// ==UserScript==
// @name WME Road Shield Assistant
// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/en/users/286957-skidooguy
// @version 2024.03.26.00
// @description Adds shield information display to WME
// @author SkiDooGuy
// @match https://www.waze.com/editor*
// @match https://www.waze.com/*/editor*
// @match https://beta.waze.com/editor*
// @match https://beta.waze.com/*/editor*
// @exclude https://www.waze.com/user/editor*
// @require https://greasyfork.org/scripts/24851-wazewrap/code/WazeWrap.js
// @grant none
// @contributionURL https://github.com/WazeDev/Thank-The-Authors
// ==/UserScript==
/* global W */
/* global WazeWrap */
/* global $ */
/* global OL */
/* global _ */
/* global require */
const GF_LINK = 'https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/425050-wme-road-shield-assisstant';
const FORUM_LINK = 'https://www.waze.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1851&t=315748';
const RSA_UPDATE_NOTES = `<b>NEW:</b><br>
- Updated shields for Canada<br><br>
- No longer highlights alt street names when it shouldn't<br><br>`;
var [zm0, zm1, zm2, zm3, zm4, zm5, zm6, zm7, zm8, zm9, zm10] = [12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22]
const RoadAbbr = {
40: {
"Alberta": {
'Hwy 1$': 5000, // 5000: National-Trans-Canada Highway
'Hwy 1A': 5011, // 5011: Alberta - Provincial Hwy
'Hwy 2': 5011, // 5011: Alberta - Provincial Hwy
'Hwy 3$' : 5015, // 5015: Alberta - Crowsnext Hwy
'Hwy 3A' : 5011, // 5011: Alberta - Provincial Hwy
'Hwy 16$' : 5000, // 5000: National-Trans-Canada Highway
'Hwy 16A' : 5011, // 5011: Alberta - Provincial Hwy
'Hwy ([4-9]|1[0-5])\b' : 5011, // 5011: Alberta - Provincial Hwy
'Hwy (1[7-9]|[2-9]\d|1\d{2}|20\d|21[0-6])\b' : 5011,// 5011: Alberta - Provincial Hwy
'Hwy (21[7-9]|2[2-9]\d|[3-9]\d{2})\b' : 5011 // 5011: Alberta - Provincial Hwy
"British Columbia": {
'Hwy 1': 5000, // 5000: National-Trans-Canada Highway
'Hwy 2': 5001, // 5001: BC - Provincial Hwy
'Hwy 3': 5002, // 5002: BC - Crowsnest Hwy
'Hwy 16': 5000, // 5000: National-Trans-Canada Highway
'Hwy 113': 5004, // 5004: BC - Nisga'a Hwy
'Hwy ([4-9]|[1-9]\d|10\d|11[0-2])\b' : 5001, // 5001: BC - Provincial Hwy
'Hwy (11[4-9]|1[2-9]\d|[2-9]\d{2})\b' : 5001 // 5001: BC - Provincial Hwy
"Saskatchewan": {
'Hwy 1': 5000, // 5000: National - Trans-Canada Hwy
'Hwy 16' : 5000, // 5000: National - Trans-Canada Hwy
'Hwy ([2-9]|1[0-5])\b' : 5030, // 5030: Saskatchewan - Provincial Hwy
'Hwy (1[7-9]|[2-9]\d|[1-3]\d{2})\b' : 5030, // 5030: Saskatchewan - Provincial Hwy
'Hwy (90\d|9[1-9]\d)\b' : 5031, // 5031: Saskatchewan - Northern Secondary Hwy
'Hwy (60\d|6[1-9]\d|7\d{2})\b' : 5032 // 5032: Saskatchewan - Municipal Road
"Manitoba": {
'Hwy 1': 5000, // 5000: National - Trans-Canada Hwy
'Hwy 16': 5000, // 5000: National - Trans-Canada Hwy
'Hwy ([2-9]|1[0-5])\b': 5038, // 5038: Manitoba - Provincial Trunk Highway
'Hwy (1[7-9]|[2-9]\d|1\d{2})\b': 5038, // 5038: Manitoba - Provincial Trunk Highway
'Hwy (20\d|2[1-9]\d|[3-9]\d{2})\b': 5039 // 5039: Manitoba - Provincial Rd
"Ontario": {
'QEW': 5058, // 5058: Ontario QEW
'Hwy 17' : 5000, // 5000: National - Trans-Canada Hwy
'Hwy 407 ETR' : 5060, // 5060: Ontario ETR
'Hwy 412' : 5059, // 5059: Ontario Toll Hwy
'Hwy 418' : 5059, // 5059: Ontario Toll Hwy
'Hwy ([1-9]|1[0-6])\b' : 5057, // 5057: Ontario King's Hwy 1-16
'Hwy (1[89]|[2-9]\d|[1-3]\d{2}|40[0-6])\b' : 5057, // 5057: Ontario King's Hwy 18-406
'Hwy (40[89]|41[01])\b' : 5057, // 5057: Ontario King's Hwy 408-411
'Hwy (41[3-7])\b' : 5057, // 5057: Ontario King's Hwy 413-417
'Hwy (419|4[2-9]\d)\b' : 5057, // 5057: Ontario King's Hwy 419-499
'Hwy (50\d|5[1-9]\d|6\d{2})\b' : 5061, // 5061: Ontario Secondary Hwy 500-699
'Hwy (80\d|8[1-9]\d)\b' : 5057 // 5057: Ontario Tertiary Hwy
"Quebec": {
'Rte Transcanadienne' : 5093, // 5093: Quebec: Route Transcanadienne
'Aut ([1-9]|[1-9]\d{1,2})\b' : 5090, // 5090: Quebec Autoroute 1-999
'Rte (10\d|1[1-9]\d|[23]\d{2})\b' : 5091, // 5091: Quebec Route 100-399
'R (10\d|1[1-9]\d|[2-9]\d{2}|1[0-4]\d{2}|15[0-5]\d)\b' : 5092 // 5092: Quebec Route 100-1559
"New Brunswick": {
'Rte 2': 5000, // 5000: Trans-Canada Hwy
'Rte 16': 5000, // 5000: Trans-Canada Hwy
'Rte 1': 5112, // 5112: NB Arterial Highway 1
'Rte ([3-9]|1[0-5])\b' : 5112, // 5112: NB Arterial Highway 3-15
'Rte (1[7-9]|[2-9]\d)\b' : 5112, // 5112: NB Arterial Highway 17-99
'Rte (10\d|1[1-9]\d)\b' : 511, // 5113: NB Collector Highway 100-199
'Rte (20\d|2[1-9]\d|[3-9]\d{2})\b' : 5114 // 5114: NB Local Highway 200-999
"Nova Scotia": {
'Hwy ([1-9]|[1-9]\d)\b': 5116, // 5116: NS Trunk Hwy 1-99
'Hwy (10[0-4])\b': 5115, // 5115: NS Arterial Hwy 100-104
'Hwy (10[5-6])\b': 5000, // 5000: National Trans Canada Highway 105-106
'Hwy (10[7-9]|1[1-9]\d)\b' : 5115, // 5115: NS Aterial Hwy 107-199
'Hwy (20\d|2[1-9]\d|3\d{2})\b' : 5117 // 5117: NS Collector Hwy 200-399
"Newfoundland & Labrador": {
'Hwy 1': 5000, // 5000: National - Trans-Canada Hwy 1
'Hwy ([2-9]|[1-9]\d|[1-5]\d{2})\b' : 5129 // NLR: Newfoundland Labrador Route 2-599
"Prince Edward Island": {
'Rte 1$': 5000, // 5000: National Trans-Canada Hwy
'Rte ([2-9]|[1-9]\d{1,2})\b' : 5144 // 5144: PEI - Provincial Highway
"Yukon": {
'Hwy 1': 5145, // 5145: Yukon - Territorial Hwy - Orange
'Hwy 2': 5146, // 5146: Yukon - Territorial Hwy - Amber
'Hwy 3': 5147, // 5147: Yukon - Territorial Hwy - Maroon
'Hwy 4': 5148, // 5148: Yukon - Territorial Hwy - Brown
'Hwy 5': 5149, // 5149: Yukon - Territorial Hwy - Blue
'Hwy 6': 5150, // 5150: Yukon - Territorial Hwy - Teal
'Hwy 7': 5147, // 5147: Yukon - Territorial Hwy - Maroon
'Hwy 8': 5148, // 5148: Yukon - Territorial Hwy - Brown
'Hwy 9': 5151, // 5151: Yukon - Territorial Hwy - Black
'Hwy 10': 5151, // 5151: Yukon - Territorial Hwy - Black
'Hwy 11': 5149, // 5149: Yukon - Territorial Hwy - Blue
'Hwy 37': 5147 // 5147: Yukon - Territorial Hwy - Maroon
"Northwest Territories": {
'Hwy ([1-9]|10)\b': 5152 // 5152: NWT - Territorial Hwy 1-10
// France
73: {
'': {
'D[0-9]+[^:]*': 1092,
'N[0-9]+[^:]*': 1072,
'A[0-9]+[^:]*': 1072,
'M[0-9]+[^:]*': 1067,
'C[0-9]+[^:]*': 3333,
'T[0-9]+[^:]*': 3037
// Germany
81: {
'': {
'(A[0-9]{1,3})': 1012,
'(B[0-9]{1,3})': 1094
// Mexico
// 145: {
// },
// Ukraine
232: {
'': {
'(E[0-9]{2,3})': 1048,
'(М-[0-9]{2})': 1071,
'(Н-[0-9]{2})': 1071,
'(Р-[0-9]{2})': 1008,
'(Т-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2,3})': 1008,
'(О[0-9]{6,7})': 1085,
'(С[0-9]{6,7})': 1085
// US
235: {
"Alabama": {
'I-': 5,
'US-': 6,
"CR-": 2002,
"SR-": 2019
"Alaska": {
'I-': 5,
'US-': 6,
"CR-": 2002,
"SR-": 2017
"Arizona": {
'I-': 5,
'US-': 6,
"CR-": 2002,
"SR-": 2022
"Arkansas": {
'I-': 5,
'US-': 6,
"CR-": 2002,
"AR-": 2020,
"AR-$1 SPUR": 2020
"California": {
'I-': 5,
'US-': 6,
"CR-": 2002,
"SH-": 1082,
"SR-": 1082
"Colorado": {
'I-': 5,
'US-': 6,
"CR-": 2002,
"SH-": 2025,
"SR-": 2025
"Connecticut": {
'I-': 5,
'US-': 6,
"CR-": 2002,
"SH-": 2027,
"SR-": 2027
"Delaware": {
'I-': 5,
'US-': 6,
"CR-": 2002,
"SH-": 7,
"SR-": 7
"District of Columbia": {
'I-': 5,
'US-': 6,
"DC-": 7
"Florida": {
