all addons turned off.

So the problem is that button to follow artists doesn't work. First I had a problem that it wasn't displayed at all but it was ad-block blocking the whole artist panel (when you right-click on image). When I turned off cosmetics filltering the menu is back again but still the button doesn't work. Buttons like Twitter or similar artists work.

Posted: 2023-03-27

One more thing that I think is broken in my case is button to make your own category of tags.
I can pin tag and it goes to "saved tags" but add section does nothing.
What 'H' letter is supposed to do (left from tag)?

Posted: 2023-03-27

The "H" is supposed to be a handle icon. That's fixed in dev but not in a release yet. There are some other bugs in there, I'll update that in a bit and it should make more sense.

Can you open the console (press F12), and see if there are any messages or errors when you click follow?

Posted: 2023-03-27

It shows 2 errors after clicking the button. I believe this one is interesting for you.

Posted: 2023-03-28

Hmm. The only want I can seem to create that error is by sending a request when logged out, but I'm not sure how that would happen. It's tricky to debug, since I can't see the request myself (it contains private information).

Can you take a look at the network request?

- Open the Network tab in DevTools, and select "All" in the list at the top.
- Click the clear (trash) button in the top-left to clean it out
- Try to follow a user. A "bookmark_add.php" line should appear, click it
- Click "Cookies". Is "PHPSESSID" in the list? (These are your login credentials. Please don't post it)

Also, does bookmarking images work, or is it just following that doesn't work?

Posted: 2023-03-28

Yes, there is PHPSESSID.
Yes, bookmarking works.
I tried to re-login and change the network but it didn't help.

Posted: 2023-03-29

Hmm. Not sure how to troubleshoot. Normally I'd look at the network request for the follow and compare it against Pixiv's to see what's different. But, I can't look at yours since the network requests have your login information.

If you want to try doing this:

- Like above, open the Network tab in devtools. Do this for both a ppixiv tab and a separate regular Pixiv tab.
- Try to follow the user in ppixiv, and click the request.
- Over in the Pixiv tab, follow the user there. Open the API request the page made in this tab's devtools.

The two should be pretty similar and you can compare them in the Headers and Payload tabs. There are some small differences that shouldn't matter (like the x-user-id and cache headers), but something in there will be different that it doesn't like. It could be a different URL, Content-Type, etc. (Just to note again, you shouldn't post screenshots of the Headers tab since it has your login information, user ID, etc. The Payload tab is fine, it just has the user ID being followed.)

Posted: 2023-03-30

I did what you said and when I try to follow I see this being added to the console: https://www.pixiv.net/bookmark_add.php.
So in ppixiv case code is 400, in pixiv it's 200.
The only difference in Headers is that pixiv without addon has two more lines in Response Headers:
content-length: 2
x-content-type-options: nosniff

In tab Response (I'm not sure if it's the one you meant by Payload tab) ppixiv says I don't have JS in the browser, in pixiv case it says about JSON.

I'm not sure if it can help you to find the bug.

Posted: 2023-03-31

Hmm. I see it now when I tested with a newly-created account. They've added recaptcha to follows for newer accounts (it's not enabled on my real account). I'll have to think for a bit about how to deal with that.

Posted: 2023-04-14

Hi again!
I got some more feedback and suggestion.
In my case button to show similar bookmarks doesn't work after clicking it I see blank page (added screenshots).
When I turn off ppixiv I see normal page with "people who bookmarked this" and below the artist's works and menu which is my suggestion.
Is it possible to add menu "Members who bookmarked this also bookmarked the following." to shortcut, I believe this one should display when using the button from 1st screenshot? (added screenshot too)

Posted: 2023-04-14

Should be fixed in r216. It's hidden by default since that menu is getting cluttered and it's not the most useful view, but it's available by holding Alt while clicking the gear button in the popup menu. It's "Similar bookmarks" (which doesn't make much sense, I think it was copied from the title of some old Pixiv page).

Posted: 2023-04-15

Well, "Similar bookmarks" is page of people who bookmarked the artwork which is not the most useful menu indeed.

I thought"Similar Illustrations" and "Members who bookmarked this also bookmarked the following." are different pages because they suggest different artworks.

Shouldn't both of them display same artworks?

Also thank you for the answer and fix!

Posted: 2023-04-15

"Similar Illustrations" is what Pixiv normally shows after you bookmark an image ("Recommended works"). I don't have a post-bookmark popup right now (I've thought about it, it's useful), so I added it as a separate search so it's at least available. If you exit to Pixiv when on that search it'll go to Pixiv's "people who bookmarked this page" search, since there isn't an equivalent Pixiv page to go to. The stuff Pixiv shows might be different from page to page though, not all of the searches and views on their site work the same way.

Posted: 2023-05-10

Hopefully follows are fixed in r217, let me know if that helps.

Posted: 2023-05-11

Yes! It's working, thank you for your work ^_^
Have a great day!

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