
Автоматизация действий для игры Хроники Хаоса

< Обсуждения HeroWarsHelper

Отзыв: Хороший — скрипт работает как нужно

Does the Script have options anywhere to open just 1 titan sphere or pet egg( mainly for season quests)... i know there is quantity control but thats only lets you open more not less i belive. Anyways just wondering

Opens as many as you write, 1,3 or 129.
If you open less than 10, then refresh the page to display the number correctly

Ok thanks I did not relize it worked for this thanks for taking the time to answer me.

A complete page refresh (restarting the game) is not required. Although it will work too, it will just be superfluous.

To restore display the balances of spheres/pet eggs/etc correctly after use of quantity control, it is enough to make a quick synchronization (Script menu item)


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