Pixiv Plus

Focus on immersive experience, 1. Block ads, directly access popular pictures 2. Use user to enter the way to search 3. Search pid and uid 4. Display original image and size, picture rename, download original image | gif map | Zip|multiple map zip 5. display artist id, artist background image 6. auto load comment 7. dynamic markup work type 8. remove redirection 9. single page sort 10. control panel select desired function github: https:/ /github.com/Ahaochan/Tampermonkey, welcome to star and fo

< Обсуждения Pixiv Plus

Отзыв: Хороший — скрипт работает как нужно


大大最近是不是失效了 那个收藏数热搜 搜索什么都是无效


参考历史问题 如果仍然无法解决,请提供包括但不限于

  1. 所用浏览器及版本号
  2. 插件扩展
  3. url链接



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