Загрузчик Instagram

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< Обсуждения Загрузчик Instagram

Отзыв: Хороший — скрипт работает как нужно

Создано: 05.12.2023
Отредактировано: 05.12.2023

If you use to download stories only, like myself
change this line:
headers: new Headers({
'User-Agent': window.navigator.userAgent,
Origin: location.origin,
for just this:
headers: new Headers(),

it will solve the problem and download it stories normally.
(line number 714)

It didn't work for me, in the F12 console says "Cannot find post id" and "Cannot find media id"

It didn't work for me, in the F12 console says "Cannot find post id" and "Cannot find media id"

fetch(url, {
headers: new Headers(),
mode: 'cors',

check if it's like that?
On firefox it's working stories downloading for me.

fetch(url, {
headers: new Headers(),
mode: 'cors',

check if it's like that?
On firefox it's working stories downloading for me.

Exactly like this
I use Chrome, maybe that's why


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