Calm Quora's annoying red notification dots

The red notifications dots on Quora are annoying, so let's make them grey. Also hide the popups, separate adverts from content, don't keep opening new tabs, and add some whitespace for readability.

< Обсуждения Calm Quora's annoying red notification dots

Отзыв: Хороший — скрипт работает как нужно

Making Quora bar into Gray

Can you make the whole bar into Calm too? In my opinion, there still too red for me :smile: It is nice if you can make Quora, Home and Add Question become Gray too

OK, I have done this for you in version 0.0.5!

But if you want to play around, you could edit the script, and try shifting the red into blue with:

filter: hue-rotate(190deg) saturate(150%);

The world is an oyster.

Создано: 04.05.2018
Отредактировано: 04.05.2018

Thank you a lot for your time! Somehow the line doesn't work in my case

GM_addStyle('.SiteHeader, .questions_to_answer_icon { filter: saturation(0%); }');

however, I get your advice changing color and it is working great for me

GM_addStyle('.SiteHeader, .questions_to_answer_icon { filter: grayscale(100%) saturate(100%); }');

Создано: 23.05.2018
Отредактировано: 26.05.2018

Quite right, I had put saturation(0%) in the code, but it should have been saturate(0%)

The latest version has lots of crazy updates.

You can toggle some things on and off by setting the options true or false at the top of the script.

That is awesome! :smiley: Thank you for your update!


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