'I-': 5,
'US-': 6,
"CR-": 2002,
"SH-": 2030,
"SR-": 2030
"Georgia": {
'I-': 5,
'US-': 6,
"CR-": 2002,
"SH-": 2036,
"SR-": 2036
"Hawaii": {
'I-': 5,
'US-': 6,
"CR-": 2002,
"SH-": 2041,
"SR-": 2041
"Idaho": {
'I-': 5,
'US-': 6,
"CH-": 2002,
"CR-": 2002,
"SH-": 2043,
"SR-": 2043
"Illinois": {
'I-': 5,
'US-': 6,
"CH-": 2002,
"CR-": 2002,
"SH-": 2044,
"SR-": 2044
"Indiana": {
'I-': 5,
'US-': 6,
"CH-": 2002,
"CR-": 2002,
"SH-": 2045,
"SR-": 2045,
"IN-": 2045
"Iowa": {
'I-': 5,
'US-': 6,
"CH-": 2002,
"CR-": 2002,
"SH-": 7,
"SR-": 7,
"IA-": 7
"Kansas": {
'I-': 5,
'US-': 6,
"CH-": 2002,
"CR-": 2002,
"SH-": 2046,
"SR-": 2046,
"K-": 2046
"Kentucky": {
'I-': 5,
'US-': 6,
"CH-": 2002,
"CR-": 2002,
"SH-": 7,
"SR-": 7,
"Louisiana": {
'I-': 5,
'US-': 6,
"CH-": 2002,
"CR-": 2002,
"SH-": 1117,
"SR-": 1117,
"LA-": 1117,
"LA SPUR": 1115
"Maine": {
'I-': 5,
'US-': 6,
"CH-": 2002,
"CR-": 2002,
"SH-": 2051,
"SR-": 2051
"Maryland": {
'I-': 5,
'US-': 6,
"CH-": 2002,
"CR-": 2002,
"SH-": 2053,
"SR-": 2053,
"MD-": 2053
"Massachusetts": {
'I-': 5,
'US-': 6,
"CH-": 2002,
"CR-": 2002,
"SH-": 2055,
"SR-": 2055
"Michigan": {
'I-': 5,
'US-': 6,
'CR-': 2056,
'M-': 2056,
'SR-': 2056
"Minnesota": {
'I-': 5,
'US-': 6,
"CH-": 2002,
"CR-": 2002,
"SH-": 2060,
"SR-": 2060,
"MN-": 2060
"Mississippi": {
'I-': 5,
'US-': 6,
"SH-": 7,
"SR-": 7,
"MS-": 7
"Missouri": {
'I-': 5,
'US-': 6,
"CH-": 2002,
"CR-": 2002,
"SH-": 2061,
"SR-": 2061,
"MO-": 2061
"Montana": {
'I-': 5,
'US-': 6,
"CH-": 2002,
"CR-": 2002,
"SH-": 2063,
"SR-": 2063
"Nebraska": {
'I-': 5,
'US-': 6,
"CH-": 2002,
"CR-": 2002,
"SH-": 7,
"SR-": 7,
"L-": 7,
"N-": 7,
"S-": 7
"Nevada": {
'I-': 5,
'US-': 6,
"CH-": 2002,
"CR-": 2002,
"SH-": 2086,
"SR-": 2086
"New Hampshire": {
'I-': 5,
'US-': 6,
"CH-": 2002,
"CR-": 2002,
"SH-": 2076,
"SR-": 2076
"New Jersey": {
'I-': 5,
'US-': 6,
"CH-": 2002,
"CR-": 2002,
"SH-": 7,
"SR-": 7
"New Mexico": {
'I-': 5,
'US-': 6,
"CH-": 2002,
"CR-": 2002,
"SH-": 2085,
"SR-": 2085
"New York": {
'I-': 5,
'US-': 6,
"CH-": 2002,
"CR-": 2002,
"SH-": 2087,
"SR-": 2087,
"NY-": 2087,
"NY SPUR": 2087
"North Carolina": {
'I-': 5,
'US-': 6,
"CH-": 2002,
"CR-": 2002,
"SH-": 2065,
"SR-": 2065,
"NC-": 2065
"North Dakota": {
'I-': 5,
'US-': 6,
"CH-": 2002,
"CR-": 2002,
"SH-": 2070,
"SR-": 2070,
"ND-": 2070
"Ohio": {
'I-': 5,
'US-': 6,
"CH-": 2002,
"CR-": 2002,
"SH-": 2095,
"SR-": 2095
"Oklahoma": {
'I-': 5,
'US-': 6,
"SH-": 2097,
"SR-": 2097
"Oregon": {
'I-': 5,
'US-': 6,
"CH-": 2002,
"CR-": 2002,
"SH-": 2099,
"SR-": 2099
"Pennsylvania": {
'I-': 5,
'US-': 6,
"CH-": 2002,
"CR-": 2002,
"SH-": 2101,
"SR-": 2101
"Rhode Island": {
'I-': 5,
'US-': 6,
"CH-": 2002,
"CR-": 2002,
"SH-": 2108,
"SR-": 2108
"South Carolina": {
'I-': 5,
'US-': 6,
"CH-": 2002,
"CR-": 2002,
"SH-": 2109,
"SR-": 2109,
"SC-": 2109
"South Dakota": {
'I-': 5,
'US-': 6,
"CH-": 2002,
"CR-": 2002,
"SH-": 2114,
"SR-": 2114,
"SD-": 2114
"Tennessee": {
'I-': 5,
'US-': 6,
"CH-": 2002,
"CR-": 2002,
"SH-": 2115,
"SR-": 2115
"Texas": {
'I-': 5,
'US-': 6,
"SH-": 2117,
"SR-": 2117
"Utah": {
'I-': 5,
'US-': 6,
"CH-": 2002,
"CR-": 2002,
"SH-": 2127,
"SR-": 2127
"Vermont": {
'I-': 5,
'US-': 6,
"CH-": 2002,
"CR-": 2002,
"SH-": 2131,
"SR-": 2131
"Virginia": {
'I-': 5,
'US-': 6,
"CH-": 2002,
"CR-": 2002,
"SH-": 2128,
"SR-": 2128
"Washington": {
'I-': 5,
'US-': 6,
"CH-": 2002,
"CR-": 2002,
"SH-": 2133,
"SR-": 2133
"West Virginia": {
'I-': 5,
'US-': 6,
"CH-": 2002,
"CR-": 2002,
"SH-": 2138,
"SR-": 2138,
"WV-": 2138,
"Wisconsin": {
'I-': 5,
'US-': 6,
"CH-": 2137,
"CR-": 2137,
"SH-": 2135,
"SR-": 2135,
"WIS-": 2135,
"WIS SPUR": 2135
"Wyoming": {
'I-': 5,
'US-': 6,
"CH-": 2002,
"CR-": 2002,
"SH-": 2143,
"SR-": 2143,
"WY-": 2143,
// Uruguay
236: {
'': {
'Ruta': 1111
// Réunion
262: {
'': {
'D[0-9]+[^:]*': 1092,
'N[0-9]+[^:]*': 1072
// Guadeloupe
590: {
'': {
'D[0-9]+[^:]*': 1092,
'N[0-9]+[^:]*': 1072
// French Guyana
594: {
'': {
'D[0-9]+[^:]*': 1092,
'N[0-9]+[^:]*': 1072
// Martinique
596: {
'': {
'D[0-9]+[^:]*': 1092,
'N[0-9]+[^:]*': 1072
// Wallis and Futuna
681: {
'': {
'D[0-9]+[^:]*': 1092,
'N[0-9]+[^:]*': 1072
// French Polynesia
689: {
'': {
'D[0-9]+[^:]*': 1092,
'N[0-9]+[^:]*': 1072
const Strings = {
'en': {
'enableScript': 'Script enabled',
'HighSegShields': 'Segments with Shields',
'HighSegShieldsClr': 'Segments with Shields',
'ShowSegShields': 'Show Segment Shields on Map',
'SegShieldMissing': 'Segments that might be missing shields',
'SegShieldMissingClr': 'Segments that might be missing shields',
'SegShieldError': "Segments that have shields but maybe shouldn't",
'SegShieldErrorClr': "Segments that have shields but maybe shouldn't",
'HighNodeShields': 'Nodes with Shields (TG)',
'HighNodeShieldsClr': 'Nodes with Shields (TG)',
'ShowNodeShields': 'Show Node Shield Info',
'ShowExitShields': 'Has Exit Signs',
'ShowTurnTTS': 'Has TIO',
'AlertTurnTTS': 'Alert if TTS is different from default',
'NodeShieldMissing': 'Nodes that might be missing shields',
'NodeShieldMissingClr': 'Nodes that might be missing shields',
'resetSettings': 'Reset Settings',
'disabledFeat': '(Feature not configured for this country)',
'ShowTowards': 'Has Towards',
'ShowVisualInst': 'Has Visual Instruction',
'SegHasDir': 'Segment Shields with direction',
'SegHasDirClr': 'Segment Shields with direction',
'SegInvDir': 'Segment Shields without direction',
'SegInvDirClr': 'Segment Shields without direction',
'IconHead': 'Map Icons',
'HighlightHead': 'Highlights',
'HighlightColors': 'Highlight Colors',
'ShowRamps': 'Include Ramps',
'mHPlus': 'Only show on minor highways or greater',
'titleCase': 'Segments/nodes with direction not in large-and-small-caps format',
'TitleCaseClr': 'Segments/nodes with direction not in large-and-small-caps format',
'TitleCaseSftClr': 'Direction in free text might not be in large-and-small-caps format',
'checkTWD': 'Include Towards field',
'checkTTS': 'Include TTS field',
'checkVI': 'Include Visual Instruction field'
'en-us': {
'enableScript': 'Script enabled',
'HighSegShields': 'Segments with Shields',
'HighSegShieldsClr': 'Segments with Shields',
'ShowSegShields': 'Show Segment Shields on Map',
'SegShieldMissing': 'Segments that might be missing shields',
'SegShieldMissingClr': 'Segments that might be missing shields',
'SegShieldError': "Segments that have shields but maybe shouldn't",
'SegShieldErrorClr': "Segments that have shields but maybe shouldn't",
'HighNodeShields': 'Nodes with Shields (TG)',
'HighNodeShieldsClr': 'Nodes with Shields (TG)',
'ShowNodeShields': 'Show Node Shield Info',
'ShowExitShields': 'Has Exit Signs',
'ShowTurnTTS': 'Has TIO',
'AlertTurnTTS': 'Alert if TTS is different from default',
'NodeShieldMissing': 'Nodes that might be missing shields',
'NodeShieldMissingClr': 'Nodes that might be missing shields',
'resetSettings': 'Reset Settings',
'disabledFeat': '(Feature not configured for this country)',
'ShowTowards': 'Has Towards',
'ShowVisualInst': 'Has Visual Instruction',
'SegHasDir': 'Segment Shields with direction',
'SegHasDirClr': 'Segment Shields with direction',
'SegInvDir': 'Segment Shields without direction',
