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Deezer Artist Dumper

Adds the feature to add all artists songs to a playlist

Ниже показаны версии этого скрипта, в которых изменялся код. Показать все версии.

  • v1.3 02.07.2024

    Added search bar for playlists

  • v1.2.1 29.06.2024

    updated built in detection for slowed/sped up etc songs

  • v1.2.1 19.06.2024

    Fixed bug with type selection
    If you only had featured ticked, it would still get all songs
    if you had featured ticked and not every other option it would still get all songs

    the bug fix can hypothetically cause another issue. it should never happen though (see code comments)

  • v1.2 18.06.2024

    Added the option to load multiple dumps, the song_ids from all dumps get merged. Removed the check if the artist is the same as the one in the previous dump

  • v1.1 09.06.2024

    getting songs is now async, so it is way quicker

  • v1.0 05.06.2024