// ==UserScript==
// @name WME Housenumbers to POI
// @version 2020.10.18.3
// @description Converts HouseNumbers to POI
// @author davidakachaos
// @include /^https:\/\/(www|beta)\.waze\.com(\/\w{2,3}|\/\w{2,3}-\w{2,3}|\/\w{2,3}-\w{2,3}-\w{2,3})?\/editor\b/
// @require https://greasyfork.org/scripts/24851-wazewrap/code/WazeWrap.js
// @require https://greasyfork.org/scripts/38421-wme-utils-navigationpoint/code/WME%20Utils%20-%20NavigationPoint.js?version=251065
// @grant none
// @namespace WME
// ==/UserScript==
/* global W */
/* global WazeWrap */
/* global NavigationPoint */
/* global I18n */
/* global OpenLayers */
/* global require */
/* global $ */
// Update 2020-10-18: Added option to use the alt city name when no city found initial
// Update 2020-10-18: Added option to set a default lock level in the settings
(function() {
function log(m) { console.log('%cWME HN2POI:%c ' + m, 'color: darkcyan; font-weight: bold', 'color: dimgray; font-weight: normal'); }
function warn(m) { console.warn('WME HN2POI: ' + m); }
function err(m) { console.error('WME HN2POI: ' + m); }
const d = window.document;
const q = d.querySelector.bind(d);
const qa = d.querySelectorAll.bind(d);
let sm = null; // Waze Selection Manager
let settings = {};
let lastDownloadTime = Date.now();
let oldSegmentsId = [];
const locales = {
en: {
makePoiButtonText: 'HN → POI',
noDuplicatesLabel: 'No POI duplicates',
defaultLockLevel: 'Default lock level'
nl: {
makePoiButtonText: 'HN → POI',
noDuplicatesLabel: 'Geen duplicaten',
defaultLockLevel: 'Standaard lock level'
ru: {
makePoiButtonText: 'HN → POI',
noDuplicatesLabel: 'Без дубликатов POI',
defaultLockLevel: 'Default lock level'
function txt(id) {
return locales[I18n.locale] === undefined ? locales['en'][id] : locales[I18n.locale][id];
// Helper to create dom element with attributes
function newEl(name, attrs) {
const el = d.createElement(name);
for (let attr in attrs) if (el[attr] !== undefined) el[attr] = attrs[attr];
return el;
function wait() {
if (!W || !W.map || !W.model) {
setTimeout(wait, 1000);
log('Waiting Waze...');
function initUI() {
const tabs = q('.nav-tabs'), tabContent = q('#user-info .tab-content');
if (!tabs || !tabContent) {
log('Waze UI not ready...');
setTimeout(initUI, 500);
const tabPaneContent = [
'<h4>WME HN2POI</h4>',
`<div class="controls"><div class="controls-container"><label for="hn2poi-default-lock-level">${txt('defaultLockLevel')}</label><select class="form-control" id="hn2poi-default-lock-level"><option value="1">1</option>`,
`<option value="2">2</option><option value="3">3</option><option value="4">4</option><option value="5">5</option><option value="6">6</option></select></div>`,
`<div class="controls-container"><input type="checkbox" id="hn2poi-no-duplicates" /><label for="hn2poi-no-duplicates">${txt('noDuplicatesLabel')}</label></div></div>`,
const tabPane = newEl('div', {id: 'sidepanel-hn2poi', className: 'tab-pane', innerHTML: tabPaneContent});
tabs.appendChild(newEl('li', {innerHTML: '<a href="#sidepanel-hn2poi" data-toggle="tab">HN2POI</a>'}));
const s = localStorage['hn2poi'];
settings = s ? JSON.parse(s) : { noDuplicates: true, defaultLockLevel: 1 };
const noDuplicatesInput = q('#hn2poi-no-duplicates');
const defaultLockLevelInput = q('#hn2poi-default-lock-level');
noDuplicatesInput.checked = settings.noDuplicates;
noDuplicatesInput.addEventListener('change', updateSettings);
defaultLockLevelInput.value = settings.defaultLockLevel;
defaultLockLevelInput.addEventListener('change', updateSettings);
log('UI initialized...');
function init() {
sm = W.selectionManager;
sm.events.register("selectionchanged", null, onSelect);
const scriptName = 'hn2poi';
RegisterKeyboardShortcut(scriptName, 'HN2POI', 'hn-to-poi', txt('makePoiButtonText'), makePOI, '-1');
window.addEventListener("beforeunload", function() {
}, false);
function updateSettings() {
settings.noDuplicates = q('#hn2poi-no-duplicates').checked;
settings.defaultLockLevel = parseInt(q('#hn2poi-default-lock-level').value);