'SegInvDirClr': 'Segment Shields without direction',
'IconHead': 'Map Icons',
'HighlightHead': 'Highlights',
'HighlightColors': 'Highlight Colors',
'ShowRamps': 'Include Ramps',
'mHPlus': 'Only show on minor highways or greater',
'titleCase': 'Segments/nodes with direction not in large-and-small-caps format',
'TitleCaseClr': 'Segments/nodes with direction not in large-and-small-caps format',
'TitleCaseSftClr': 'Direction in free text might not be in large-and-small-caps format',
'checkTWD': 'Include Towards field',
'checkTTS': 'Include TTS field',
'checkVI': 'Include Visual Instruction field'
'es-419' : {
'enableScript': 'Script habilitado',
'HighSegShields': 'Segmentos con escudos',
'HighSegShieldsClr': 'Segmentos con escudos',
'ShowSegShields': 'Mostrar escudos de segmentos en el mapa',
'SegShieldMissing': 'Segmentos a los que les pueden faltar escudos',
'SegShieldMissingClr': 'Segmentos a los que les pueden faltar escudos',
'SegShieldError': "Segmentos que tienen escudos y quizá no deberían",
'SegShieldErrorClr': "Segmentos que tienen escudos y quizá no deberían",
'HighNodeShields': 'Nodos con escudos (TG)',
'HighNodeShieldsClr': 'Nodos con escudos (TG)',
'ShowNodeShields': 'Mostrar Info de Escudo en Nodo',
'ShowExitShields': 'Incluir iconos de giro (si existen)',
'ShowTurnTTS': 'Incuir TTS',
'AlertTurnTTS': 'Alertar si TTS fue modificado',
'NodeShieldMissing': 'Nodos a los que les pueden faltar escudos',
'NodeShieldMissingClr': 'Nodos a los que les pueden faltar escudos',
'resetSettings': 'Reiniciar ajustes',
'disabledFeat': '(Funcionalidad no configurada para ese país)',
'ShowTowards': 'Incluir dirección (si existe)',
'ShowVisualInst': 'Incluir instrucción visual',
'SegHasDir': 'Escudos con dirección',
'SegHasDirClr': 'Escudos con dirección',
'SegInvDir': 'Escudos sin dirección',
'SegInvDirClr': 'Escudos sin dirección',
'IconHead': 'Iconos en mapa',
'HighlightHead': 'Destacar',
'HighlightColors': 'Reseña de Colores',
'ShowRamps': 'Incluir Rampas',
'mHPlus': 'Only show on minor highways or greater',
'titleCase': 'Segments/nodes with direction not in large-and-small-caps format',
'TitleCaseClr': 'Segments/nodes with direction not in large-and-small-caps format',
'TitleCaseSftClr': 'Direction in free text might not be in large-and-small-caps format',
'checkTWD': 'Include Towards field',
'checkTTS': 'Include TTS field',
'checkVI': 'Include Visual Instruction field'
'uk': {
"enableScript":"Скріпт ввімкнено",
"HighSegShields":"Сегменти з шильдами",
"HighSegShieldsClr":"Сегменти з шильдами",
"ShowSegShields":"Показувати шильди на мапі",
"SegShieldMissing":"Сегменти, яким можливо потрібні шильди",
"SegShieldMissingClr":"Сегменти, яким можливо потрібні шильди",
"SegShieldError":"Сегменти, які мають шильди, але можливо вони непотрібні",
"SegShieldErrorClr":"Сегменти, які мають шильди, але можливо вони непотрібні",
"HighNodeShields":"Вузли з шильдами (TG)",
"HighNodeShieldsClr":"Вузли з шильдами (TG)",
"ShowNodeShields":"Показувати деталі шильда на вузлі ",
"ShowExitShields":"Включити іконку повороту (якщо вони є)",
"ShowTurnTTS":"Ввімкнути TTS",
"AlertTurnTTS":"Сповіщати, якщо TTS відрізняється від типового",
"NodeShieldMissing":"Вузли, на яких можуть бути відсутні щити",
"NodeShieldMissingClr":"Вузли, на яких можуть бути відсутні щити",
"resetSettings":"Скинути налаштування",
"disabledFeat":"Відсутні налаштування для цієї страни",
"ShowTowards":"Включаючи Towards (якщо існує)",
"ShowVisualInst":"Включаючи візуальні інструкції",
"SegHasDir":"Шильди з напрямками",
"SegHasDirClr":"Шильди з напрямками",
"SegInvDir":"Шильди без напрямків",
"SegInvDirClr":"Шильди без напрямків",
"IconHead":"Іконки на мапі",
"HighlightColors":"Кольори підсвічування",
"ShowRamps":"Включаючи рампи",
'mHPlus': 'Only show on minor highways or greater',
'titleCase': 'Segments/nodes with direction not in large-and-small-caps format',
'TitleCaseClr': 'Segments/nodes with direction not in large-and-small-caps format',
'TitleCaseSftClr': 'Direction in free text might not be in large-and-small-caps format',
'checkTWD': 'Include Towards field',
'checkTTS': 'Include TTS field',
'checkVI': 'Include Visual Instruction field'
'fr': {
"enableScript":"Script activé",
"HighSegShields":"Segments avec cartouche",
"HighSegShieldsClr":"Segments avec cartouche",
"ShowSegShields":"Afficher les cartouches sur la carte",
"SegShieldMissing":"Segments dont le cartouche pourrait manquer",
"SegShieldMissingClr":"Segments dont le cartouche pourrait manquer",
"SegShieldError":"Segments ayant un cartouche mais ne devraient peut-être pas",
"SegShieldErrorClr":"Segments ayant un cartouche mais ne devraient peut-être pas",
"HighNodeShields":"Noeuds avec cartouche (TG)",
"HighNodeShieldsClr":"Noeuds avec cartouche (TG)",
"ShowNodeShields":"Afficher les infos des cartouches de noeuds",
"ShowExitShields":"As des panneaux de sortie",
"ShowTurnTTS":"Has TIO",
"AlertTurnTTS":"Alert if TTS is different from default",
"NodeShieldMissing":"Noeud dont le cartouche pourrait manquer",
"NodeShieldMissingClr":"Noeud dont le cartouche pourrait manquer",
"resetSettings":"Réinitialiser les paramètres",
"disabledFeat":"Feature not configured for this country",
"ShowTowards":'As "En direction de"',
"ShowVisualInst":"As des instructions visuelles",
"SegHasDir":"Cartouche de segment avec direction",
"SegHasDirClr":"Cartouche de segment avec direction",
"SegInvDir":"Cartouche de segment sans direction",
"SegInvDirClr":"Cartouche de segment sans direction",
"IconHead":"Icônes de carte",
"HighlightColors":"Couleurs de surlignage",
"ShowRamps":"Inclure les bretelles",
"mHPlus":"Only show on minor highways or greater",
"titleCase":"Segments/nodes with direction not in large-and-small-caps format",
"TitleCaseClr":"Segments/nodes with direction not in large-and-small-caps format",
"TitleCaseSftClr":"Direction in free text might not be in large-and-small-caps format",
"checkTWD":'Inclure le champ "en direction de"',
"checkTTS":"Inclure le champ TTS",
"checkVI":"Inclure le champ d'instruction visuel"
const CheckAltName = [
// France
let BadNames = [];
let rsaSettings;
let UpdateObj;
let SetTurn;
let rsaMapLayer;
let rsaIconLayer;
let LANG;
console.log('RSA: initializing...');
function rsaBootstrap(tries = 0) {
if (W && W.map && W.model && W.loginManager.user && $ && WazeWrap.Ready) {
} else if (tries < 500) {
setTimeout(() => {
rsaBootstrap(tries + 1);
}, 200);
} else {
console.error('RSA: Failed to load');
function initRSA() {
UpdateObj = require('Waze/Action/UpdateObject');
SetTurn = require('Waze/Model/Graph/Actions/SetTurn');
const rsaCss = [
'.rsa-wrapper {position:relative;width:100%;font-size:12px;font-family:"Rubik", "Boing-light", sans-serif;user-select:none;}',
'.rsa-section-wrapper {display:block;width:100%;padding:4px;}',
'.rsa-section-wrapper.border {border-bottom:1px solid grey;margin-bottom:5px;}',
'.rsa-header {font-weight:bold;}',
'.rsa-option-container {padding:3px;}',
'.rsa-option-container.no-display {display:none;}',
