Обход Все Короткие ссылки

Обход всех сайтов с короткими ссылками автоматически пропускает надоедливые сокращатели ссылок, прямо к месту назначения

< Обсуждения Обход Все Короткие ссылки

Отзыв: Нормальный — скрипт работает, но имеет существенные недостатки

The script is awesome, but when the site has hCaptcha ou reCaptcha it doesn't work properly here on my tampermonkey/firefox.
Even that I have disabled on settings the AutoSolve options, when I manually click on the catpcha box it keeps loading forever until I disable the script and reload the page. As I use it to generate premium links on ads sites, it becomes complicated to complete the surveys having the script enabled. I wanted to remove this bug, I've added some exclude sites that I know that have hCaptcha to avoid this and enjoy the greatness of this script, but it's never enough, there are so many possible ads short links they create and use it on premium generator links sites that is hard to exclude all.


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