localStorage['hn2poi'] = JSON.stringify(settings);
function onSelect() {
const fts = sm.getSelectedFeatures();
if (!fts || fts.length === 0 || fts[0].model.type !== "segment" || !fts.some(f => f.model.attributes.hasHNs)) return;
const pane = newEl('div', {className: 'form-group'});
const makePoiBtn = newEl('button', {className: 'waze-btn waze-btn-white action-button', style: 'display: inline-block', innerText: txt('makePoiButtonText')});
const delHNbtn = newEl('button', {className: 'waze-btn waze-btn-white action-button', style: 'display: inline-block', innerText: txt('delHNButtonText')});
makePoiBtn.addEventListener('click', makePOI);
q('#edit-panel .tab-pane').insertBefore(pane, q('#edit-panel .tab-pane .more-actions'));
function hasDuplicates(poi, addr) {
const venues = W.model.venues.objects;
for (let k in venues)
if (venues.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
const otherPOI = venues[k];
const otherAddr = otherPOI.getAddress().attributes;
if (
poi.attributes.name == otherPOI.attributes.name
&& poi.attributes.houseNumber == otherPOI.attributes.houseNumber
&& poi.attributes.residential == otherPOI.attributes.residential
&& addr.street.name == otherAddr.street.name
&& addr.city.attributes.name == otherAddr.city.attributes.name
&& addr.country.name == otherAddr.country.name
return true; // This is duplicate
return false;
function makePOI() {
log('Creating POIs from HouseNumbers')
const fts = sm.getSelectedFeatures();
if (!fts || fts.length === 0 || fts[0].model.type !== "segment" || !fts.some(f => f.model.attributes.hasHNs)) return;
const segs = [];
// collect all segments ids with HN
fts.forEach(f => {
if (!f.model.attributes.hasHNs)
// check the currently loaded housenumber objects
let objHNs = W.model.segmentHouseNumbers.objects;
let loadedSegmentsId = segs.filter(function(key) {
if (Object.keys(objHNs).indexOf(key) >= 0) {
return false;
} else if (oldSegmentsId.indexOf(key) < 0 || lastDownloadTime < objHNs[key].attributes.updatedOn) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
// Now we must load the housenumbers from the server which have not been loaded in
if (loadedSegmentsId.length > 0) {
lastDownloadTime = Date.now();
dataType: "json",
url: getDownloadURL(),
data: {ids: loadedSegmentsId.join(",")},
success: function(json) {
if (json.error !== undefined) {
} else {
var ids = [];
if ("undefined" !== typeof(json.segmentHouseNumbers.objects)) {
for (var k = 0; k < json.segmentHouseNumbers.objects.length; k++) {
//drawHNLine("JSON", json.segmentHouseNumbers.objects[k]);
addPoiForHN(json.segmentHouseNumbers.objects[k], 'JSON')
W.model.segmentHouseNumbers.getByIds(segs).forEach(num => {
addPoiForHN(num, 'OBJECT')
function addPoiForHN(num, source){
const epsg900913 = new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:900913");
const epsg4326 = new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:4326");
const Landmark = require('Waze/Feature/Vector/Landmark');
const AddLandmark = require('Waze/Action/AddLandmark');
const UpdateFeatureAddress = require('Waze/Action/UpdateFeatureAddress');
const seg = W.model.segments.getObjectById(num.segID);
const addr = seg.getAddress().attributes;
const newAddr = {
countryID: addr.country.id,
stateID: addr.state.id,
cityName: addr.city.attributes.name,
emptyCity: addr.city.attributes.name ? null : true,
streetName: addr.street.name,
streetEmpty: !1,
const res = new Landmark();
if (source === 'JSON'){
res.geometry = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(num.geometry.coordinates[0], num.geometry.coordinates[1]).transform(epsg4326, epsg900913);
} else {
res.geometry = num.geometry.clone();
// res.geometry.x += 10;
res.attributes.residential = true;
res.attributes.houseNumber = num.number;
// set default lock level
res.attributes.lockRank = settings.defaultLockLevel - 1;
if(newAddr.emptyCity === true){
let cityName = "";
// If we haven't found a city name, search for a alt city name and use that
if(addr.altStreets.length > 0){ //segment has alt names