'.rsa-option-container.sub {margin-left:20px;}',
'input[type="checkbox"].rsa-checkbox {display:inline-block;position:relative;top:3px;vertical-align:top;margin:0;}',
'input[type="color"].rsa-color-input {display:inline-block;position:relative;width:20px;padding:0px 1px;border:0px;vertical-align:top;cursor:pointer;}',
'input[type="color"].rsa-color-input:focus {outline-width:0;}',
'label.rsa-label {display:inline-block;position:relative;max-width:80%;vertical-align:top;font-weight:normal;padding-left:5px;word-wrap:break-word;}',
'.group-title.toolbar-top-level-item-title.rsa:hover {cursor:pointer;}'
].join(' ');
const $rsaTab = $('<div>');
$rsaTab.html = ([
`<div class='rsa-wrapper' id='rsa-tab-wrapper'>
<div style='margin-bottom:5px;border-bottom:1px solid black;'>
<span style='font-weight:bold;'>
<a href='https://www.waze.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1851&t=315748' target='_blank' style='text-decoration:none;'>Road Shield Assistant</a>
</span> - v${GM_info.script.version}
<div class='rsa-option-container'>
<input type=checkbox class='rsa-checkbox' id='rsa-enableScript' />
<label class='rsa-label' for='rsa-enableScript'><span id='rsa-text-enableScript'></span></label>
<div class='rsa-option-container'>
<input type=checkbox class='rsa-checkbox' id='rsa-ShowRamps' />
<label class='rsa-label' for='rsa-ShowRamps'><span id='rsa-text-ShowRamps'></span></label>
<div class='rsa-option-container'>
<input type=checkbox class='rsa-checkbox' id='rsa-mHPlus' />
<label class='rsa-label' for='rsa-mHPlus'><span id='rsa-text-mHPlus'></span></label>
<span id='rsa-text-IconHead' class='rsa-header'></span>
<div style='border-top:2px solid black;'>
<div class='rsa-option-container'>
<input type=checkbox class='rsa-checkbox' id='rsa-ShowSegShields' />
<label class='rsa-label' for='rsa-ShowSegShields'><span id='rsa-text-ShowSegShields'></span></label>
<div class='rsa-option-container no-display'>
<input type=checkbox class='rsa-checkbox' id='rsa-NodeShieldMissing' />
<label class='rsa-label' for='rsa-NodeShieldMissing'><span id='rsa-text-NodeShieldMissing'></span></label>
<div class='rsa-option-container'>
<input type=checkbox class='rsa-checkbox' id='rsa-ShowNodeShields' />
<label class='rsa-label' for='rsa-ShowNodeShields'><span id='rsa-text-ShowNodeShields'></span></label>
<div class='rsa-option-container sub'>
<input type=checkbox class='rsa-checkbox' id='rsa-ShowExitShields' />
<label class='rsa-label' for='rsa-ShowExitShields'><span id='rsa-text-ShowExitShields'></span></label>
<div class='rsa-option-container sub'>
<input type=checkbox class='rsa-checkbox' id='rsa-ShowTurnTTS' />
<label class='rsa-label' for='rsa-ShowTurnTTS'><span id='rsa-text-ShowTurnTTS'></span></label>
<div class='rsa-option-container sub'>
<input type=checkbox class='rsa-checkbox' id='rsa-ShowTowards' />
<label class='rsa-label' for='rsa-ShowTowards'><span id='rsa-text-ShowTowards'></span></label>
<div class='rsa-option-container sub'>
<input type=checkbox class='rsa-checkbox' id='rsa-ShowVisualInst' />
<label class='rsa-label' for='rsa-ShowVisualInst'><span id='rsa-text-ShowVisualInst'></span></label>
<div class='rsa-option-container sub' style='display:none;'>
<input type=checkbox class='rsa-checkbox' id='rsa-AlertTurnTTS' />
<label class='rsa-label' for='rsa-AlertTurnTTS'><span id='rsa-text-AlertTurnTTS'></span></label>
<span id='rsa-text-HighlightHead' class='rsa-header'></span>
<div style='border-top:2px solid black;'>
<div class='rsa-option-container' style='display:none;'>
<input type=checkbox class='rsa-checkbox' id='rsa-HighNodeShields' />
<label class='rsa-label' for='rsa-HighNodeShields'><span id='rsa-text-HighNodeShields'></span></label>
<div class='rsa-option-container'>
<input type=checkbox class='rsa-checkbox' id='rsa-HighSegShields' />
<label class='rsa-label' for='rsa-HighSegShields'><span id='rsa-text-HighSegShields'></span></label>
<div class='rsa-option-container'>
<input type=checkbox class='rsa-checkbox' id='rsa-SegHasDir' />
<label class='rsa-label' for='rsa-SegHasDir'><span id='rsa-text-SegHasDir'></span></label>
<div class='rsa-option-container'>
<input type=checkbox class='rsa-checkbox' id='rsa-SegInvDir' />
<label class='rsa-label' for='rsa-SegInvDir'><span id='rsa-text-SegInvDir'></span></label>
<div class='rsa-option-container' id='rsa-container-titleCase'>
<input type=checkbox class='rsa-checkbox' id='rsa-titleCase' />
<label class='rsa-label' for='rsa-titleCase'><span id='rsa-text-titleCase'></span></label>
<div class='rsa-option-container sub' id='rsa-container-checkTWD'>
<input type=checkbox class='rsa-checkbox' id='rsa-checkTWD' />
<label class='rsa-label' for='rsa-checkTWD'><span id='rsa-text-checkTWD'></span></label>
<div class='rsa-option-container sub' id='rsa-container-checkTTS'>
<input type=checkbox class='rsa-checkbox' id='rsa-checkTTS' />
<label class='rsa-label' for='rsa-checkTTS'><span id='rsa-text-checkTTS'></span></label>
<div class='rsa-option-container sub' id='rsa-container-checkVI'>
<input type=checkbox class='rsa-checkbox' id='rsa-checkVI' />
<label class='rsa-label' for='rsa-checkVI'><span id='rsa-text-checkVI'></span></label>
<div class='rsa-option-container'>
<input type=checkbox class='rsa-checkbox' id='rsa-SegShieldMissing' />
<label class='rsa-label' for='rsa-SegShieldMissing'><span id='rsa-text-SegShieldMissing'></span></label>
<div class='rsa-option-container'>
<input type=checkbox class='rsa-checkbox' id='rsa-SegShieldError' />
<label class='rsa-label' for='rsa-SegShieldError'><span id='rsa-text-SegShieldError'></span></label>
<span id='rsa-text-HighlightColors' class='rsa-header'></span>
<div style='border-top:2px solid black;'>
<div class='rsa-option-container'>
<input type=color class='rsa-color-input' id='rsa-HighSegClr' />
<label class='rsa-label' for='rsa-HighSegClr'><span id='rsa-text-HighSegShieldsClr'></span></label>
<div class='rsa-option-container'>
<input type=color class='rsa-color-input' id='rsa-SegHasDirClr' />
<label class='rsa-label' for='rsa-SegHasDirClr'><span id='rsa-text-SegHasDirClr'></span></label>
<div class='rsa-option-container'>
<input type=color class='rsa-color-input' id='rsa-SegInvDirClr' />
<label class='rsa-label' for='rsa-SegInvDirClr'><span id='rsa-text-SegInvDirClr'></span></label>
<div class='rsa-option-container'>
<input type=color class='rsa-color-input' id='rsa-MissSegClr' />
<label class='rsa-label' for='rsa-MissSegClr'><span id='rsa-text-SegShieldMissingClr'></span></label>
<div class='rsa-option-container'>
<input type=color class='rsa-color-input' id='rsa-ErrSegClr' />
<label class='rsa-label' for='rsa-ErrSegClr'><span id='rsa-text-SegShieldErrorClr'></span></label>
<div class='rsa-option-container'>
<input type=color class='rsa-color-input' id='rsa-HighNodeClr' />
<label class='rsa-label' for='rsa-HighNodeClr'><span id='rsa-text-HighNodeShieldsClr'></span></label>
<div class='rsa-option-container no-display'>
<input type=color class='rsa-color-input' id='rsa-MissNodeClr' />
<label class='rsa-label' for='rsa-MissNodeClr'><span id='rsa-text-NodeShieldMissingClr'></span></label>
<div class='rsa-option-container' id='rsa-container-TitleCaseClr'>
<input type=color class='rsa-color-input' id='rsa-TitleCaseClr' />
<label class='rsa-label' for='rsa-TitleCaseClr'><span id='rsa-text-TitleCaseClr'></span></label>
<div class='rsa-option-container' id='rsa-container-TitleCaseSftClr'>
<input type=color class='rsa-color-input' id='rsa-TitleCaseSftClr' />
<label class='rsa-label' for='rsa-TitleCaseSftClr'><span id='rsa-text-TitleCaseSftClr'></span></label>
<div style='border-top:2px solid black;'>
<div class='rsa-option-container'>
<input type=button id='rsa-resetSettings' />
].join(' '));
const $rsaFixWrapper = $('<div id="rsa-autoWrapper" class="toolbar-button ItemInactive" style="display:none;margin-right:5px;">');
const $rsaFixInner = $('<div class="group-title toolbar-top-level-item-title rsa" style="margin:5px 0 0 15px;font-size:12px;">RSA Fix</div>');
WazeWrap.Interface.Tab('RSA', $rsaTab.html, setupOptions, 'RSA');
$(`<style type="text/css">${rsaCss}</style>`).appendTo('head');
// $($rsaFixInner).appendTo($rsaFixWrapper);
// $($rsaFixWrapper).appendTo($('#primary-toolbar > div'));
WazeWrap.Interface.ShowScriptUpdate(GM_info.script.name, GM_info.script.version, RSA_UPDATE_NOTES, GF_LINK, FORUM_LINK);
console.log('RSA: loaded');
async function setupOptions() {
await loadSettings();
// Create OL layer for display
rsaMapLayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector('rsaMapLayer', { uniqueName: 'rsaMapLayer' });
rsaIconLayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector('rsaIconLayer', { uniqueName: 'rsaIconLayer' });
// Set user options
function setEleStatus() {
setChecked('rsa-enableScript', rsaSettings.enableScript);
setChecked('rsa-HighSegShields', rsaSettings.HighSegShields);
setChecked('rsa-ShowSegShields', rsaSettings.ShowSegShields);
setChecked('rsa-SegShieldMissing', rsaSettings.SegShieldMissing);
setChecked('rsa-SegShieldError', rsaSettings.SegShieldError);
setChecked('rsa-HighNodeShields', rsaSettings.HighNodeShields);
setChecked('rsa-ShowNodeShields', rsaSettings.ShowNodeShields);
setChecked('rsa-ShowExitShields', rsaSettings.ShowExitShields);
setChecked('rsa-ShowTurnTTS', rsaSettings.ShowTurnTTS);
setChecked('rsa-AlertTurnTTS', rsaSettings.AlertTurnTTS);
setChecked('rsa-ShowTowards', rsaSettings.ShowTowards);
setChecked('rsa-ShowVisualInst', rsaSettings.ShowVisualInst);
setChecked('rsa-NodeShieldMissing', rsaSettings.NodeShieldMissing);
setChecked('rsa-SegHasDir', rsaSettings.SegHasDir);
setChecked('rsa-SegInvDir', rsaSettings.SegInvDir);
setChecked('rsa-ShowRamps', rsaSettings.ShowRamps);
setChecked('rsa-mHPlus', rsaSettings.mHPlus);
setChecked('rsa-titleCase', rsaSettings.titleCase);
setChecked('rsa-checkTWD', rsaSettings.checkTWD);
setChecked('rsa-checkTTS', rsaSettings.checkTTS);
setChecked('rsa-checkVI', rsaSettings.checkVI);
setValue('rsa-HighSegClr', rsaSettings.HighSegClr);
setValue('rsa-MissSegClr', rsaSettings.MissSegClr);
setValue('rsa-ErrSegClr', rsaSettings.ErrSegClr);
setValue('rsa-HighNodeClr', rsaSettings.HighNodeClr);
setValue('rsa-MissNodeClr', rsaSettings.MissNodeClr);
setValue('rsa-SegHasDirClr', rsaSettings.SegHasDirClr);
setValue('rsa-SegInvDirClr', rsaSettings.SegInvDirClr);
setValue('rsa-TitleCaseClr', rsaSettings.TitleCaseClr);
setValue('rsa-TitleCaseSftClr', rsaSettings.TitleCaseSftClr);
if (rsaSettings.titleCase === true && W.model.getTopCountry().attributes.id === 235) {
$('#rsa-container-checkTWD').css('display', 'block');
$('#rsa-container-checkTTS').css('display', 'block');
$('#rsa-container-checkVI').css('display', 'block');
} else {
$('#rsa-container-checkTWD').css('display', 'none');
$('#rsa-container-checkTTS').css('display', 'none');
$('#rsa-container-checkVI').css('display', 'none');
function setChecked(ele, status) {
$(`#${ele}`).prop('checked', status);
function setValue(ele, value) {
const inputElem = $(`#${ele}`);
inputElem.attr('value', value);
// inputElem.css('border', `1px solid ${value}`);
// Register event listeners
WazeWrap.Events.register('selectionchanged', null, removeAutoFixButton);
WazeWrap.Events.register('selectionchanged', null, tryScan);
WazeWrap.Events.register('moveend', null, removeAutoFixButton);
WazeWrap.Events.register('moveend', null, tryScan);
WazeWrap.Events.register('moveend', null, checkOptions);
WazeWrap.Events.register('afteraction', null, tryScan);
new WazeWrap.Interface.Shortcut('addShield', 'Activates the Add Shield Button', 'wmersa', 'Road Shield Assistant', rsaSettings.addShield, addShieldClick, null).add();
$('.rsa-checkbox').change(function () {
let settingName = $(this)[0].id.substr(4);
rsaSettings[settingName] = this.checked;
// Check to ensure highlight nodes and show node shields don't onverlap each other
// if (settingName = 'ShowNodeShields') {
// if (this.checked) {
// $('rsa-HighNodeShields').prop('checked', false);
// rsaSettings.HighNodeShields = false;
// }
// } else if (settingName = 'HighNodeShields') {
// if (this.checked) {
// $('rsa-ShowNodeShields').prop('checked', false);
// rsaSettings.ShowNodeShields = false;
// }
// }
$('.rsa-color-input').change(function () {
let settingName = $(this)[0].id.substr(4);
rsaSettings[settingName] = this.value;
$('#rsa-titleCase').click(function () {
if (getId('rsa-titleCase').checked) {
$('#rsa-container-checkTWD').css('display', 'block');
$('#rsa-container-checkTTS').css('display', 'block');
$('#rsa-container-checkVI').css('display', 'block');
} else {
$('#rsa-container-checkTWD').css('display', 'none');
$('#rsa-container-checkTTS').css('display', 'none');
$('#rsa-container-checkVI').css('display', 'none');
// $('#rsa-ShowNodeShields').click(function() {
// if (!getId('rsa-ShowNodeShields').checked) $('.rsa-option-container.sub').hide();
// else $('.rsa-option-container.sub').show();
// });
$('#rsa-resetSettings').click(function() {
const defaultSettings = {
lastSaveAction: 0,
enableScript: true,
HighSegShields: false,
ShowSegShields: true,
SegShieldMissing: false,
SegShieldError: false,
SegHasDir: false,
SegInvDir: false,
HighNodeShields: true,
ShowNodeShields: false,
ShowExitShields: false,
ShowTurnTTS: false,
AlertTurnTTS: false,
ShowTowards: false,
ShowVisualInst: false,
NodeShieldMissing: false,
HighSegClr: '#0066ff',
MissSegClr: '#00ff00',
ErrSegClr: '#cc00ff',
HighNodeClr: '#ff00bf',
MissNodeClr: '#ff0000',
SegHasDirClr: '#ffff00',
SegInvDirClr: '#66ffff'
rsaSettings = defaultSettings;
// Add translated UI text
LANG = I18n.currentLocale().toLowerCase();
if (!Strings[LANG]) LANG = 'en';
for (let i=0; i < Object.keys(Strings[LANG]).length; i++) {
let key = Object.keys(Strings[LANG])[i]
$('#rsa-resetSettings').attr('value', Strings[LANG]['resetSettings']);
async function loadSettings() {
const localSettings = $.parseJSON(localStorage.getItem('RSA_Settings'));
const serverSettings = await WazeWrap.Remote.RetrieveSettings('RSA_Settings');
if (!serverSettings) {
console.error('RSA: Error communicating with WW settings server');
const defaultSettings = {