for(var j=0;j<seg.attributes.streetIDs.length;j++){
var altCity = W.model.cities.getObjectById(W.model.streets.getObjectById(seg.attributes.streetIDs[j]).cityID).attributes;
if(altCity.name !== null && altCity.englishName !== ""){
cityName = altCity.name;
if(cityName !== ""){
newAddr.emptyCity = null;
newAddr.cityName = cityName;
// Setup a navigation point
let distanceToSegment = res.geometry.distanceTo(seg.geometry, { details: true })
let closestPoint = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(distanceToSegment.x1, distanceToSegment.y1);
let eep = new NavigationPoint(closestPoint);
if (settings.noDuplicates && hasDuplicates(res, addr))
W.model.actionManager.add(new AddLandmark(res));
W.model.actionManager.add(new UpdateFeatureAddress(res, newAddr));
function getDownloadURL(){
let downloadURL = "https://www.waze.com";
if (~document.URL.indexOf("https://beta.waze.com")) {
downloadURL = "https://beta.waze.com";
downloadURL += getServer();
return downloadURL;
function getServer(){
return W.Config.api_base + "/HouseNumbers"
//setup keyboard shortcut's header and add a keyboard shortcuts
function RegisterKeyboardShortcut(ScriptName, ShortcutsHeader, NewShortcut, ShortcutDescription, FunctionToCall, ShortcutKeysObj) {
// Figure out what language we are using
var language = I18n.currentLocale();
//check for and add keyboard shourt group to WME
try {
var x = I18n.translations[language].keyboard_shortcuts.groups[ScriptName].members.length;
} catch (e) {
//setup keyboard shortcut's header
W.accelerators.Groups[ScriptName] = []; //setup your shortcut group
W.accelerators.Groups[ScriptName].members = []; //set up the members of your group
I18n.translations[language].keyboard_shortcuts.groups[ScriptName] = []; //setup the shortcuts text
I18n.translations[language].keyboard_shortcuts.groups[ScriptName].description = ShortcutsHeader; //Scripts header
I18n.translations[language].keyboard_shortcuts.groups[ScriptName].members = []; //setup the shortcuts text
//check if the function we plan on calling exists
if (FunctionToCall && (typeof FunctionToCall == "function")) {
I18n.translations[language].keyboard_shortcuts.groups[ScriptName].members[NewShortcut] = ShortcutDescription; //shortcut's text
W.accelerators.addAction(NewShortcut, {
group: ScriptName
}); //add shortcut one to the group
//clear the short cut other wise the previous shortcut will be reset MWE seems to keep it stored
var ClearShortcut = '-1';
var ShortcutRegisterObj = {};
ShortcutRegisterObj[ClearShortcut] = NewShortcut;
if (ShortcutKeysObj !== null) {
//add the new shortcut
ShortcutRegisterObj = {};
ShortcutRegisterObj[ShortcutKeysObj] = NewShortcut;
//listen for the shortcut to happen and run a function
W.accelerators.events.register(NewShortcut, null, function() {
} else {
alert('The function ' + FunctionToCall + ' has not been declared');
//if saved load and set the shortcuts
function LoadKeyboardShortcuts(ScriptName) {
if (localStorage[ScriptName + 'KBS']) {
var LoadedKBS = JSON.parse(localStorage[ScriptName + 'KBS']); //JSON.parse(localStorage['WMEAwesomeKBS']);
for (var i = 0; i < LoadedKBS.length; i++) {
function SaveKeyboardShortcuts(ScriptName) {
var TempToSave = [];
for (var name in W.accelerators.Actions) {
var TempKeys = "";
if (W.accelerators.Actions[name].group == ScriptName) {
if (W.accelerators.Actions[name].shortcut) {
if (W.accelerators.Actions[name].shortcut.altKey === true) {
TempKeys += 'A';
if (W.accelerators.Actions[name].shortcut.shiftKey === true) {
TempKeys += 'S';
if (W.accelerators.Actions[name].shortcut.ctrlKey === true) {
TempKeys += 'C';
if (TempKeys !== "") {
TempKeys += '+';
if (W.accelerators.Actions[name].shortcut.keyCode) {
TempKeys += W.accelerators.Actions[name].shortcut.keyCode;
} else {
TempKeys = "-1";
var ShortcutRegisterObj = {};
ShortcutRegisterObj[TempKeys] = W.accelerators.Actions[name].id;
TempToSave[TempToSave.length] = ShortcutRegisterObj;
localStorage[ScriptName + 'KBS'] = JSON.stringify(TempToSave);