lastSaveAction: 0,
enableScript: true,
HighSegShields: false,
ShowSegShields: true,
SegShieldMissing: false,
SegShieldError: false,
SegHasDir: false,
SegInvDir: false,
HighNodeShields: true,
ShowNodeShields: false,
ShowExitShields: false,
ShowTurnTTS: false,
AlertTurnTTS: false,
ShowTowards: false,
ShowVisualInst: false,
NodeShieldMissing: false,
HighSegClr: '#0066ff',
MissSegClr: '#00ff00',
ErrSegClr: '#cc00ff',
HighNodeClr: '#ff00bf',
MissNodeClr: '#ff0000',
SegHasDirClr: '#ffff00',
SegInvDirClr: '#66ffff',
TitleCaseClr: '#ff9933',
TitleCaseSftClr: '#ffff66',
ShowRamps: true,
mHPlus: false,
titleCase: false,
checkTWD: false,
checkTTS: false,
checkVI: false,
addShield: ''
rsaSettings = $.extend({}, defaultSettings, localSettings);
if (serverSettings && serverSettings.lastSaveAction > rsaSettings.lastSaveAction) {
$.extend(rsaSettings, serverSettings);
// console.log('RSA: server settings used');
} else {
// console.log('RSA: local settings used');
// If there is no value set in any of the stored settings then use the default
Object.keys(defaultSettings).forEach((funcProp) => {
if (!rsaSettings.hasOwnProperty(funcProp)) {
rsaSettings[funcProp] = defaultSettings[funcProp];
async function saveSettings() {
const {
} = rsaSettings;
const localSettings = {
lastSaveAction: Date.now(),
// Grab keyboard shortcuts and store them for saving
for (const name in W.accelerators.Actions) {
const {shortcut, group} = W.accelerators.Actions[name];
if (group === 'wmersa') {
let TempKeys = '';
if (shortcut) {
if (shortcut.altKey === true) {
TempKeys += 'A';
if (shortcut.shiftKey === true) {
TempKeys += 'S';
if (shortcut.ctrlKey === true) {
TempKeys += 'C';
if (TempKeys !== '') {
TempKeys += '+';
if (shortcut.keyCode) {
TempKeys += shortcut.keyCode;
} else {
TempKeys = '-1';
localSettings[name] = TempKeys;
// Required for the instant update of changes to the keyboard shortcuts on the UI
rsaSettings = localSettings;
if (localStorage) {
localStorage.setItem('RSA_Settings', JSON.stringify(localSettings));
const serverSave = await WazeWrap.Remote.SaveSettings('RSA_Settings', localSettings);
if (serverSave === null) {
console.warn('RSA: User PIN not set in WazeWrap tab');
} else {
if (serverSave === false) {
console.error('RSA: Unable to save settings to server');
function getId(ele) {
return document.getElementById(ele);
function checkOptions() {
const countries = W.model.countries.getObjectArray();
if (countries.length < 1) {
setTimeout(function() { checkOptions(); }, 500);
} else {
let allowFeat = false;
for (let i=0; i < countries.length; i++) {
if (RoadAbbr[countries[i].id]) allowFeat = true;
if (!allowFeat) {
$(`#rsa-text-SegShieldMissing`).prop('checked', false);
$(`#rsa-text-SegShieldError`).prop('checked', false);
$(`#rsa-text-NodeShieldMissing`).prop('checked', false);
$(`#rsa-text-SegShieldMissing`).text(Strings[LANG]['SegShieldMissing'] + ' ' + Strings[LANG]['disabledFeat']);
$(`#rsa-text-SegShieldError`).text(Strings[LANG]['SegShieldError'] + ' ' + Strings[LANG]['disabledFeat']);
$(`#rsa-text-NodeShieldMissing`).text(Strings[LANG]['NodeShieldMissing'] + ' ' + Strings[LANG]['disabledFeat']);
$(`#rsa-SegShieldMissing`).prop('disabled', true);
$(`#rsa-SegShieldError`).prop('disabled', true);
$(`#rsa-NodeShieldMissing`).prop('disabled', true);
rsaSettings.SegShieldMissing = false;
rsaSettings.SegShieldError = false;
rsaSettings.NodeShieldMissing = false;
} else {
$(`#rsa-text-SegShieldMissing`).prop('checked', rsaSettings.SegShieldMissing);
$(`#rsa-text-SegShieldError`).prop('checked', rsaSettings.SegShieldError);
$(`#rsa-text-NodeShieldMissing`).prop('checked', rsaSettings.NodeShieldMissing);
$(`#rsa-SegShieldMissing`).prop('disabled', false);
$(`#rsa-SegShieldError`).prop('disabled', false);
$(`#rsa-NodeShieldMissing`).prop('disabled', false);
if (W.model.getTopCountry().attributes.id !== 235) {
$('#rsa-container-titleCase').css('display', 'none');
$('#rsa-container-TitleCaseClr').css('display', 'none');
$('#rsa-container-TitleCaseSftClr').css('display', 'none');
} else {
$('#rsa-container-titleCase').css('display', 'block');
$('#rsa-container-TitleCaseClr').css('display', 'block');
$('#rsa-container-TitleCaseSftClr').css('display', 'block');
function autoFixButton() {
$('#rsa-autoWrapper').css('display', 'inline-block');
$('#rsa-autoWrapper > div').off();
// console.log(BadNames);
// Create function to fix case types when button clicked
$('#rsa-autoWrapper > div').click(function() {
const turnGraph = W.model.getTurnGraph();
for (let i=0; i < BadNames.length; i++) {
// Check if street or turn
if (BadNames[i].type) {
let strt = BadNames[i];
let dir = strt.direction;
if (dir.match(/\b(north)\b/i) != null) dir = 'Nᴏʀᴛʜ';
if (dir.match(/\b(south)\b/i) != null) dir = 'Sᴏᴜᴛʜ';
if (dir.match(/\b(east)\b/i) != null) dir = 'Eᴀꜱᴛ';
if (dir.match(/\b(west)\b/i) != null) dir = 'Wᴇꜱᴛ';
W.model.actionManager.add(new UpdateObj(strt, { 'direction': dir }));
} else {
function fixName(name) {
let temp = name;
temp = temp.replace(/\b(north)\b/ig, 'Nᴏʀᴛʜ');
temp = temp.replace(/\b(south)\b/ig, 'Sᴏᴜᴛʜ');
temp = temp.replace(/\b(east)\b/ig, 'Eᴀꜱᴛ');
temp = temp.replace(/\b(west)\b/ig, 'Wᴇꜱᴛ');
temp = temp.replace(/\b(TO)\b/ig, 'ᴛᴏ');
temp = temp.replace(/\b(VIA)\b/ig, 'ᴠɪᴀ');
temp = temp.replace(/\b(JCT)\b/ig, 'ᴊᴄᴛ');
return temp;
let turn = BadNames[i];
let turnDat = turn.getTurnData();
let turnGuid = turnDat.getTurnGuidance();
let newGuid = turnGuid;
for (s in turnGuid.roadShields) {
turnGuid.roadShields[s].direction = fixName(turnGuid.roadShields[s].direction);
if (rsaSettings.checkTWD && turnGuid.towards) turnGuid.towards = fixName(turnGuid.towards);
if (rsaSettings.checkTTS && turnGuid.tts) turnGuid.tts = fixName(turnGuid.tts);
if (rsaSettings.checkVI && turnGuid.visualInstruction) turnGuid.visualInstruction = fixName(turnGuid.visualInstruction);
turnDat = turnDat.withTurnGuidance(turnGuid);
W.model.actionManager.add(new SetTurn(turnGraph, turn.withTurnData(turnDat)));
function removeAutoFixButton() {
$('#rsa-autoWrapper > div').off();
$('#rsa-autoWrapper').css('display', 'none');
function addShieldClick() {
const selFea = W.selectionManager.getSelectedFeatures();
if (selFea && selFea.length === 1 && selFea[0].WW.getType() === 'segment') {
} else {
WazeWrap.Alerts.error(GM_info.script.name, 'You must have only 1 segment selected to use the shield editing menu');
function tryScan() {
if (!rsaSettings.enableScript) return;
// Reset the array of objects that need names fixed
BadNames = [];
function scanNode(node) {
let conSegs = node.attributes.segIDs;
for (let i=0; i < conSegs.length; i++) {
let seg1 = W.model.segments.getObjectById(conSegs[i]);
for (let j=0; j < conSegs.length; j++) {
let seg2 = W.model.segments.getObjectById(conSegs[j]);
processNode(node, seg1, seg2);
function scanSeg(seg, showInfo = false) {
processSeg(seg, showInfo);
let selFea = W.selectionManager.getSelectedFeatures();
if (selFea && selFea.length > 0) {
// if (selFea.model.type === 'segment') scanSeg(selFea.model, true);
} else {
// Scan all segments on screen
if (rsaSettings.ShowSegShields || rsaSettings.SegShieldMissing || rsaSettings.SegShieldError || rsaSettings.HighSegShields || rsaSettings.titleCase) {
_.each(W.model.segments.getObjectArray(), s => {
// Scan all nodes on screen
if (rsaSettings.HighNodeShields || rsaSettings.ShowNodeShields || rsaSettings.titleCase) {
_.each(W.model.nodes.getObjectArray(), n => {
function processSeg(seg, showNode = false) {
let segAtt = seg.attributes;
let street = W.model.streets.getObjectById(segAtt.primaryStreetID).attributes;
let cityID = W.model.cities.getObjectById(street.cityID).attributes;
let stateName = W.model.states.getObjectById(cityID.stateID).attributes.name;
let countryID = cityID.countryID;
let candidate = isSegmentCandidate(segAtt, stateName, countryID);
let hasShield = street.signType !== null;
// Exlude ramps
if (!rsaSettings.ShowRamps && segAtt.roadType === 4) return;
// Only show mH and above
if (rsaSettings.mHPlus && segAtt.roadType != 3 && segAtt.roadType != 4 && segAtt.roadType != 6 && segAtt.roadType != 7) return;
// Display shield on map
if (hasShield && rsaSettings.ShowSegShields) displaySegShields(seg, street.signType, street.signText, street.direction);
// If candidate and has shield
if (candidate.isCandidate && hasShield && rsaSettings.HighSegShields) {
if (isValidShield(segAtt)) {
createHighlight(seg, rsaSettings.HighSegClr);
} else {
createHighlight(seg, rsaSettings.ErrSegClr);
// If candidate and missing shield
if (candidate.isCandidate && !hasShield && rsaSettings.SegShieldMissing) createHighlight(seg, rsaSettings.MissSegClr);
// If not candidate and has shield
if (!candidate.isCandidate && hasShield && rsaSettings.SegShieldError) createHighlight(seg, rsaSettings.ErrSegClr);
// Highlight seg shields with direction
if (hasShield && street.direction && rsaSettings.SegHasDir) createHighlight(seg, rsaSettings.SegHasDirClr);
if (hasShield && !street.direction && rsaSettings.SegInvDir) createHighlight(seg, rsaSettings.SegInvDirClr);
// Streets without capitalized letters
if (rsaSettings.titleCase) {
const badName = matchTitleCase(street);
if (badName === true) {
createHighlight(seg, rsaSettings.TitleCaseClr, true);
// autoFixButton();
function processNode(node, seg1, seg2) {
let turn = W.model.getTurnGraph().getTurnThroughNode(node,seg1,seg2);
let turnData = turn.getTurnData();
let hasGuidence = turnData.hasTurnGuidance();
if (hasGuidence) {
if (rsaSettings.ShowNodeShields && W.map.getZoom() > 14) displayNodeIcons(node, turnData);
if (rsaSettings.titleCase) {
let badName = matchTitleCaseThroughNode(turn);
if (badName.isBad === true) {
let color = badName.softIssue ? rsaSettings.TitleCaseSftClr: rsaSettings.TitleCaseClr;
createHighlight(node, color, true);
// autoFixButton();
// Function written by kpouer to accommodate French conventions of shields being based on alt names
function isSegmentCandidate(segAtt, state, country) {
let street = W.model.streets.getObjectById(segAtt.primaryStreetID);
let candidate = isStreetCandidate(street, state, country);
if (candidate.isCandidate) {
return candidate;
if (CheckAltName.includes(country)) {
for (let i = 0; i < segAtt.streetIDs.length; i++) {
street = W.model.streets.getObjectById(segAtt.streetIDs[i]);
candidate = isStreetCandidate(street, state, country);
if (candidate.isCandidate) {
return candidate;
return candidate;
function isStreetCandidate(street, state, country) {
const info = {
isCandidate: false,
iconID: null
if (!RoadAbbr[country]) {
return info;
//Check to see if the country has states configured in RSA by looking for a key with nothing in it
const noStates = '' in RoadAbbr[country];
const name = street.name;
const abbrvs = noStates ? RoadAbbr[country][''] : RoadAbbr[country][state];
for (let i=0; i < Object.keys(abbrvs).length; i++) {
if (name) {
if (noStates) {
const abrKey = Object.keys(abbrvs)[i];
const abbr = new RegExp(abrKey, 'g');
const isMatch = name.match(abbr);
if (isMatch && name === isMatch[0]) {
info.isCandidate = true;
info.iconID = abbrvs[abrKey];
} else {
const abbr = Object.keys(abbrvs)[i];
const isMatch = name.includes(abbr);
if (isMatch) {
// console.log(abbrvs[abbr]);
info.isCandidate = true;
info.iconID = abbrvs[abbr];
return info;
function isValidShield(segAtt) {
let primaryStreet = W.model.streets.getObjectById(segAtt.primaryStreetID);
if (primaryStreet.name === primaryStreet.signText) {
return true;
for (var i = 0;i<segAtt.streetIDs.length;i++) {
let street = W.model.streets.getObjectById(segAtt.streetIDs[i]);
if (street.name === primaryStreet.signText) {
return true;
return false;
function matchTitleCase(street) {
const dir = street.direction;
let isBad = false;
if (dir !== '' && dir !== null) {
// console.log(dir);
if (dir.match(/\b(north|south|east|west)\b/i) != null) isBad = true;
if (dir.match(/([ᴀʙᴄᴅᴇꜰɢʜɪᴊᴋʟᴍɴᴏᴘʀꜱᴛᴜᴠᴡʏᴢ][a-z]|[a-z][ᴀʙᴄᴅᴇꜰɢʜɪᴊᴋʟᴍɴᴏᴘʀꜱᴛᴜᴠᴡʏᴢ])/) != null) isBad = true;
if (isBad === true) {
if (BadNames.length === 0) {
} else {
let isDuplicate = false;
for (let i=0; i < BadNames.length; i++) {
// if (BadNames[i].type) console.log(BadNames[i].id === street.id);
if (BadNames[i].type && BadNames[i].id === street.id) isDuplicate = true;
if (!isDuplicate) BadNames.push(street);
return isBad;
function matchTitleCaseThroughNode(turn) {
const turnData = turn.getTurnData();
const turnGuid = turnData.getTurnGuidance();
const shields = turnGuid.getRoadShields();
const twd = turnGuid.getTowards();
const tts = turnGuid.getTTS();
const VI = turnGuid.getVisualInstruction();
let info = {
isBad: false,
softIssue: false
function checkText(txt, isSoft = false) {
if (txt !== '' && txt !== null) {
if (txt.match(/\b(north|south|east|west)\b/i) != null) { info.isBad = true; if (isSoft) info.softIssue = true; }
if (txt.match(/\b(TO|VIA|JCT)\b/i) != null) { info.isBad = true; if (isSoft) info.softIssue = true; }
if (txt.match(/([ᴀʙᴄᴅᴇꜰɢʜɪᴊᴋʟᴍɴᴏᴘʀꜱᴛᴜᴠᴡʏᴢ][a-z]|[a-z][ᴀʙᴄᴅᴇꜰɢʜɪᴊᴋʟᴍɴᴏᴘʀꜱᴛᴜᴠᴡʏᴢ])/) != null) { info.isBad = true; if (isSoft) info.softIssue = true; }
function checkTTStext(txt, isSoft = false) {
if (txt !== '' && txt !== null) {
if (txt.match(/(Nᴏʀᴛʜ|Sᴏᴜᴛʜ|Eᴀꜱᴛ|Wᴇꜱᴛ)/) != null) { info.isBad = true; if (isSoft) info.softIssue = true; }
if (txt.match(/(ᴛᴏ|ᴠɪᴀ|ᴊᴄᴛ)/) != null) { info.isBad = true; if (isSoft) info.softIssue = true; }
if (txt.match(/([ᴀʙᴄᴅᴇꜰɢʜɪᴊᴋʟᴍɴᴏᴘʀꜱᴛᴜᴠᴡʏᴢ][a-z]|[a-z][ᴀʙᴄᴅᴇꜰɢʜɪᴊᴋʟᴍɴᴏᴘʀꜱᴛᴜᴠᴡʏᴢ])/) != null) { info.isBad = true; if (isSoft) info.softIssue = true; }
if (shields) {
_.each(shields, (s) => {
if (twd && twd !== "" && rsaSettings.checkTWD) checkText(twd, true);
if (tts && tts !== "" && rsaSettings.checkTTS) checkTTStext(tts, true);
if (VI && VI !== "" && rsaSettings.checkVI) checkText(VI, true);
if (info.isBad === true) BadNames.push(turn);
return info;
function displayNodeIcons(node, turnDat) {
const geo = node.getOLGeometry().clone();
const trnGuid = turnDat.getTurnGuidance();
const GUIDANCE = {
shields: {
exists: false,
color: '',
width: 30,
height: 30,
sign: '6',
txt: 'TG'
exitsign: {
exists: false,
color: '',
width: 30,
height: 20,
sign: '2159',
txt: 'EX'
tts: {
exists: false,
color: '',
width: 30,
height: 30,
sign: '7',
txt: 'TIO'
towards: {
exists: false,
color: '',
width: 30,
height: 30,
sign: '7',
txt: 'TW'
visualIn: {
exists: false,
color: '',
width: 30,
height: 30,
sign: '7',
txt: 'VI'
let count = 0;
GUIDANCE.shields.exists = trnGuid.getRoadShields() !== null;
if (rsaSettings.ShowExitShields) { GUIDANCE.exitsign.exists = (trnGuid.getExitSigns() !== null && trnGuid.getExitSigns().length > 0); }
if (rsaSettings.ShowTurnTTS) { GUIDANCE.tts.exists = (trnGuid.getTTS() !== null && trnGuid.getTTS().length > 0); }
if (rsaSettings.ShowTowards) { GUIDANCE.towards.exists = (trnGuid.getTowards() !== null && trnGuid.getTowards().length > 0); }
if (rsaSettings.ShowVisualInst) { GUIDANCE.visualIn.exists = (trnGuid.getVisualInstruction() !== null && trnGuid.getVisualInstruction().length > 0); }
const styleNode = {
strokeColor: rsaSettings.HighNodeClr,
strokeOpacity: 0.75,
strokeWidth: 4,
fillColor: rsaSettings.HighNodeClr,
fillOpacity: 0.75,
pointRadius: 3
let startPoint = {
x: geo.getVertices()[0].x,
y: geo.getVertices()[0].y
let lblStart = {
x: startPoint.x + LabelDistance().label,
y: startPoint.y + LabelDistance().label
// Array of points for line connecting node to icons
let points = [];
// Point coords
let pointNode = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(startPoint.x, startPoint.y);
// Label coords
var pointLabel = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(lblStart.x, lblStart.y);
// Point on node
let pointFeature = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(pointNode, null, styleNode);
// Line between node and label
var newline = new OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString(points);
var lineFeature = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(newline, null, styleNode);
_.each(GUIDANCE, (q) => {
if (q.exists) {
// console.log(q);
const styleLabel = {
externalGraphic: `https://renderer-am.waze.com/renderer/v1/signs/${q.sign}?text=${q.txt}`,
graphicHeight: q.height,
graphicWidth: q.width,
fontSize: 12,
graphicZIndex: 700
let xpoint;
let ypoint;
switch(count) {
case 0:
xpoint = lblStart.x;
ypoint = lblStart.y;
case 1:
xpoint = lblStart.x + LabelDistance().icon;
ypoint = lblStart.y;
case 2:
xpoint = lblStart.x;
ypoint = lblStart.y - LabelDistance().icon;
case 3:
xpoint = lblStart.x + LabelDistance().icon;
ypoint = lblStart.y - LabelDistance().icon;
case 4:
xpoint = lblStart.x + (LabelDistance().icon * 2);
ypoint = lblStart.y;
// Label coords
let pointLabel = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(xpoint, ypoint);
// Label
let labelFeat = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(pointLabel, null, styleLabel);
function displaySegShields(segment, shieldID, shieldText, shieldDir) {
if (W.map.getZoom() < 14) return;
const iconURL = `https://renderer-am.waze.com/renderer/v1/signs/${shieldID}?text=${shieldText}`;
let SegmentPoints = [];
let oldparam = {};
let labelDis = LabelDistance();
let width = 37;
let height = 37;
if (shieldText.length > 4 && shieldText.length < 7) {
width = 50;
height = 40;
} else if (shieldText.length > 6 && shieldText.length < 9) {
width = 80;
height = 45;
else if (shieldText.length > 8 && shieldText.length < 13) {
width = 100;
height = 50;
oldparam.x = null;
oldparam.y = null;
let AtLeastOne = false;
$.each(segment.getOLGeometry().getVertices(), function(idx, param) {
// Build a new segment with same geometry
SegmentPoints.push(new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(param.x, param.y));
// Shield icon style
const style = {
externalGraphic: iconURL,
graphicWidth: width,
graphicHeight: height,
graphicYOffset: -20,
graphicZIndex: 650
// Direction label styel
const style2 = {
label: shieldDir !== null ? shieldDir : '',
fontColor: 'green',
labelOutlineColor: 'white',
labelOutlineWidth: 1,
fontSize: 12
if (oldparam.x !== null && oldparam.y !== null) {
if ( Math.abs(oldparam.x - param.x) > labelDis.space || Math.abs(oldparam.y - param.y) > labelDis.space || AtLeastOne === false) {
let centerparam = {};
centerparam.x = ((oldparam.x + param.x) / 2);
centerparam.y = ((oldparam.y + param.y) / 2);
if ( Math.abs(centerparam.x - param.x) > labelDis.space || Math.abs(centerparam.y - param.y) > labelDis.space || AtLeastOne === false) {
LabelPoint = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(centerparam.x, centerparam.y);
const pointFeature = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(LabelPoint, null, style);
// Create point for direction label below shield icon
const labelPoint2 = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(centerparam.x, centerparam.y - labelDis.label);
const imageFeature2 = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(labelPoint2, null, style2);
rsaIconLayer.addFeatures([pointFeature, imageFeature2]);
AtLeastOne = true;
oldparam.x = param.x;
oldparam.y = param.y;
function createHighlight(obj, color, overSized = false) {
const geo = obj.getOLGeometry().clone();
let isNode = obj.type == 'node';
if (isNode) {
const styleNode = {
strokeColor: color,
strokeOpacity: overSized == true ? 1 : 0.75,
strokeWidth: 4,
fillColor: color,
fillOpacity: 0.75,
pointRadius: overSized == true ? 7 : 3
// Point coords
let pointNode = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(geo.x, geo.y);
// Point on node
var pointFeature = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(pointNode, null, styleNode);
} else {
// console.log('seg highlight')
const style = {
strokeColor: color,
strokeOpacity: overSized == true ? 1 : 0.75,
strokeWidth: overSized == true ? 7 : 4,
fillColor: color,
fillOpacity: 0.75
const newFeat = new OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString(geo.components, {});
const newVector = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(newFeat, null, style);
function removeHighlights() {
function LabelDistance() {
// Return object with two variables - label is the distance used to place the direction below the icon,
// space is the space between geo points needed to render another icon
let label_distance = {};
switch (W.map.getOLMap().getZoom()) {
case zm10:
label_distance.label = 2;
label_distance.space = 20;
label_distance.icon = 1.1;
case zm9:
label_distance.label = 2;
label_distance.space = 20;
label_distance.icon = 2.2;
case zm8:
label_distance.label = 4;
label_distance.space = 20;
label_distance.icon = 4.5;
case zm7:
label_distance.label = 7;
label_distance.space = 20;
label_distance.icon = 8.3;
case zm6:
label_distance.label = 12;
label_distance.space = 30;
label_distance.icon = 17;
case zm5:
label_distance.label = 30;
label_distance.space = 30;
label_distance.icon = 34;
case zm4:
label_distance.label = 40;
label_distance.space = 40;
label_distance.icon = 68;
case zm3:
label_distance.label = 70;
label_distance.space = 70;
label_distance.icon = 140;
case zm2:
label_distance.label = 150;
label_distance.space = 200;
label_distance.icon = null;
case zm1:
label_distance.label = 200;
label_distance.space = 250;
label_distance.icon = null;
return label_distance;